John M. Janzen CV
1967 Ph.D., University of Chicago, Anthropology
1964 M.A., University of Chicago, Anthropology
1963 Certificate in African Studies, University of Paris (Sorbonne)
1961 B.A., Bethel College, North Newton, KS. Social Science & Philosophy
Teaching Positions
Visiting Professor, Gulu University, Uganda. M.A. Program in Medical Anthropology. Nov, 2014 University of Kansas, assoc. prof., 1972-5; professor, 1977- 2014; emeritus professor, 2014-
Visiting Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, spring 2004
Visiting Lecturer, Harvard University, Central for Population & Development, March, 2004 University of Cape Town, visiting professor, 1982
American Univ. Cairo, visit. distinguish. prof., Jan., 1983
McGill University, ass't prof., 1969-72
Bethel College, ass't professor, 1967-8; visiting prof., 1976
American English: native speaker
German: fluent speaker, reading; reasonably proficient, writing. Low-German (Vistula Delta originating Mennonite plautdietsch) French: fluent speaker, reading, writing.
KiKongo: fluent speaker, reading, writing.
Arabic: one year intensive study for reading, with Mushin Madhi, Oriental Institute, Chicago.
Research Experiences and Interests
Lower Congo, 1964-6; 1969; 1982; 2013 (social & political organization of Kongo society, economic development; religion; health and patterns of health-care seeking).
Eastern & Southern Africa, 1982 & 83 ( distribution and character of "ngoma" healing and interpretation of misfortune).
Central Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, E. Zaire), 1994-5 (ethnic conflict, war & trauma healing).
West Africa & Sahel (Senegal, Sudan), 2000, 2001, 2004 (religion & healing, esp. Sufism)
Western & Central Europe (historic origins and development of aspects of Mennonite society and culture, including the Netherlands, Baltic coast, Russia, also the diaspora in Paraguay and Brazil) 1970, 1977, 1989, 1990, 1993.
Kansas (Mennonite history and culture, local communities, festivals) intermittently throughout professional life.
Selected Awards & Grants Relevant to Research
1969 Social Science Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Kongo therapeutics;
- Wellcome Medal and Award, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for anthropological research and publication pertaining to medical issues--Quest for Therapy;
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Western Equatorial African historic Lemba cult, traces in Western European museums;
- National Science Foundation, for Research Planning International Conference on "Causality and Classification in African Medicine," Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England;
1982-3 Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship, Zaire, Swaziland, Tanzania, ngoma healing;
1985-2014 Numerous PhD student fellowships from Fulbright, NIH, NSF, and SSRC to sponsor dissertation research on health and healing in Africa and elsewhere.
2000-3 Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center grant for African Studies Center University of Kansas;
- Balfour Jeffreys Social Sciences & Humanities Research Achievement Award, U. of Kansas.
- Visiting Lecturer: Harvard University & Medizinische Universitaet Vienna 2004 Kansas Humanities Council: New African Immigrants project, $8,000.
- Longview Foundation, for KASC; "teaching Africa and the Middle-East in the Great Plains;" curricular modules for secondary schools & on-line Con't Ed. graduate course.
2006-10 U.S. Dept. of Education NRC Grant for Kansas African Studies Center.
2006-10 U.S. Dept. of Education Foreign Language & Area Study.
2008-9 National Endowment for the Humanities. Exhibit Planning Grant, Co-Curator, "African Healing Journeys," Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology & Anthropology.
- CIES-Fulbright, Senior Research Fellowship: for research in Central Africa, spring 2013.
- Byron Alexander Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Kansas.
2014 Visiting Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Halle, Germany. Oct-Dec.
Publications (Books)
1974 Anthology of Kongo Religion: Primary Texts from Lower Zaire. KU Publ. in Anthropology # 5, Lawrence. 163 pp. (with Wyatt MacGaffey)
- The Quest for Therapy in Lower Zaire. Berkeley & London. University of California Press, 267 pp. (with collab. Wm. Arkinstall) Paperback edition, 1982.
