David W. Frayer CV

Biographical sketch

David Frayer is a paleoanthropologist at the University of Kansas, where he is now professor emeritus. He has worked extensively in Europe on Neandertal, Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Medieval human dental/skeletal material, along with remains from fossil sites in Africa, the Levant, Central Asia and SE Asia. His publications have appeared in major anthropological and science journals with topics ranging from prehistoric dwarfs to the earliest evidence for drilled teeth to issues involving the relationship between Neandertal and modern populations. His books involve dental changes in Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Europe, evidence for violence in prehistory (edited with Debra Martin), an extensive, illustrated bibliography of the Krapina Neandertal site and an edited volume (with Janet Monge, Alan Mann and Jakov Radovčić) on new research at Krapina. His most recent collaborative work concerns ritual behavior in the Krapina Neandertals, determining handedness from scratches on Neandertal teeth, Krapina Neandertal inner ear structure and evidence for Neandertal jewelry at Krapina. For 2009-2011 he was a Sigma Xi Distinguished lecturer. Most of the publications are available on ResearchGate. His research on handedness was the focus of an article in Discover (June 2018).

Mailing and Home Address:

1500 Haskell Ave

Lawrence, KS 66044




B.A.  Anthropology. Miami University, Oxford, OH (1969).

M.A. Archeology. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (1971).

Ph. D. Biological Anthropology. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (1976).

Academic Positions

1969-70         Part-time Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Cleveland State University.

1972-73         Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan.

1972-73         Adjunct Lecturer, Extension Service, University of Michigan.

1973-74         Lecturer, University of Maryland Overseas Division (Germany and Italy).

1974-75         Adjunct Lecturer, Extension Service, University of Michigan.

1975-80         Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1981-89         Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1989-94         Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1990-2008     Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2006 (June) Resident scholar, Istituto Italiano di Antropologia dell’Uomo, Università La Sapienza, Roma.

2009-2013       Phased retirement as Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas. 2014 (Dec.) Professor emeritus.

Research Experience


Summer, Archeological fieldwork, Late Mississippian mound, under direction of B.C. Keel and J. Coe, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Spring, Archeological fieldwork, Fort Prince George, under direction of J. Combs, University of South Carolina, Columbia.


Summer, Archeological fieldwork, Buffalo Jump site, Snake River Canyon, under direction of F. Leonhardy, Washington State University, Pullman.


Spring, Archeological fieldwork, Original settlement of Charleston, under direction of S. South, University of S. Carolina, Columbia.


Summer, Archeological fieldwork, Franklin Glass Works, under direction of D.S. Brose, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.

1969/70a Research Assistant, Analysis of artifacts from Franklin Glass Works. Case Western       Reserve University, Cleveland.

1970b       Summer, Archeological fieldwork, Middle Woodland site, under direction of D.S. Brose, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.

1971a       Winter, Research Fellow in Human Paleopathology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C. 

1971b       Summer, Archeological fieldwork, Supervisor of excavations at Hale Homestead, (with D. S. Brose), Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland.

1973/74 Dissertation research, data collection on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic       human skeletal material from Western and Central Europe.

1979         Winter, Paleontological fieldwork, Northern Thailand with G. G. Pope, University of California, Berkeley.

1981         Winter, Paleontological museum research in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

1983         Winter, Paleontological museum research in Hungary.

1985/86 Paleontological museum research in Western and Central Europe.

1988         Summer, Paleontological museum research in Central Europe.

1992         Summer, Paleontological museum research in Central Europe and Israel.

1995a       Winter/Spring, Paleontological museum research in Central Europe.

1995b Summer, Paleontological museum research in Croatia. 1997 Summer, Paleontological museum research in Croatia.

2000         Winter, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

2003-04 Sabbatical Research in Italy, Croatia and Eritrea.

2005-06  Paleontological museum research in Italy and Croatia. 2009-20  Paleontological museum research in Italy and Croatia.

Grants Received

1971a Smithsonian Predoctoral Stipend: Paleopathology program.

1971b National Endowment for the Humanities: Excavation of the Hale Homestead, (with D. S. Brose, Case Western Reserve University.) 1973a NSF Dissertation Improvement Award.

1973b Horace H. Rackham Graduate School Grant: Dissertation fieldwork, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

  1. University of Kansas General Research Fund: Monograph preparation.
  2. University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research on Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. 1979          University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research on paleontological discoveries from N. Thailand.

1981    National Academy of Sciences: Human paleontological museum work in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

  1. National Academy of Sciences: Human paleontological museum work in Hungary.
  2. University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research concerning Hungarian Middle Ages. 1985/6 National Science Foundation: Research on the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. 1987 University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research concerning Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic.

1988    University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research concerning Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic.

1990    University of Kansas General Research Fund: Graduate research assistant.

1992a IREX. Research support for studying Linearbandkeramik skeletal material from Czechoslovakia.

1992b University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research support for evolution of Czechoslovakian Early Neolithic populations.

2003  University of Kansas General Research Fund: Research support for Krapina  bibliography.

Papers Read/Presentations

1971a Gigantopithecus and its relationship to Australopithecus. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Boston. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 35: 278.

1971b Current research in human paleopathology. American Anthropological Association, New York.

1972a The femoral gluteal line in Australopithecus. American Association of Physical

Anthropologists, Lawrence. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37: 432.)

1972b A reconsideration of the hominid characteristics of Ramapithecus. American Anthropological Association, Toronto.

  1. The continuity between Neanderthal and early Upper Paleolithic populations. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Denver. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 42: 301.
  2. PME, selection and dental reduction in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44: 179.
  3. Evolutionary rates and selection models for European late Pleistocene dental-facial change. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Seattle. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47: 132.
  4. Male/female differences in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Toronto. Abstract: AmericanJournal of Physical Anthropology 48: 395.

1980a Body size, prey type and weapons in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic.

American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Niagara Falls. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 52: 228.

1980b Evolutionary trends in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. 2nd Congress of the European Anthropology Association, Brno, CSSR.

  1. Human evolution in late prehistoric Europe. Visiting Lecture Program, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
  2. Mladeč: The earliest Upper Paleolithic site in Central Europe (with J. Jelínek). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Eugene. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57: 189.

1984a The Neandertal transition: A case for sex differences in evolutionary rates (with M.H.

Wolpoff). 3rd Congress of the European Anthropology Association, Florence. Abstract: Antropologia Contemporanea 7: 100.

1984b Dental dimensions and population dynamics in the European Mesolithic and Neolithic (with D. Cope). First Symposium on Upper Paleolithic-Mesolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Pisa. Abstract International Journal of Anthropology 1:185-186.

1984c Geographic and subsistence related variation of cranial metrics in Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe (with D. Cope). First Symposium on Upper Paleolithic-Mesolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Pisa. Abstract: International Journal of Anthropology 1:186.

  1. Evolutionary models and rates of change for traits undergoing structural reduction. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66:169-170.
  2. The supra-acetabular groove: A new discrete trait? 5th Congress of the European Anthropology Association, Lisbon.

1987a Geographical and chronological variation in the occurrence of the supra-acetabular fossa. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New York. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72: 199.

1987b Oral pathologies in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. Second Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Tel Aviv. Abstract: Human Evolution 3: 197.

