Advisor Change Policy
New students will be assigned a primary faculty advisor and a secondary advisor at the time of admission. Every graduate student is required to have a graduate advisor from the time of admission until completion of degree requirements. Students may change advisors at any time provided they can identify another regular member of the department’s graduate faculty willing to accept the position. It is the student's responsibility identify the new advisor, to notify the DGS at once and in writing of such changes, and to notify the previous advisor of the change. When a change of advisor is necessary for reasons beyond the student’s control (e.g., a faculty member leaving KU, retiring, or when the advising relationship is no longer productive), the secondary advisor is expected to step into the role on a temporary basis, unless alternative arrangements are made with the DGS and/or department chair to serve as the temporary advisor. The Anthropology Graduate Committee will give the student a defined period of time to identify the new advisor of up to six months. The DGS will assist with and monitor this process, but it will be entirely the responsibility of the student to initiate contacts, andidentify a faculty member willing to be their primary advisor.
Any faculty member has the right to refuse to continue as a student’s advisor or to serve on any student’s committee. If a student is unable to identify an Anthropology faculty member willing to serve as their advisor within six months, or sufficient faculty members in Anthropology to make up a committee, this may be grounds for dismissal.