- The Social History of Disease and Medicine in Africa. Special Issue: Social Science and
Medicine 13B, 268 pp., (with Steven Feierman)
- The Development of Health. Akron, Pa., Mennonite Central Committee (Development Monograph 8), March., 32 pp.
- Causality and Classification in African Medicine and Health. Special Issue: Social Science and Medicine, 15B,3, 268 pp. (with Gwyn Prins)
- Lemba (1650-1930): A Drum of Affliction in Africa and the new World. New York, Garland
Publ., 383 pp.
- Mennonite Furniture: A Migrant Tradition 1766-1910. Intercourse, PA: Good Books.
- The Social Basis of Health and Healing in Africa, ed. with Steve Feierman, University of California Press.
1992 Ngoma: Discourses of Healing in Central and Southern Africa. University of California Press.
1995 Quete de la Guerison dans le Bas-Zaire. Paris: Karthala.
- The Architecture of Anabaptist-Mennonite Spaces and Places of Meeting and Worship. Proceedings of an International Conference October 16-18, 1997, Harleysville PA. Special Issue of Mennonite Quarterly Review, April. (Editor with David Rempel-Smucker).
- Do I still have a life? Voices from the aftermath of war in Rwanda and Burundi, 1994-1995.
KU Monographs in Anthropology # 20. with Reinhild Janzen.
- The Social Fabric of Health: An Introduction to Medical Anthropology. New York: McGrawHill; companion Manual & Test Bank.
- Global Medical Anthropology in the U.S. Heartland. Editor. Special issue, Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter, February & June (2 & 3).
- A Carved Loango Tusk: Local Images and Global Connections. KU Monographs in Anthropology 24.
2014a Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. Eds.Kathryn Rhine, J.M. Janzen, Glenn Adams, Heather Aldersey. KU Monographs in Anthropology 26.3
2014b Representations, Ritual, and Social Renewal: Essays in Africanist Medical Anthropology,
2004 – 2013. KU ScholarWorks
2015 Crossing the Loange : Congo Pax Service and the Journey Home. Newton : Mennonite Press (self published) with Larry B. Graber. 237 pp. preview.
Selected Articles
1969a "Vers une phenomenologie de la guerison en Afrique centrale" Etudes congolaises XII:2, 97115.
1969b "The Politics of Apoliticality: Form and Process in a Lower Congo Regional Council" Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines IX,4, 570-99.
1969c "The Cooperative in Lower Congo Economic Development," In The Anthropology of Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, ed. David Brokensha & Marion Pearsall, Soc. Appl. Anthro. Monogr. 10, 70-76.
- "The Etiquette of Charity," The Mennonite, 27,456-9; 28,472-5
- "Kongo Religious Renewal: Iconoclastic and Iconorthostic," Canadian J. of African Studies, V, 135-43.
1972a "Laman's Kongo Ethnography: Observations on Sources, Methods, and Theories," Africa, 422, 316-28.
1972b "The Confrontation of Church and State in Zaire: Alternative Structures and the Problem of Legitimation" In L'Afrique Occidentale: Developpement et Societe, Montreal, U. of M. Centre Int. de Criminologie comparee, 181-206.
1974 "N'kisi Figures of the Bakongo" and "Rejoinder on N'kisi" African Arts, 7,3, 87-90; 8,1, 82 (with Wyatt MacGaffey).
1975a "The Dynamics of Therapy in Lower Zaire," In Psychological Anthropology, ed. T.R. Williams, The Hague, Mouton, 441-63.
1975b "Pluralistic Legitimation of Therapy Systems in Zaire," Rural Africana, 26, 105-22; (republished in African Therapeutic Systems, Waltham, Crossroads Press, 1978, ed.
1975c "The Pende Masks in Kauffman Museum," African Arts, VIII,4,44-47 (with Reinhild Janzen). 1977 "The Tradition of Renewal in Kongo Religion," In African Religions: A Symposium, pp. 69114, Newell Booth, ed., New York, London, Lagos: Nok Publications.
1978 "The Comparative Study of Medical Systems as Changing Social Systems," Social Science & Medicine, 12, 2B, 121-9.
1979a "Deep Thought: Structure and Intention in Kongo Prophetism, 1910-21," Social Research, 106-139.