1987c Les vivants et les morts: les sépultures du Paléolithique supérieur en Italie et leur interprétation. (with M. Mussi, R. Macchiarelli). Second Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Tel Aviv. Abstract: Human Evolution 3: 200-201.

1987d Patterns of morphological variability in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic: Trends for regionalization. International Symposium on Physical Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Rome.

1987e Biological evidence for difference in social patterning in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Anthropological Association, Chicago.

1987f Life and times at the end of the Ice age. KU Evolutionists, Lawrence.

1988a The evidence for prehistoric spirituality. Atonement Lutheran Church, Overland Park, KS.

1988b Human biocultural evolution at the end of the Ice Age. Université de Montréal.

1988c Neanderthals from an Upper Paleolithic perspective. Plenary Session, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City.

1988d The evolution of Europeans. One week short course, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

1988e Toothpick grooves in the Krapina dental sample (with M.D. Russell). 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb. Abstract: Collegium Antropologicum 12: 346.

1988f Neanderthals viewed from the Upper Paleolithic perspective. 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb. Abstract: Collegium Antropologicum 12: 335.

1988g Life and times at the end of the Ice age. Washington University, St. Louis.

1988h Sexual dimorphism in post-Neanderthal Europeans. American Anthropological Association, Phoenix.

1989a Postcranial metric changes in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Diego. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78: 223-224.

1989b Mitochondrial DNA, Neanderthals and the origin of modern Europeans. Emporia State University, Emporia.

1989c How paleontologists recognize the earliest humans. KU Football Saturday Seminar, Lawrence.

1989d The persistence of Neanderthal traits in the European Upper Paleolithic. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C.

1990a The evolution of modern Europeans --- Neanderthal problems. American Association for the Advancement of Science, New Orleans. 

1990b Bilateral absence of the lesser trochanter in a late Epigravettian skeleton from Arene Candide (Italy) (with V. Formicola, J.A. Heller). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Miami. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81: 239.

1990c Ofnet: Evidence for violence in the Central European Mesolithic. Third Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Budapest.

1990d Bilaterally missing lesser trochanters in a late Epigravettian skeleton from Arene Candide (Italy) (with V. Formicola, J.A. Heller). Symposium on Paleopathology, Warsaw.

1991a Ofnet: Evidence for violence in the Central European Mesolithic. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 12): 74.

1991b Form and function: Fact or fiction? (with M.H. Wolpoff, R. Caspari). American     Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee. Abstract: American         Journal of Physical AnthropologySupplement 12: 186.

1992a Terror in a dark cave: Violence in Mesolithic Europe. Invited Lecture Series, Johnson County Community College

1992b Cranial evolution in the Upper Pleistocene of Europe: Neanderthals and their successors (with R. Caspari). AAAS Annual Meeting, Chicago. Abstract: American Association for the Advancement of Science 92 Abstractsp. 61.

1992c Cranial base flattening in Europe: Neanderthals and more recent Homo sapiens. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Las Vegas. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14: 77.

1992d Out of Africa - and into Europe? Implications of the ‘Eve” theory for modern human origins (with M.H. Wolpoff). Paleoanthropology Meetings, Pittsburgh.

1992e The archaic nature of "modern" Homo sapiens from the European Upper Paleolithic. Invited paper to 3rd International Congress on Human Paleontology, Jerusalem.

1992f Neanderthals and Upper Paleolithic Europeans. Invited presentation at the international symposium entitled The Loss of Paradise, Cortona, Italy.

1992g Neanderthals: The strong silent type? Samuel Wendell Williston Club, University of Kansas. 1993a Neanderthals and the origins of Europeans. Societat Catalana de Biologia Universita de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

1993b Can language be determined from fossils? Linguistics Colloquy, University of Kansas.

1993c The origin of Europeans. University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana.

1993d Violence and terrorism in the European Mesolithic. University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana. 1993e Fontana Nuova di Ragusa (Sicily, Italy): The southernmost Aurignacian site in Europe (with M. Mussi, S. Chilardi, P. Gioia, R. Macchiarelli). Paleoanthropology Meetings, Toronto.

1993f The Kebara 2 Neanderthal hyoid only resembles humans. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Toronto. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16: 88.

1993g Ofnet: Skull burials and inter-human violence in the European Mesolithic. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C.

1994a European Neanderthals: Ancestors or offshoots. University of Missouri, Columbia.

1994b Terror in a dark cave: A German Halloween tale. Hampshire College, Amherst.

1994c Neanderthals are us. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

1995a Noi siamo Neandertaliani/Neandertals are us. Special seminar for the Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico "L. Pigorini," Rome. 

1995b Did Neanderthals talk? Istituto di Antropologia, Firenze.

1995c Did Neanderthals talk? Istituto di Antropologia, Pisa.

1995d Could the Neanderthals talk? Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest.

1995e Speaking about Neanderthals. (Neandertalci i Ijudski govor: da ili ne. )        Hrvatsko Geolosko Drustvo, Zagreb.

1997a Father my boots are freezing: Neanderthals and speech. College of Charleston, South Carolina.

1997b Neandertals are a race of Homo sapiens (with M.H. Wolpoff, F. H. Smith). Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis. Abstract: Journal of Human Evolution 32:A25.

1997c Labial scratches on the Krapina Neanderthal teeth (with C. Lalueza Fox). American

Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology(Supplement 24):113)

1997d Vocal capacity - the fossil evidence (with C. Nicolay). Invited presentation at Man, Mind and Music: The Florentine Workshops in Biomusiciology, Florence, Italy.

1997e Manipulative incisor wear in the LBK sites of Krškany (Slovakia) and Vedrovice (Czech Republic) (with S. Minozzi.) Invited presentation at Changements Biologiques et Culturels en Europe de la Fin du Paléolithique Moyen au Neolithique, Bordeaux, France.

1998    Anterior tooth scratches, handedness and manual dexterity in fossil Europeans.

Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Seattle. Abstract: Journal of Human Evolution 34:A7-8.

1999a Labial scratches, dental manipulation and handedness at Krapina (with C. Lalueza Fox). Krapina 1899-1999, August 23-26. Zagreb, Croatia

1999b Labial tooth scratches and language in Neandertals. Dinner talk, October 25, Kent State University.

1999c There is a Neandertal in your past. Mini-Conference on Human Origins, October 26. Kent State University.

2000a Neandertals are us. Mestrado em Evoluçao Humana, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (Invited Lecture Series.)

2000b Population structure in late Pleistocene and recent Europeans (with R. Caspari, J. Hawks). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 30): 152-153.

2000c The male Aurignacian crania from Mladeč caves, Moravia (with M.H. Wolpoff, M. Oliva, J.

Jelínek) American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio. (Abstract:

American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 30): 325-326.

2000d Another stab in the dark: A re-evaluation of sharp trauma (with Anne Compton). 7th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Bioarchaeology and Forensic Association.

2001a Invited Session: 100 years of biological anthropology and the AAA. Discussant American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C.

2001b Neandertals as ancestors. College of Charleston, South Carolina.

2003a New studies of old teeth: Dexterity and handedness. Stomatloškoi Fakultet, University of Zagreb.

2003b Morphological variation and species identification in Homo. Istituto di Paleontologia Humana, Universitá di Pisa.

2004a Continuous changes in lower limb lengths of Upper Paleolithic Mesolithic Europeans (with S.-H. Lee). PaleoAnthropology 2004:A74. Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Montreal. 

