Affiliates in Other Departments, Schools, or Institutes


Ann Kuckelman Cobb

Professor, KU Medical Center School of Nursing

Research Areas:

Medical anthropology, anthropology in nursing, qualitative research methods.

Myra J Giesen

University of Newcastle

Research Areas:

International repatriation, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act implementation, museum collection management and curation, cultural resource management, human osteology; Great Plains. 

Robert J. Hoard

State Archaeologist, Kansas State Historical Society, retired

Research Areas:

Early agricultural populations, ceramic technology, archeometry, NAGPRA compliance, public archeology; Great Plains.

Jill Kleinberg

Associate Professor, School of Business, KU 118 F Summerfield

Research Areas:

Cultural anthropology, comparative study of organizational behavior, multicultural work settings, organizational culture; Japan, U.S.

John Mitchell

Department of Genetics and Human Variation, LaTrobe University, Bundoora

Research Areas:

Use of molecular genetic markers to understand the origins and affinities of human populations, especially those of Oceania, South Asia, Native Americans, and Siberian aboriginal groups, molecular variation on the Y-chromosome (male specific) and human evolution.

Linda Redford

Director Central Plains Geriatric Education Center Assoc. Director Center on Aging, U of KS Med Ctr. Director National Resource Center on Rural Long-Term Care

Research Areas:

Aging, social and caregiver support systems, long-term care systems, rural; U.S. 

Moses Schanfield

Chair and Professor, Department of Forensic Sciences, George Washington University

Research Areas:

Genetic markers in human populations, serum protein, red cell enzymes and DNA polymorphisms, forensic applications of genetic markers, evolution of genetic systems.

Jerry A. Schultz

Scientist, Dept. of Life Span Studies Work Group on Health Promotion & Community Development, a WHO Collaborating Center 4082 Dole

Research Areas:

Community capacity building, community evaluation, community health and development, contemporary Native American issues, medical anthropology, community development; Native North America, US.

Sarah Williams-Blangero

Scientist and Chair, Dept of Genetics, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research

Research Areas:

Genetic epidemiology, infectious disease genetics, genetic management of nonhuman primates;Nepal, Tibet, Brazil.