1979b "Ideologies and Institutions in the Precolonial History of Equatorial African Therapeutic Systems," Soc.Sci.Med., 13B
1981 "The Need for a Taxonomy of Health in the Study of African Therapeutics," Soc.Sci.Med. 15B,3,
1982a "Lubanzi: The History of a Kongo Disease," In African Health and Healing, ed. S. Yoder, Los Angeles: Crossroads Press, pp. 107-119.
1982b "Medicalization in Comparative Perspective," pp. 3-18 and "Drums Anonymous: Towards an Understanding of Structures of Therapeutic Maintenance," pp. 154-66,In The Use and Abuse of Medicine, eds. Marten de Vries, R.L. Berg & Mack Lipkin, Jr., New York: Praeger.
1982c "Resource Allocation and Symbol Formation in Great Plains Festivals," Rituals, Mind and 4 Symbol, ed. Allan Hanson, University of Kansas Publ. in Anthropology 14, 50-65.
1983a "Towards a Historical Perspective on African Medicine and Health," In Ethnomedicine and Medical History, ed. J. Sterly & F. Lichtenthaeler, Berlin: Verlag Mensch u. Leben. (Reprinted in Curare: Zeitschrift fuer Medizinethnologie, 2012).
1983b “De l’ancienneté de l’usage des psychotropes en Afrique central.” Psychotropes, 1, 105-107.
1985a "Consequences of Literacy in African Religion" In The Social Science of African Religion: Theoretical & Methodological Explorations, eds., Wim van Binsbergen & Matthew Schoffeleers, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul(Afrika-Studie Centrum, Leiden), pp. 225252.
1985b "Changing Concepts of African Therapeutics: An Historical Perspective" In African Healing Strategies, eds. B. du Toit & I.H. Abdalla. Owerri, New York, Trado-Medic Books, 61-81.
1986 "Ippocrati del deserto, Galeni della savana," Kos: Revista di cultura e storia delle scienze mediche, III (Feb/Mar), 20, pp. 39-61.
1987a "Old Age Security and the Family Life Course: A Case Study of Nineteenth Century Mennonite Immigrants to Kansas" Journal of Aging Studies, Vol.I:1, pp. 33-49 (with Jill Quadagno).
1987b "Therapy Management: Concept, Reality, Process" Medical Anthropology Quarterly I:1(ns), pp. 68-84.
1987c "Bethel's Museum: A Centennial History" Mennonite Life.Vol. 42,1, pp. 31-38.
1987d "African Cults of Affliction" Vol. I, pp. 55-59 & "Kongo Religion" Vol. 8, pp. 362-5 In The Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. M. Eliade, New York, The Free Press.
1988a "Health, Religion and Medicine in Central and Southern African Traditions", pp. 225-254, Caring and Curing: Health and Medicine in the World's Religious Traditions, ed. L. Sullivan. New York: MacMillan.
1988b [Attributions of 18 art pieces from Loango] In Expressions of Belief: Masterpieces of African, Oceanic, and Indonesian Art: Museum voor Volkenkunde Rotterdam. New York: Rizzoli (with Reinhild Janzen).
1988c Commentary on "A Methodology for Cross-cultural Ethnomedical Research," Current Anthropology 29,5, 695.
1990a "The Art of Lemba in Lower Zaire," In Art and Initiation in Zaire, special issue of Iowa Papers in Africa Art, ed. Christopher Roy (with Reinhild Janzen).
1990b "Strategies of Health-Seeking and Structures of Social Support in Central and Southern Africa. In What we know about Health Transition, eds. John Caldwell, S. Findley, P.Caldwell, lD. BroersFreeman and W. Cosford. Canberra: Health Transition Centre (Health Trans. Ser. 2), 707-719.
1990c "Burial Customs" (pp.110-111) and "Funerals"(p.320) in Mennonite Encyclopedia V.
- "Doing Ngoma: A Dominant Trope in African Religion and Healing." J. of Religion in Africa, XXI,4, 290-308.