2004b Teeth as tools. Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Universitá di Roma Sapienza.

2004c Krapina: Old and New. Istituto di Paleontologia Humana, Universitá di Pisa.

2004d Discussant. Neanderthal Research and Digital Tools, Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann.

2004e Krapina: Some things old, Some things new. University of Missouri, Columbia.

2005a New evidence for symbolic behavior by the Krapina Neandertals (with J. Cook, J. Radovčić).

Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee. PaleoAnthropology 2005:A46. (reported in Science News 167: 244.)

2005b A pubic symphysis of early Homo from the late Pleistocene at Buia (Danakil Depression,

Eritrea) (with L. Bondioli, Y. Libsekal, L. Rook, R. Macchiarelli). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 40): 78.

2005c Changes in sexual dimorphism in Europeans in last 30,000 year. (with S-H. Lee). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee. (Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 40):140.

2005d Homo “floresiensis”? First ARKUMO conference, University of Missouri, Columbia.

2005e Big problems for a little skeleton. University Scholars. KU.

2005f Big problems for a little skeleton. California State University, Chico.

2005g Old excavations and new ideas: The Krapina Neandertal site. California State University, Chico.

2006a History of the hobbit. Hobbit Fest, University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Anthropology. 2006b A case of secondary microcephaly from Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia (with T. Jacob, E. Indriatti, R.B. Eckhardt, A.J. Kuperavage, A. Thorne, M. Henneberg). Paleopathology Association, Anchorage.

2006c Jan Jelínek’s contributions to paleoanthropology. PaleoAnthropology Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

2006d Identifying new human species: Questions and issues. Istituto Italiano di Antropologia dell’Uomo, Università La Sapienza, Roma.

2006e Krapina: Revisiting the marks on the human fossil bones. Istituto Italiano di Antropologia dell’Uomo, Università La Sapienza, Roma. 

2006f Recent finds from Flores Island. Istituto Italiano di Antropologia dell’Uomo, Università La Sapienza, Roma

2006g Some surprising Krapina cut marks. Second ARKUMO conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

2006h Neandertals and moderns – related or the same? (with M.H. Wolpoff, J.D. Hawks). Nostro Fratello Neanderthal … When we were not alone. Convegno Internazionale 21-22 October, Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy).

2006i Our earliest African ancestors. Biology Majors Club, University of Kansas.

2006j Some unusual cutmarks on the Krapina 3 and 4 Neandertals (with J. Radovčić, A. Mann J. Monge, L. Mjeda). International Symposium on Neandertals, 23-24 November, Bologna (Italy.) 

2006k Cutmarks at Vindija and Krapina. Geology Department, University of Zagreb.

2007a The Krapina Neandertals: New evidence for sorcery and surgery? University of Michigan.

2007b Geometric morphometric analysis of the UA 31 orbit (Uadi Aalad, Eritrean Danakil) (with L.

Bondioli, G.F. DeStefano,Y. Liebeskal, R. Macchiarelli, L. Rook , G. Sarao). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Philadelphia. (Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 42): 78. 

2007c Non-carious cervical tooth lesions (NCTL) from the early Neolithic site of Mehrgarh (with A.

Coppa, L. Bondioli, R. Macchiarelli, A. Nava, G. Tartaglia). American Association of

Physical Anthropologists, Philadelphia. (Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 42): 91.

2007d More than meets the eye: LB1, the transforming hominin (with R.B. Eckhardt, A.J.

Kuperavage, M. Henneberg). American Association of Physical Anthropologists,

Philadelphia. (Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Supplement 42):105.

2007e Craniosynostosis and craniofacial asymmetry in Liang Bua 1: Signs of a new species or pathology? (with T. Jacob, E. Indriatti, R.B. Eckhardt, A.J. Kuperavage, A. Thorne, M. Henneberg). International Conference on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology, Yogyakarta, July 23-25.

2007f Between the cheek and gum. Third ARKUMO conference, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

2007g New discoveries at Krapina: Evidence for ritual behavior beyond cannibalism and secondary burial (with J. Radovčić). American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.

2008a Fact and fiction about Liang Bua: The ‘hobbits.” University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

2008b The Krapina Neandertals: Evidence for violence, ritual and language. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

2008c Neandertals and us: An evaluation of our relationship in 2008. Keynote lecture at a conference celebrating 100 years of anthropology at the University of Bologna, Italy.

2009a The hobbit story. Universita della Pisa.

2009b Fact and fiction about Liang Bua: The ‘hobbits.” Kansas State University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2009c Giving a voice to the Neandertals: Language, ritual and symbolic behavior. Invited lecture to Hrdlička Congress, Prague.

2009d Neandertals and us. Brother Lucian Blersch Symposium Invited Lecture. St. Edward’s University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture. Austin.

2009e Notes on the hobbit. Department of Anthropology. Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland.

2009f Who says Neandertals are so different? Case Western Reserve University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010a  Who says Neandertals are so different? College of Charleston, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010b  Who says Neandertals are so different? The Citadel, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010c  Neandertals and us. Department of Anthropology, University of South Dakota.

2010d Fact and fiction about Liang Bua: The ‘hobbits.’ University of South Dakota, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010e Who says Neandertals are so different? Louisiana State University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010f Determining language from teeth: The Neandertal evidence. University of Kansas, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010g Teeth as repositories of prehistoric information. Dental School. Oregon Health Science University.

2010h The hobbit tale. Department of Anthropology, Portland State University.

2010i Who says Neandertals are so different? Portland State University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010j Giving some respect to Neandertals. Mini College, University of Kansas.

2010k Neandertals and us. Ohio State University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2010l The hobbit tale. Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University.

2010m Paleopathology in prehistory – the impact of pathology on the interpretation of fossils.

Invited plenary lecture, Paleopathology Association, Vienna.

2010n Who says Neandertals are so different? University of New Mexico, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2011a A preliminary paleoneurological survey of the endocast from Buia (UA-31) (with E. Bruner, L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, Y. Libsekal, R. Macchiarelli, L. Rook). PaleoAnthropology Society. 2011b A new and free database about teeth (with J-L. Voisin, S. Condemi). PaleoAnthropology Society. 

2011c Non-masticatory tooth wear at Gricignano d’Aversa, Italy (2500-1750 BCE): The importance of macro- and microscopic analysis (with A. Sperduti, P. F. Rossi, L. Bondioli). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Minneapolis. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144 (Supplement 2): 281.

2011d Who says Neandertals are so different? Western Kentucky University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2011e Neandertals and us. Northern Michigan University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture. 2011f Who says Neandertals are so different? Michigan Technical University, Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist Lecture.

2011g The hobbit tale. Mini College, University of Kansas.

2011h Neandertals and us. Iowa State University.

2012a Right-handedness in Regourdou 1 (with V. Volpato, R. Macchiarelli, D. Guatelli-Steinberg, I. Fiore, L. Bondioli). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Portland. Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 147: 146-147.)

2012b Neandertals could talk. Invited Plenary Speaker, European Anthropology Association, Ankara, Turkey.

2013a Endostructural morphology of the late Early Pleistocene human dental remains from Uadi Aalad and Mulhuli-Amo, Danakil (Afar) depression of Eritrea (with C. Zanolli, L. Bondioli, F. Candilio, A. Coppa, D. Dreossi, Y. Libsekal, L. Mancini, L. Rook, T. Medin, C. Tuniz, R.

Macchiarelli). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 148: 288.

2013b Neandertals were right-handed and why it’s important. Croatian Natural History Museum. 2013c Neandertals could talk. State University "G. d'Annunzio," Chieti, Italy.

2013d  Buia (UA 31) and the parietal expansion in Homo (withM. Friess, L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, Y. Libsekal, T. Medin, L. Rook, R. Macchiarelli) PaleoAnthropology Society, Honolulu.

  2014a New 1 Ma old human cranial remains from Mulhuli-Amo, near Uadi Aalad, Danakil (Afar) depression of Eritrea (with A. Coppa, L. Bondioli, F. Candilio, Y. Libsekal, T. Medin, D. Tesfay, C. Zanolli, R. Macchiarelli). Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 153: 97.

2014b Could Neandertals talk? University of Naples, Italy.

2014c Language in Neandertals? Darwin Day at the Pigorini, Rome.

2014d How old is language? (YouTube) KU MiniCollege.

2014e The Homo-bearing late Early Pleistocene site of Mulhuli-Amo, northern Danakil depression of Eritrea. Geochronological setting, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and paleoanthropological findings (with L. Rook and 18 other authors). The African Human Fossil Record, Toulouse, France.

2014f The 1mya old human assemblage from the Homo site at Uadi Aalad, Buia (Danakil Depression of Eritrea): an updated record (with R. Macchiarelli and 10 other authors). The African Human Fossil Record, Toulouse, France.

2014g Dental modifications by the Krapina Neandertals (with I. Fiore, L. Bondioli). International Association for Paleodontology, Zagreb, Croatia.

2014h Earliest evidence of an ornament found at Krapina, Croatia (with D. Radovčić, A. Sršen, J. Radovčić). Denisova Conference, Denisova, Russia.

2015a Cochlear labyrinth volume in the Krapina Neandertals (with M. Beals, C.A. Hill). American Association of Anatomists, Boston.

2015b Analysis of the stapes of Krapina Neandertals (with C. Hill, J. Radovčić, F. McGechie).

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Abstracts 701.4.

2015c Eagle claw jewelry from Krapina at 130,000 years ago (with D. Radovčić, A. Sršen, J. Radovčić). PaleoAnthropology Society, San Francisco.

2015d Free State Festival: KU research - Speed dating edition, Lawrence.

2015e PLOS Redditscience AMA.

2016a The Homo-bearing late Early Pleistocene site of Mulhuli-Amo, northern Danakil Depression of Eritrea. Geochronological setting, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and paleoanthropological findings (with L. Rook, E. Abbate, L. Bondioli, P. Bruni, F. Candilio, G.

Carnevale, A. Coppa, M. Delfino, F. Genchi, M. Ghinassi, Y. Libsekal, R. Macchiarelli, B. Martínez-Navarro, T. Medin, O. Oms, P. Papini, M. Pavia, M. Sagri, F. Scarciglia, D. Tesfay, C. Zanolli). Asmara Buia Conference.

2016b The 1 Ma old human assemblage from the Homo site at Uadi Aalad, Buia (Danakil Depression of Eritrea): an updated record (with R. Macchiarelli, L. Bondioli, E. Bruner, F. Candilio, A. Coppa, M.C. Dean, M. Friess, Y. Libsekal, T. Medin, L. Rook, C. Zanolli). Asmara Buia Conference.

2016c Variation in parietal bone thickness and structural arrangement in Eastern African erectus-like Homo: comparative evidence from late Early Pleistocene Uadi Aalad and Mulhuli-Amo, Danakil depression of Eritrea (with C. Zanolli, L. Bondioli, F. Candilio, A. Coppa, Y. Libsekal, T. Medin, L. Rook, D. Tesfay, R. Macchiarelli). Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 159: 343-344.

2016d The late Early Pleistocene site of Mulhuli-Amo (Danakil Eritrea): New paleoanthropological finds (with A. Coppa, L. Bondioli, F. Candilio, C. Collina, Y. Gebreyesua, M. Ghinassi, Y. Libsekal, R. Macchiarelli, T. Medin, M. Papini, I. Romodan, L. Rook, A. Villa, A. Urciuoli, C. Zanolli). Homo erectus 100+25 International Senckenberg Conference, Tbilisi. 2016e Neandertals are us. KU MiniCollege.

2017    Behavioral traces on dental wear in Pleistocene fossil humans (with A. Estalrrich, M. Lozano, L. Bondioli, I. Fiore, J-M. Bermúdez de Castro, J-L. Arsuaga, E. Carbonell, A. Rosas, O. Kullmer). Abstract: American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement.

2018a Surface analysis of Krapina white-tailed eagle talons (with D. Radovčić, A. Oros Sršen, G. Birarda, L. Vaccari, J. Radovčić. NeanderArt, Torino, Italy.

2018b A unique rock from Krapina (with D. Japundžić, A. Oros Sršen, J. Radovčić,          D. Radovčić). NeanderArt, Torino, Italy.

2018c Krapina: Neandertal complex behavior at 130,000 years ago (with J. Radovčić, J. Monge, D. Radovčić). Calpe 2018, Gibraltar.

2020    Krapina: Research among the teeth and bones. 10th Anniversary of Krapina Museum, Krapina, Croatia.

2022    Neanderthal infant growth reconstructed from virtual histology of deciduous teeth (poster with Patrick Mahoney and 15 others) AABA, Denver

Organization of Symposia/Conferences/Meetings, Scientific Panels, Offices Held, Edited Volumes and Awards

1978          Sexual Dimorphism in Human Evolution. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Toronto. see 1980a in Publications.

1980          Sexual Dimorphism in the Later Aspects of Human Evolution. Special volume of Journal of Human Evolution 9.  

  1. First Symposium on Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Pisa. Scientific Committee. Abstract International Journal of Anthropology 1:185-191.
  2. Distinguished Independent Course, National University Continuing Education Association, Washington D.C.

1987          Second Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Tel Aviv. Scientific Committee.

  1. Late Glacial and Postglacial Adaptive Change in Europe: Recent Research Perspectives (with L. G. Straus). American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
  2. 57th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City, Local Arrangements (with J.H. Mielke).

1989-90     Kansas Unmarked Burial Sites Preservation Board

  1. Third Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Budapest. Scientific Committee.

1990-93     Nature - Man - Society in the Paleolithic. International, interdisciplinary panel under direction of Prof. H. Ullrich, Akademie der Wissenschaften der "DDR."

1991-93     Chair elect, Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association.

1993          Fourth Symposium on Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, Liège. Scientific Committee.

  1. Crime and Punishment in Prehistory (with D. Martin). Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D. C.

1993-95     Chair, Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association.

1993-93     Executive Committee of the American Anthropological Association.

1995          Nominations Committee, American Association of Physical Anthropologists.

1997-99     Scientific committee, 100th year Anniversary of Krapina. Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, Croatia.

1999          Gorjanović-Kramberger Award for Krapina contributions. Zagreb, Croatia.

1999          NSF panel, IGERT competition.

2001          70th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City, Local Arrangements (with S. J. Gray).