- "Drums of Affliction: Real Phenomenon or Scholarly Chimera?" 161-181. In Religion in Africa: Experience and Expression. Eds. T. Blakeley, W.van Beek& D.Thompson. London: J. Curry; Portsmouth: Heinemann.
- "A Follow-up on Ethnocide and Genocide in the Chaco of Paraguay: A Tribute to Robert J. Smith," Aborigine-Newsletter of the University of Kansas Dept. of Anthropology, 5 1993, 1, pp. 1-7.
- "The History and Significance of a Mennonite Prayerhouse: The 1880 Bethel Adobe Sanctuary of Inman, Kansas." Mennonite Life.49,3, 4-12.
1995a "The aftermath of war: inside Rwanda and Burundi, 1994-5" KU anthropologist, 6,2, May 1995, pp. 1, 13-15.
1995b "Self-Presentation and Common Cultural Structures in Ngoma Rituals of Southern Africa." Journal of Religion in Africa. XXV, 2, 141-162.
1996 [18 attributions] Africa Meets Africa: The African Collection of the Museum of Ethnology Rotterdam. Rotterdam: Museum of Ethnology. (With Reinhild Kauenhoven-Janzen).
1997a “Healing, an Overview” Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara.ed. John Middleton. New York:Charles Scribner’s Sons, pp. 274-283.
1997b “Sub-Saharan African Healing.” Lincolnwood, IL:Ancient Healing. Publications International. Pp. 322-337.
1998 "The Comparative Study of Medical Systems as Changing Social Systems," In Sjaak van der Geest & A. Rienks, eds., The Culture of Health and illness: Readings in Medical Anthropology, Amsterdam Med. Anthro. Unit. (revised republication of 1978 version).
1999a “Anabaptist/Mennonite Spaces and Places of Worship” Introduction to special issue of Mennonite Quarterly Review, Vol. 73, April, 151-165.
1999b “Form and Meaning in Central Kansas Mennonite Buildings for Worship,” special issue of Mennonite Quarterly Review, Vol. 73, April, 325-354.
1999c “Ayiwewe”: Children of Rwanda draw their memories of war.” Canadian J. of African Studies,
Vol. 33, special issue, ed. Bogumil Jewsiewicki. (with Reinhild Janzen)
1999d "Text and Context in the Anthropology of War Trauma: The African Great Lakes Region, 19931995." Suomen Antropologi: J. of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 4, 24, 37 -57..
2000a “Theories of Music in African ‘Ngoma’ Healing.” pp. 46-66 In Musical Healing in Cultural Context. Ed. Penelope Gouk. London: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
2000b “Historical Consciousness and a 'Prise de Conscience' in Genocidal Rwanda." Journal of African Cultural Studies. Special Issue, Eds. JDY Peel & John Lonsdale. 13, 1: 153-168.
2000c “Afterword” to The Quest for Fruition: Studies of the Political and the Therapeutical in Ngoma, eds. Rijk van Dijk, Ria Reis, & Marja Spierenburg. Oxford: James Currey Publishers.
2001 “Mind/body, subject/object: Recent trends in medical anthropology.” Reviews in Anthropology. Vol. 30, pp. 357-374.
2003a "Continuity, Change, and Challenge in African Medicine," In Medicine across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Medicine, ed. Helain Selin. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. with Edward C. Green. (on-line revised re-edition with Kluwer-Springer, 2006).
2003b "Illusions of Home: The Story of Return of a Rwandan Refugee." In Lynellyn Long & Ellen Oxfeld, eds. Coming Home? Refugees who Return. University of Pennsylvania Press.
2004 "Affliction: African Cults of Affliction" & "Kongo Religion" Encyclopedia of Religion. MacMillan Reference, USA. 2nd edition. Revised essays and bibliographies.
2005a Religious Healing among War Traumatized African Immigrants to the United States." In Religion and Healing in America. Pp. 159-172. Eds. Linda Barnes & Susan Sered. Oxford University Press. With Adrien Ngudiankama and Melissa Filippi-Franz.
2005b "The Lemba Trading Association as seen in the Rymar Ivory." African Carved Ivory: A MiniConference on Local Images & Global Connections of a 19th Century Loango Tusk. Kansas African Studies Center, University of Kansas. April 13. Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas.