  1. PhD Program review, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
  2. Program Review of Iowa State University, Department of Anthropology (with A. Burns [Florida] and L.C. Todd [Colorado State]).
  1. TIAA/CREF Teaching Award. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
  2. Edited volume of Anthropologie.A Tribute to Jan Jelínek (1926-2004). (with M. Dočladova). 107(2-3):101-324. (20 papers)
  3. Kemper Teaching Award. University of Kansas, Lawrence. 

2006          Symposium in honor of Jan Jelínek (with Milford H. Wolpoff.) PaleoAnthropology Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

  1. ARKUMO (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri) meeting at Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas. One day workshop of 18 paleoanthropologists, primatologists and anatomists.
  2. “Say what you mean and mean what you say”: Paleoanthropologists honor their mentor. (with K. Rosenberg) co-organizer of invited session, American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.
  1. Scientific Committee, Hrdlička Congress, Prague.

2009-11     Sigma Xi Distinguished lecturer.

2010-15     Academic editor, PLOS ONE.

  1. Teeth as art. (with Luka Mjeda). Art exhibition at Bourgeois Pig, Lawrence.
  2. Language origins and pre-modern Europeans: New ways of approaching an old problem. (with Marina Lozano). Sponsored session at American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Portland.

2012          Scientific Committee, European Anthropology Association, Ankara.

2013-14     Scientific Committee, International Association for Paleodontology.

2016-         Editorial Board, Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology.

2018          Organizing Committee, NeanderArt, Torino.

2020-         Scientific Committee, Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana.

Publications: Book Reviews

1978    Pietrusewsky's Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains. Human Biology 50: 225-226.

1983    Johanson and Edey's Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 61: 273-274.

  1. Trinkaus' The Shanidar Neandertals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66: 339340.
  2. Bennike's Paleopathology of Danish Skeletons. American Anthropologist 88: 107-108.

1988a Physical Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology - a Conference in Rome. (with D. Lubell and M. Otte). Nouvelles de l'Archéologie 30: 62.

1988b Wendorf and Schild's The Wadi Kubbaniya Skeleton: A Late Paleolithic Burial from Southern Egypt. SAS Bulletin 12 (1): 6.

1989a Bogdan's Freak Show. Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit.  Journal of Economic History 49: 510-511.

1989b Grine's Evolutionary History of the "Robust" Australopithecines. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 34: 385-389.

  1. Lewin's In the Age of Mankind. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81: 454-455.
  2. Sperber's From Apes to Angels: Essays in Honor of Phillip V. Tobias. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86:438-439.

1995    Meikle and Taylor Parker's Naming Our Ancestors: An Anthology of Hominid Taxonomy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 98:235-236.

1998 Johanson and Edgar’s From Lucy to Language. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 106:105-107.

2005    Schwartz and Tattersall’s The Human Fossil Record I and II and Holloway, Broadfield and Yuan’s The Human Fossil Record III. American Journal of Archaeology 109:289-291. 2013          Kobel’s The Strange Case of the Mad Professor. PaleoAnthropology 2013:140-141.

2020    Wragg Sykes’ Kindred. Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, and Art. PaleoAnthropology 2020:126−127.

Publications – Books and Articles

1971    Current research in paleopathology (with M. Finnegan). Colorado Anthropologist III-2: 2022.

1973    Gigantopithecus and its relationship to Australopithecus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 39: 413-426.

1976a A reappraisal of Ramapithecus.Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 18: 19-30.

1976b Evolutionary Dental Changes in European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Human Populations. PhD dissertation, University of Michigan. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

1977a Metric dental change in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 46: 109-120.

1977b Dental sexual dimorphism in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. Journal of Dental Research 56: 87.

1978a Evolution of the Dentition in Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Europe. University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology, # 10.

1978b Introduction to Physical Anthropology. KU Continuing Education, Lawrence.

1978c The taxonomic status of Ramapithecus. In: Krapinski Pračovjek i Evolucija Hominida.

(Edited by M. Malez). Zagreb: Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, pp. 225-236.

1979    A late Woodland burial from Platte County, Missouri (with L.E. Bradley). Plains Anthropologist 23:21-28.

1980a Sexual Dimorphism in the Later Aspects of Human Evolution. Special volume of Journal of

Human Evolution 9 (organizer of session and editor of papers.)

1980b Sexual dimorphism and cultural evolution in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of Europe. Journal of Human Evolution 9: 399-415.

1981a Body size, weapon use, and natural selection in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. American Anthropologist 83: 57-73.

1981b Paleoanthropological investigation of the Thai-American expedition in Northern Thailand (1978-1980.) (with G.G. Pope, M. Liangchareon, P. Kulasing, S. Nakabanlang). Asian Perspectives 21: 147-163.

1982    Comment on Wolpoff's Ramapithecus and hominid origins. Current Anthropology 23: 510.

1984a Biological and cultural change in the European Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. In: The Origins of Modern Humans. (Edited by F.H. Smith and F. Spencer). New York: Alan R. Liss, pp. 211-250. 

1984b Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology. KU Continuing Education, Lawrence (1st revision).

1984c Tooth size, oral pathology and class distinctions: Evidence from the Hungarian Middle Ages. Anthropologiai Közlemenyek 28: 47-54.

1985a Stab wounds and personal identity determined from skeletal remains: A case from Kansas (with J.A. Bridgens). Journal of Forensic Sciences 30: 232-238.

1985b Sexual dimorphism (with M.H. Wolpoff). Annual Review of Anthropology 14: 429-473.

1985c Multivariate morphometrics. Extended critique of Oxnard's The Order of Man. Reviews in Anthropology 12: 289-298.

1986    Cranial variation at Mladeč and the relationship between Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic hominids. Anthropologie (Brno) 23: 243-256.

1987a Dwarfism in an adolescent from the Italian late Upper Paleolithic (with W.A. Horton, R. Macchiarelli, M. Mussi). Nature 330: 60-62.

1987b Artificial grooves in the Krapina Neanderthal teeth (with M.D. Russell). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 74: 393-405.

1987c Caries and oral pathologies at the Mesolithic sites of Muge: Cabeço da Arruda and Moita do Sebastião. Trabalhos do Antropologia e Etnologia 27: 1-17.

1988a Auditory exostoses and evidence for fishing at Vlasac. Current Anthropology 29: 346-349.

1988b A case of chrondrodystrophic dwarfism in the Italian Late Upper Paleolithic (with R.

Macchiarelli, M. Mussi). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75: 549-566.

1988c Sex differences in tooth wear at Skateholm. Mesolithic Miscellany 9(1): 11-12.

1988d Modern human origins (letter to the editor with M.H Wolpoff, J.N Spuhler, F.H. Smith, J.

Radovčić, G. Pope, R. Eckhardt, G. Clark). Science 241: 772-773.

1988e Comment on Rosenberg's The functional significance of Neandertal pubic length. Current Anthropology 29: 608.

1988f The supra-acetabular fossa and groove: A skeletal marker for Northwest European populations. Human Evolution3: 163-176.

1988g Biological evidence for differences in social patterning in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. Rivista di Antropologia LXVI: 127-140.

1988h Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (with A. Comuzzie). KU Continuing Education, Lawrence (2ndrevision).

1989a Comment on Gargett's Grave shortcomings. The evidence for Neandertal burials (with A. Montet-White). Current Anthropology 30: 180-181.

1989b The Neanderthal-Upper Paleolithic transition seen from the perspective of Mladeč. In:

L'Homme de Néandertal. (Edited by M. Otte). Liège, p. 65.

1989c Oral pathologies in the European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic. In People and Culture in Change. (Edited by I. Hershkovitz). Oxford: BAR International Series (508i), pp 255-281.

1989d Les vivants et les morts. Les sépultures du Paléolithique supérieur en Italie et leur interprétation. (with M. Mussi, R. Macchiarelli). In People and Culture in Change. (Edited by I. Hershkovitz.) Oxford: BAR International Series (508i), pp 435-458.

1990    Bilateral absence of the lesser trochanter in a late Epigravettian skeleton from Arene Candide (Italy) (with V. Formicola, J.A. Heller). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83: 425438.

1991a Obituary for János Nemeskéri (with K.M. Weiss). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84: 213-218.

1991b Closing discussion. In: Raw Material Economies Among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers. (Edited by A. Montet-White and S. Holen). Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology 19, p. 412.

1991c On the etiology of interproximal grooves. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85: 299-305.

1991d Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (with A. Comuzzie, D. Knowlton). KU Continuing Education, Lawrence. (3rd Revision).

1992a Neanderthal dates debated (with M.H. Wolpoff). Nature 356: 200-201.

1992b The persistence of Neanderthal features in post-Neanderthal Europeans. In: Continuity or Replacement: Controversies in Homo sapiens Evolution. (Edited by G. Bräuer and F.H. Smith). Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 179-188.

1992c Evolution at the European edge: Neanderthal and the Upper Paleolithic relationships. Préhistoire Européene/European Prehistory 2: 9-69.

1993a Theories of modern human origins: The paleontological test (with M.H. Wolpoff, A.G.

Thorne, F.H. Smith, G.G. Pope). American Anthropologist 95: 14-50.

1993b Comment on Milo and Quiatt's -- Glottogenesis and anatomically modern Homo sapiens (with M.H. Wolpoff). Current Anthropology 34: 582-584.

1993c On Neanderthal crania and speech: Response to Lieberman. Current Anthropology 34: 721. 1993d Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (with D. Michaels-Knowlton, K. Forsché). KU Continuing Education, Lawrence. (4thRevision).

1994a Multiregional evolution: A world-wide source for modern human populations (with M.H.

Wolpoff, A.G. Thorne, F.H. Smith, G.G. Pope). In: Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans.

(Edited by M.H. Nitecki and D.V. Nitecki). New York: Plenum, pp. 176-200.

1994b Reply to Krantz (with M.H. Wolpoff, A.G. Thorne, F.H. Smith, G.G. Pope). American Anthropologist 96: 152-155.

1994c Getting it straight (with M.H. Wolpoff, A.G. Thorne, F.H. Smith, G.G. Pope). American Anthropologist 96: 424-438.

1995    Ohalo II H2: A 19,000-year-old skeleton from a water-logged site at the Sea of Galilee, Israel (with I. Hershkovitz, M.S. Spiers, D. Nadel, S. Wish-Baratz, B. Arensburg). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96: 215-234.

1996a The Barma Grande femur fragment housed in the Peabody Museum (Harvard). In: Nature et Culture: Actes du Colloque International de Liège. (Edited by M. Otte). Liège: Service de Préhistoire, pp. 599-602.

1996b Fontana Nuova de Ragusa (Sicily, Italy): The southernmost Aurignacian site in Europe (with S. Chilardi, P. Gioia, R. Macchiarelli, M. Mussi). Antiquity 70: 553-563.

1997a “Ramapithecus." History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia. (Edited by F. Spencer). New York: Garland, pp. 868-870.

1997b Non-dietary marks in the anterior dentition of the Krapina Neanderthals (with C. Lalueza Fox). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7: 133-149.

1997c Perspectives on Neanderthals as ancestors. In: Conceptual Issues in Modern Human Origins Research. (Edited by G.A. Clark and C.M. Willermet). New York: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 220-235.

1997d Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past (with D.L. Martin). Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach.

1997e Ofnet: Evidence for a Mesolithic massacre. In: Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past. (Edited by D.L. Martin and D.W. Frayer). Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, pp. 181216.

1997f Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (with D. Michaels-Knowlton, J.A. Higgins). KU Continuing Education, Lawrence. (5th Revision).

  1. Fossil evidence for the origin of speech sounds (with C. Nicolay). In: The Origins of Music.

(Edited by N.L. Wallin, B. Merker and S. Brown). Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 217-234.

  1. Modern human ancestry at the peripheries: A test of the replacement theory (with M.H. Wolpoff, J. Hawks, K. Hunley). Science 291: 293-97.
  2. Testing theories and hypotheses about modern human origins. In: Physical Anthropology.

Original Readings in Method and Practice. (Edited by P.N. Peregrine, C.R. Ember and M. Ember). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, pp. 174-189.

  1. Manipulative incisor wear in the LBK sites of Krškany (Slovakia) and Vedrovice (Czech Republic) (with S. Minozzi). In: Changements Biologiques et Culturels en Europe de la Fin du Palaeolithique Moyen au Neolithique. (Edited by J. Bruzek, B. Vandermeersch and M.D.

Garralda). Bordeaux: Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Populations du Passé, pp. 201-212.

2004a Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (with K. Melvin). KU Continuing Education, Lawrence. (6th Revision)

2004b The dental remains from Krškany and Vedrovice. Anthropologie (Brno) 42: 71-103.

2004c Why not the Neandertals? (with M.H. Wolpoff, B. Mannheim, A. Mann, J. Hawks, R.

Caspari, K.R. Rosenberg, G.W. Gill, G. Clark). World Archaeology 36: 527-546.

2005a Some parting words for Jan Jelínek (February 6, 1926 – October 3, 2004.) Journal of Human Evolution 49: 270-278.

2005b Tribute to Jan Jelínek. Anthropologie 43: 101.

2005c Evolutionary significance of the Quarry cave specimens from Mladeč (with J. Jelínek, M.H. Wolpoff). Anthropologie 43: 199-212.

2005d  Unique ramus anatomy for Neandertals? (with M.H. Wolpoff). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128: 245-251.

2006a A one-million-year-old pubic symphysis (with L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, Y. Libsekal, L. Rook, R. Macchiarelli). Journal of Human Evolution 50: 479-483.

2006b Early Neolithic tradition of dentistry (with A. Coppa, L. Bondioli, A. Cucina, C. Jarrige, J.-F.

Jarrige, G. Quivron, M. Rossi, M. Vidale, R. Macchiarelli). Nature 440: 755-756.

2006c The Krapina Neandertals: A Comprehensive, Centennial, Illustrated Bibliography. Zagreb: Croatian Natural History Museum.

2006d Two edited volumes of Periodicum biologorum --- Celebrating the Sesquicentennial of Gorjanović-Kramberger’s Birthday (with J. Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). Periodicum biologorum 108 (3-4): 235-524: 26 papers.

2006e Introduction: The Neandertals from Hušnjakovo Hill in the town of Krapina, Northern Croatia (with J. Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). Periodicum biologorum 108: 235-238.

2006f Krapina 3: Cut marks and ritual behavior? (with J. Orschiedt, J. Cook, M.D. Russell, J. Radovčić). Periodicum biologorum 108: 519-524.