2006a "Tsistsistas in Kauffman Museum: On the Making and Meaning of the Cheyenne Segment in the Permanent Exhibition 'Of Land and People'." Mennonite Life, June, vol. 61, no. 2.
2006b Business & Islam: Proceedings of a Workshop, April 7-8, University of Kansas. Sponsored by the Kansas African Studies Center, Center for International Business Education & Research, the Department of Economics, and Mohamed El-Hodiri. With Ousmane Seck & Zaier Aouani.
2006c "Medicine in Africa." Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in NonWestern Cultures. Springer Online Publications. With Edward Green.
2007a "Identity, Voice, Community: New African Immigrants to Kansas" Videofilm produced by Kansas African Studies Center. 46 minutes.
2007b "Foreword," Bernhard M. Bierlich, The Problem of Money: Human Agency & Western Medicine in Northern Ghana.Oxford: Berghahn Books.
2007c Healing and Health Care: African Theories and Therapies. New Encyclopedia of Africa. Gale.
- "Global Medical Anthropology in the U.S. Heartland." Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter, X, 23 (pp. 3-6).
- "The Social Reproduction of Health." Essays in Medical Anthropology / Festschrift – 30 Years of Auistrian Ethnomedical Society. Eds. Ruth Kutalek & Armin Prinz. Muenster, Berlin, Hamburg, London, Wien, Zurich: LIT-Verlag. Pp. 91-109.
- "Science and Religion in Sub-Saharan African Medicine," Science and Religion Around the World: Historical Perspectives, Eds. Ron Numbers & John Brooks. Oxford University Press. (with Steven Feierman), pp. 229-251.
2011a “Contested Measures of Humanity in African Suffering and Healing,” Journal of Religion and Society.Supplement Series No. 7. Pp. 5-24 (Catalogue of photographs, 25-74).
2011b “The impact of scholarship and collections in German-speaking Europe on my Africanist medical anthropology,” Curare: Zeitschrift fuer Medizinethnologie, 34,4, 296-297.
2011c “Foreword” (pp. 3-9) Karl Schlesier, Flakhelfer to Grenadier: Memoir of a Boy Soldier 19431945. Amazon Publishing.
2012a “Teaching the Kongo-Transatlantic.” Africa Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter, Spring. 1-18.
2012b "Afri-Global Medicine: New Perspectives on Epidemics, Drugs, Wars, Migrations and Healing Rituals," Transnational Medicines, Mobile Experts—Anthropological Perspectives on Medicine in and beyond Africa. Ed. Hans-Georg Dilger. Indiana University Press. Pp. 155-137.
2012c “Identity, Voice, Community: New African Immigrants to Kansas.” In Causes and
Consequences of Human Migration,” Cambridge University Press, eds. Michael Crawford & Ben Campbell. 186-200.
2012d Gottesdiensthaeuser. Mennonitisches Lexicon. 4374 words.
2013a Minkisi at the Articulations of Individual and Societal Stress Points. Fragments of the Invisible:
The Rene and Odette Delenne Collection of Congo Sculpture. Cleveland Museum of Art. Pp. 46-53.
2013b Renewal and Reinterpretation in Kongo Religion. For Exhibition Catalogue Kongo Across the Waters. Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, & Central Africa Museum, Tervuren, Belgium. Pp. 132-142.
2013c Kongo Atlantic Diaspora. Oxford Bibliographies Online. 16,204 words = 27 pages.
2013d “Towards an appreciation of Histoire du Royaume du Congo and the Scholarship of Raphael Batsikama ba Mampuya,” Introduction to Patricio Batsikama ba Mampuya, L’Histoire du Royaume du Congo—Selon sa Toponymie de Kinsasa.Paris: L’Harmattan.
2014a Healing—Africa. In Joseph C. Miller, ed., Princeton Companion to Atlantic History. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
2014b Imagining the Whole: Local Medicine and Global Health. In Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. Pp. 19-25. University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology 26.
2015a Science and Spirit in Postcolonial North Kongo Health and Healing. African Studies Quarterly. Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp. 47-63.
2015b Divergent Legitimations of Post-State Health Institutions in Western Equatorial Africa. Working Paper Series 14, SPP 1448, Adaptation & Creativity in Africa. University of Halle-Wittenberg.
2015c Opportunities and Challenges of ‘War Ethnography’: Anthropological engagement in the African Great Lakes Region. Working Paper No. 163, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany.
In press a Science in the Moral Space of Health and Healing Paradigms in Western Equatorial Africa. In The African Therapy Continuum: Medical Pluralism, eds. William Olsen & Carolyn Sargent. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
In press b The Anthropology of Violence in Central and Southern Africa. Journal of Public Health Policy. Special Issue on Violence and Health: Merging Evidence and Implementations, ed. Bandy Lee.
Forthcoming. Imagining the Whole: A Commentary on Baer, Singer, Long & Erickson “Rebranding our Field? Towards an articulation of Health Anthropology,” Current Anthropology.
Forthcoming. African Religion and Healing in the Atlantic Diaspora. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History.
Selected Recent Reviews
1990 Review of: Joop T.V.M. de Jong, A Descent into African Psychiatry In Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
1990 Review of: Anita Jacobson-Widding & David Westerlund. Culture, Experience and Pluralism:
Essays on African Ideas of Illness and Healing In American Anthropologist.
1990 Review of: L. Lewis Wall, Hausa Medicine, Illness and Well-Being in a West African Culture In J. of the History of Medicine.
1991Review of: Wyatt MacGaffey, Art and Healing of the Bakongo. Stockholm & Bloomington:
Ethnogr. Museum & Indiana University Press. Anthropos.
1992 Review of: Megan Vaughn, Curing their Ills: Colonial Power and African Illness. Cambridge:
Polity Press; Oxford: Basil Blackwell. In Journal of African History.
1994 Review of: Christopher Taylor, Milk, Honey and Money: Changing Concepts in Rwandan Healing. Anthropos 89, 316-17.
1994 K. Ekholm Friedman, Catastrophe and Creation: The Transformation of an African Culture. Man.
- Review of: Lawrence Henderson, The Church in Angola. In International Bulletin of Missionary Research. 18,3 (July), p., 141.
- Review of: Donald B. Kraybill, ed. The Amish and the State. Contemporary Sociology, 24/1(January), p. 45.
1995 Review of: Rene Devisch, Weaving the Threads of Life. Chicago, for J. of the Royal Anthropological Institute. NS 1/2(June), p. 435-6.
- Review of: Simon Bockie, Death and the Invisible Powers: The World of Kongo Belief. Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, 35/2-3, 663-7.
- Review of: Stephen Scott, Amish Houses and Barns. In Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, XIX, 1 (January), p. 41.
1996 Review of: Gerard Prunier, The Rwandan Crisis: History of a Genocide. In Culture Survival Quarterly.
- Review of: Byron J. Good, Medicine, rationality, and experience. Anthropos, 91,4-6, pp.596-7.
- Review of: Edward Green, AIDS and STDs in Africa. American Ethnologist. pp. 30-31.
- Review of: Steven Friedson, Dancing Prophets: Musical Experience in Tumbuka Healing. Transcultural Psychiatry 35 (4), pp. 520-524.
- Review of: Richard Katz, Megan Biesele, and Verna St. Denis. Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy: Spirituality & Cultural Transformation among the Kalahari Ju/'hoansi. American Anthropologist. 101 (4), 45-46.
- Review of Eric Silla, People are not the Same: Leprosy and Identity in Twentieth-Century Mali. American Ethnologist. 27:2
2002 Review of Leo Driedger, Mennonites in the Global Village.Toronto Univ. Press., Mennonite Life. March.
2003a Review of Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda. Contemporary Sociology.32,4: 486-7.
2003b Review of Boris Wastiau, Mahamba: The Transforming Arts of Spirit Possession among the Luvale-Speaking People of the Upper Zambezi. Anthropos. 98, 2, 618-619.
2005a Review of Wyatt MacGaffey, Kongo Political Culture: The Conceptual Challenge of the Particular. Canadian Journal of African Studies.