2006g Pygmoid Australomelanesian Homo sapiens skeletal remains from Liang Bua, Flores:

Population affinities and pathological abnormalities (with T. Jacob, E. Indriatti, R.P. Soejono, K. Hsü, R.B. Eckhardt, A.J. Kuperavage, A. Thorne, M. Henneberg). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA103: 13421-13426.

2006h Inventory and photo-documentation of the Mladeč hominid remains (with M.H. Wolpoff, J. Jelínek). In Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate: The Mladeč Caves and their Remains. (Edited by M. Teschler-Nicola). Wien: Springer Verlag, pp. 159-166.

2006i Aurignacian male crania, jaws and teeth from the Mladeč caves, Moravia, Czech Republic (with J. Jelínek, M. Oliva, M.H. Wolpoff). In Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate: The Mladeč Caves and their Remains. (Edited by M. Teschler-Nicola). Wien: Springer Verlag, pp. 185-272.

2006j Aurignacian female crania and teeth from the Mladeč caves, Moravia, Czech Republic (with J. Jelínek, M.H. Wolpoff). In Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate: The Mladeč Caves and their Remains. (Edited by M. Teschler-Nicola). Wien: Springer Verlag, pp. 273340.

2006k Lost, destroyed or misidentified postcranial specimens from Mladeč (with J. Jelínek, M. Oliva, M.H. Wolpoff). In Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate: The Mladeč Caves and their Remains. (Edited by M. Teschler-Nicola). Wien: Springer Verlag, pp. 447-452.

2007a Gorjanović-Kramberger, Dragutin (Karl) (with J. Radovčić). In New Dictionary of  Scientific Biography.(Edited by N. Koertge). Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 81-84.

2007b Jelínek, Jan. In New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. (Edited by N. Koertge). Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 116-117.

2007c The Krapina Neandertals: A Comprehensive, Centennial, Illustrated Bibliography. Zagreb: Croatian Natural History Museum. (Published online: [PaleoAnthropology]

2007d A third edited volume of Periodicum biologorum --- Celebrating the Sesquicentennial of Gorjanović-Kramberger’s Birthday (with J. Monge, A. Mann and J. Radovčić). 109: 363-401. (6 papers)

2008a New Insights on the Krapina Neandertals: 100 years afterGorjanović-Kramberger (with J.

Monge, A. Mann and J. Radovčić). Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb. 

2008b Forward (with J. Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). In New Insights on the Krapina Neandertals:

100 years afterGorjanović-Kramberger (edited with J. Monge, A. Mann and J. Radovčić). Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, pp i-ii.

2008c The Neandertals from Hušnjakovo Hill in the town of Krapina, Northern Croatia (with J.

Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). In: New Insights on the Krapina Neandertals: 100 years afterGorjanović-Kramberger (edited with J. Monge, A. Mann and J. Radovčić). Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, pp. 1-4.

2008d Krapina 3: Cut marks and ritual behavior? (with J. Orschiedt, J. Cook, M.D. Russell, J. Radovčić). In New Insights on the Krapina Neandertals: 100 Years afterGorjanovićKramberger (edited with J. Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, pp. 285-290.

2008e The importance of the Předmostí human fossils (with M.H. Wolpoff). In: Early Modern Humans from Předmostí near Přerov: A New Reading of Old Documentation. (Edited by J. Velemínská and J. Brůzek). Academia, Praha, pp. 35-39.

2009a Nouve evidenze di un comportamento sociale complesso a Krapina (with J. Monge, A. Mann, J. Radovčić). In: La Lunga Storia di Neandertal. (Edited by F. Facchini and M.G. Belcastro). Jaca, Milan, pp. 199-214.

2009b Nuove evidenze dell’evoluzione umana in Europa durante il Pleistocene. (with 13 other authors). In: La Lunga Storia di Neandertal. (Edited by F. Facchini and M.G. Belcastro). Jaca, Milan, pp. 307-310.

2010a Right-handed Neandertals: Vindija and beyond (with C. Lalueza-Fox, I. Fiore, J. Radovčić, L. Bondioli). Journal of Anthropological Sciences 88: 113-127.

2010b The iceman and his interment: Taphonomy and the case for a secondary burial (with A.

Vanzetti, M. Vidale, M. Gallinaro, L. Bondioli).. Antiquity 84: 681-692.

2010c Memoriam for Robert J. Squier. Anthropology News 51(6): 49.

2010d Un finale a sorpresa per la saga di Ötzi (with L. Bondioli, M. Gallinaro, A. Vanzetti).  Darwin 40:40-49.

2012a More than 500,000 years of right-handedness in Europeans (with M. Lozano, J.M. Bermúdez de Castro, E. Carbonell, J-L. Arsuaga, J. Radovčić, I. Fiore, L. Bondioli). Laterality 17: 5169.

2012b The science and art of Neandertal teeth. Scientific American web-only.

2012c Dental lesions on the permanent teeth at Neolithic Mehrgarh, Pakistan (with L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, G. Tartaglia, M. Vidale, R. Macchiarelli). In: Orientalismes. De l’archéologie au Musée. Mélanges en l'Honneur de Jean-François Jarrige, edited by V. Lefèvre. Brepols: Turnhout (BE), pp. 115-126.

2012d Hand to mouth in a Neandertal: Right-handedness in Regourdou 1 (with V. Volpato, R. Macchiarelli, D. Guatelli-Steinberg, I. Fiore, L. Bondioli). PLoS ONE 7(8): e43949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043949.

2012e A new online database and a short reflection about the productive use of compiling Internet data (with J-L.Voisin, S. Condemi, M.H. Wolpoff). PaleoAnthropology 2012: 241-244.

2012f Reply to Benítez-Burraco and Longa: When is enough, enough? (with I. Fiore, C. LaluezaFox, J. Radovčić, L. Bondioli). Journal of Anthropological Science 90: 1-6.

2013a Who’re you calling a Neandertal? Op-ed piece for International Herald Tribune print/New York Times on-line. May 3.

2013b Academic Minute

2013c Fibrous dysplasia in a 120,000+ year old Neandertal from Krapina, Croatia (with J. Monge, M. Kricun, J. Radovčić, D. Radovčić, A. Mann). PLoS ONE 8: e64539.

2014a Trauma in the Krapina Neandertals: Violence in the Middle Paleolithic? (with V. Hutton                           Estabrook). In: The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Human Conflict. Edited by M. J. Smith and C. Knüsel. Routledge: London, pp. 67-89.

2014b The late Early Pleistocene human dental remains from Uadi Aalad and Mulhuli-Amo (Buia), Eritrean Danakil: Macromorphology and microstructure (with C. Zanolli, L. Bondioli, A.

Coppa, C.M. Dean, P. Bayle, F. Candilio, S. Capuani, D. Dreossi, I. Fiore, Y. Libsekal, L. Mancini, L. Rook, T. Medin Tekle, C. Tuniz, R. Macchiarelli). Journal of Human Evolution 74: 96-113.

2014c Investigation of the semicircular canal variation in the Krapina Neandertals (with C.A. Hill, J.

Radovčić). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 154: 302-306.

2015a Oblique scratches on the teeth of the Krapina Neandertals (with I. Fiore, J. Radovčić, L. Bondioli). PaleoAnthropology 2015: 19-36. 

2015b Evidence for Neandertal jewelry: Modified white-tailed eagle claws at Krapina (with D.

Radovčić, A. Oros Sršen, J. Radovčić). PLoS ONE 3: e0119802.

2015c An integrated study of the Homo-bearing Aalat stratigraphic section (Eritrea): An expanded continental record at the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition (with M. Ghinassi, O. Oms, M.

Papini, F. Scarciglia, G. Carnevale, F. Sani, L. Rook, M. Delfino, M. Pavia, Y. Libsekal, L.

Bondioli, A. Coppa, R. Macchiarelli).  Journal of African Earth                                                                  Sciences 112: 163-185.

2015d First study of the internal structure of one-million year-old teeth belonging to Homo erectus/ergaster from Eritrea (with C. Zanolli, L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, C.M. Dean, P. Bayle, F. Candilio, S. Capuani, D. Dreossi, I. Fiore, Y. Libsekal, L. Mancini, L. Rook, T. Medin Tekle, C. Tuniz, R. Macchiarelli). Elettra SincrotroneTrieste2015: 110-111.

2016a Cochlear labyrinth volume in the Krapina Neandertals (with M. Beals, J. Radovčić, C.A. Hill). Journal of Human Evolution 90:176-182.

2016b New evaluation of the Castel di Guido ‘hyoid’ (with L. Capasso, R. d’Anastasio, L. Mancini, C. Tuniz). Journal of Anthropological Sciences 94:231-235.  

2016c The endocast of the one-million-year-old human cranium from Buia (UA 31), Danakil, Eritrea (with E. Bruner, L. Bondioli, A. Coppa, R.L. Holloway, Y. Libsekal, T. Medin, L. Rook, R.

Macchiarelli). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160: 458-468.

2016d An interesting rock from Krapina (with D. Radovčić, D. Japundžić, A. Oros Sršen, J.

Radovčić). Comptes Rendus Palevol, doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2016.04.013

2016eOH-65 was right-handed (with R.J. Clarke, I. Fiore, R.J. Blumenschine, A. Pérez-Pérez, L.M.

Martinez, F. Estebaranz, R. Holloway, L. Bondioli). Journal of Human Evolution 100: 65-72. 2016f Ötzi, the Iceman (with M. Vidale, L. Bondioli, M. Gallinaro, A. Vanzetti). Expedition Fall, 2016: 13-17. 

2017a Talking hyoids and talking Neandertals. In: Human Paleontology and Prehistory. Edited by A. Marom and E. Hovers. Springer International Publishing: Cham (CH), pp. 233-238.

2017b Vergisson 4: A left-handed Neandertal (with S. Condemi, J. Monge, S. Quertelet, J. Combier). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 162: 186-190.

2017c Prehistoric dentistry? P4 rotation, partial M3 impaction, toothpick grooves and other signs of manipulation in Krapina Dental Person 20 (with J. Gatti, J. Monge, D. Radovčić). Bulletin of the International Association of Paleodontology 11:1-10.

2017d Right-handed fossil humans (with M. Lozano, A. Estalrrich, L. Bondioli, I. Fiore, J-M. Bermúdez de Castro, J-L. Arsuaga, E. Carbonell, A. Rosas)  Evolutionary Anthropology 26:313–324.

2018a Tooth grooves, occlusal striations, dental calculus and evidence for fiber processing in an Italian Eneolithic/Bronze Age cemetery (with A. Sperduti, M.R. Giuliani, G. Guida, P.F.

Rossi, S. Vaccaro, L. Bondioli). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 167:234-243. 2018b  Tooth fractures in the Krapina Neandertals (with M.G. Belcastro, V. Mariotti, A. Riga, B.   Bonfiglioli). Journal of Human Evolution 123:96-108. 

2018c Childhood health, weaning, and dental maturation patterns from a longitudinal analysis of the microscopic enamel defects in the Imperial Roman community of Portus Romae (necropolis of Isola Sacra, 2nd to 4th century CE) (with A. Nava, L. Bondioli). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:406-415.

2019    Neandertals and the black swan. PaleoAnthropology 2019:350-361.

2020a Surface analysis of an eagle talon from Krapina (with D. Radovčić, G. Birarda, A. Oros Sršen, L. Vaccari, J. Radovčić). Scientific Reports 10:6329.

2020b Preserved fiber and pigments on an eagle talon from Krapina. Behind the Scene. Scientific Reports, blog.

2020c  Evidence for labret use in prehistory (with A. Nava, G. Tartaglia, M. Vidale, A. Coppa, and L.

Bondioli). Bulletin of the International Association of Paleodontology 14(1):1-23.

2020d Krapina and the case for Neandertal symbolic behavior (with J. Radovčić and D. Radovčić). Current Anthropology 61:713-731.

  1. Growth of Neanderthal infants (with P. Mahoney, G. McFarlane, B. H. Smith, J. J.

Miszkiewicz, P. Cerrito, H. Liversidge, L. Mancini, A. Veneziano, E. Cristiani, A. Behie, A. Coppa, L. Bondioli, D. Radovčić, A. Nava). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20212079.

  1. Neandertals like us. (with D. Radovčić). Scientific American. February: 51-55.

In Press/ Under Review / In Preparation                        

n.d.    Tooth wear caused by lip and cheek body piercing ornaments. Examples from the Czech and Italian Upper Paleolithic to the Pakistani Neolithic. (with Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi, Francesca Seghi, Luca Bondioli, Alessia Nava, Alfredo Coppa). In prep.

Editorial Work/Reviews (Books, Grants and Articles)

1978 - Aldine de Gruyter, Allyn and Bacon, American Anthropologist, American Journal of Physical

Anthropology, Antiquity, Bulletin et Memoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris,

Cambridge Archaeological Journal, CARE, Current Anthropology, European Research Council, Evolution and Human Behavior, Homo, Human Biology, Human Evolution,

International Journal of Anthropology, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology,

International Journal of Paleopathology,Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Alfred A. Knopf, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Human Biology, Journal of Human Evolution,Journal of Engineering Mechanics, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, Liss/Aldine,

Mayfield Publishing, McGraw-Hill, National Academy of Sciences, National Geographic

Society, National Science Foundation, W.W. Norton, Oxford Handbook of Cognitive

Archaeology, Palevol, Paleoanthropology Society, PLoS ONE, PLoS Biology, Prentice-Hall,

Quaternary International, Random House, Research Council of Canada, Royal SocietyBiology Letters, Sage, Science, Smithsonian Institution, Social Science and Medicine, Time/Life Books, Université de Bordeaux, Wenner-Gren Foundation, West Publishing, Yale University Press, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology.

1986 - 1998   Panel of referees, Human Evolution.

1992 - 2006   Panel of referees, Rivista di Antropologia.

  1. - 2014   Editorial Board, Anthropologie: International Journal of the Science of Man.
  2. - 2010   Editorial Board, Variability and Evolution.

2002 - 2014   Editorial Board, Paleoanthropology.

2006 - 2015   Editorial Board, Journal of Anthropological Sciences.

2010 - 2016   Editorial Board, PLoS ONE

2013 -            Editorial Board, Bulletin of the International Association of Paleodontology

Forensic Work

1978 - Chillicothe (Missouri) Police Department, Douglas County Coroner, Kansas Bureau of Investigation, Kansas City Kansas Police Department, Lawrence Police Department, Leavenworth County Sheriff, Osage City Coroner, Shawnee County Sheriff, Shawnee Country Coroner.