2005b Review of Luc de Heusch, Le roi de Kongo et les monsters sacrés. Canadian Journal of African Studies.
2005c Review of 2 videofilms by Anne Aghion, "Gacaca: Living together again in Rwanda?" and "In Rwanda we say…: The family that does not speak dies." American Historical Review, June, pp. 914-915.
- Review of Jan Vansina, Antecedents to Modern Rwanda: The Nyiginya Kingdom. American Historical Review, October, pp. 1291-1292.
- Review of Susan J. Rasmussen, Those Who Touch: Tuareg Medicine Women in Anthropological Perspective. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press. American Historical Review.
2007/8 Review of Royden Loewen, Diaspora in the Countryside: Two Mennonite Communities and MidTwentieth Century Rural Disjuncture. University of Illinois Press, 2006. Plains Anthropologist Aug , Vol. 52, Iss 203, pp. 365-8.
2009 Review of Julie Livingston, Debility and the Moral Imagination in Botswana. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, American Ethnologist 36, 2.
2009 Review of Jo Thobeka Wreford, Working with Spirit: Experiencing Izangoma Healing in Contemporary South Africa. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Anthropos.
Selected Lectures & Scholarly Presentations (2010-2014)
2010a “Identity, Voice, Community: New African Immigrants to Kansas” Conference on Migration, University of Kansas, March.
2010b “The Social Reproduction of Health: Local and Global Idioms in Central African Communal Politics.” Conference on Social Health, in honor of Steven Feierman, Apr. 23-24, U. Pennsylvania.
2010c “Introduction to ‘African Healing Journeys’ Exhibition,” Spencer Museum of Art, Sept. 17, in connection with Medical Anthropology in Global Africa Conference.
2010d “An Anthropology of Local Medical Worlds and Global Health Discourses,” Discussion of Panel 9, Medical Anthropology in Global Africa: Trends and Issues in Research, September 17-18, University of Kansas,
2010e “Contested Measures of Humanity in African Suffering and Healing.” Keynote Lecture, Kripke Center, Creighton Univ., Omaha, NE., Symposium on Religion, Health and Healing, Oct. 27-28.
2010f “Kongo Insights Gleaned from Teaching Kongo-Transatlantic.” African Studies Association, Panel “Atlantic Traces.” November 18-21, San Francisco, CA.
2011a “History of the Kansas African Studies Center,” Panel on Origins & Histories of KU’s Area Study Centers, Missouri Historical Society Meetings, Kansas City, April 15; Chair, Charles Stansifer.
2011b “The Democratic Republic of Congo, Fifty Years On.” Kansas African Studies Center series on 50th Anniversaries of the Independence of African Countries.
2011c “Africanist Anthropology and the Routinization of Exceptional Disease Misfortunes.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal, November 19, for panel organized by Kathryn Rhine “HIV/AIDS in Global Africa: Tracing the Past in the Present.”
2012 Discussant for panel “De-Centering Central African History: Re-Imagining Five Centuries from the Margins,” African Studies Association Meetings, Philadelphia, Nov. 29-Dec2; Jessica Krug, session organizer.
2013a « L’Evolution de la santé au Manianga: du 17eme siècle a nos jours. » Université Libre de Luozi , République Démocratique du Congo. April 16.
2013b “Health is rejoicing in one’s body:” The Social Reproduction of Health in Lower Congo (DRC)
American Anthropological Association Meetings Chicago, IL Nov. 21, for Panel “The Trouble with Health” , co-chairs Alex M. Nading, Abigail H. Neely.
2013c Science and Spirit in Kongo Thinking about Malaria. African Studies Association Meetings, Baltimore MD. Roundtable on the African medical pluralism continuum Nov. 22, William Olsen chair.
2014a "Deciphering Images and Voices of War Trauma in Africa's Great Lakes Region," Hall Center Seminar on Genocide & Violence, University of Kansas, January 30.
2014b “Science and spirit in contemporary Kongo health and healing,” Gwendolen M. Carter Conference: Kongo Atlantic Dialogues, University of Florida Harn Museum, February 21-22.
2014c Where have all the men gone? Labor migration and social reproduction in Lower Congo. University of Kansas Anthropology Seminar on Migration, March 7.
2014d Doing Anthropology in the Congo in 2013. Bethel College, Life Enrichment. March 12.
2014e Social Legitimation and Health in Lower Congo. Oct. 22, University of Leipzig, Center for Area Studies.
2014f Sickle cell anemia, genetic counselling, marriage planning, and social reproduction in Western Equatorial Africa. African Studies Center, Beyreuth University. Oct. 28.
2014g Opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas of ‘war ethnography’: anthropological engagement in the African Great Lakes region. Joint Institutes’ Colloquium on ‚Expertise— Anthropology and Consultancy: expert knowledge in the service of decision-making. Lessons from practice. 16 December, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
1987 Museum Director & Curator. "Of Land and People: Mennonites of the Central Plains" Permanent Exhibition, Kauffman Museum. Bethel College, North Newton, KS.
1995 Curator. "Peoples of Africa." Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas.
1999 Co-Curator. Three panels on "Mennonite Domestic Furnishings" for an international exhibition on "The Mennonite Commonwealth in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union," in the Zaporozhe Regional History Museum, Zaporozhe, Ukraine. May-December 1999. With Reinhild Janzen. Curator in Chief, Professor Harvey Dyck, head, Program for Russia and Soviet Mennonite Studies, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, U. of Toronto.
2005a Curator of exhibit, The Hamburger Ivory: Local Images and Global Connections of a 19th C. Loango Tusk. University of Kansas Spencer Museum of Art, April 13-25.
2005b Reader for Update of Africa section of "Medicine as Art & Science" permanent exhibit, London Museum of Science & Technology.
2008 Curator. New African Immigrants photo & text portion of "Kansans Tell their Stories" exhibit, Kansas Humanities Council.
2010 Curator, “African Healing Journeys” Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas Teaching Gallery, in connection with the conference: Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. Kansas African Studies Center.
2008-11Co-Curator. "African Healing Journeys." Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology & Anthropology. Consultation workshops June, October, November, 2008; February, March, May 2009.
2010 Curator. “African Healing Journeys,” Spencer Museum of Art Teaching Gallery, in connection with conference Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. September.
2011-12 Consulting curator, Exhibition project “Kongo Across the Waters” Central African Museum,
Tervuren, Belgium and Harn Museum, University of Florida-Gainesville, for an exhibit on Kongo-transatlantic culture for the 500th anniversary of the founding of St. Augustine, Florida, and the companion black settlement Mose, where some of the first free blacks in North America included Kongo persons.
Service (the profession)
1977-1982 Committee member, Joint Committee for African Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, New York,;
1980-82 Committee chair, JCAS
1982-84 Member, Executive Committee, Society for Medical Anthropology, of the American Anthropological Association;
1982-1993 Editor-in-Chief of series "Comparative Studies in Health Systems and Medical Care" published by the University of California Press; This involved working with an editorial board and critiquing and defending manuscripts. It has been a leading series for the social science study of health and healing. (the University of Kansas & the Department of Anthropology, selected, mostly since 1990) 2008- Adviser, Museum Studies Program Anthropology Track.
2000-2001 Member, Internal Review Committee, Museum of Anthropology.
1998-2006, Director, Kansas African Studies Center, University of Kansas
1989-95 Editor, University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology
1994-95 Chair, Committee to Create Graduate Program in African & African-American Studies
1972-1995.Steering committee, African Studies Program
1983-87 Associate Chair, Department of Anthropology
The Wider Community
1985-2000 Board of Trustees, Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust, which preserves and interprets the oldest (1770) Mennonite meetinghouse in North America and related sites at Germantown, Pennsylvania 1994-1995 (November – February) with Great Lakes African emergency service unit, Mennonite Central Committee: relief work & ethnographic research on conflict and reconciliation. 1978-1990 Board of Trustees, Bethel College, North Newton, KS, Member, l968-83 Kauffman Museum, Committee, director's committee. 1983-92. Volunteer Director, Kauffman Museum, North Newton, KS.
Courses taught last decade
ANTH 564 Peoples of Africa; ANTH 568 Kongo-Transatlantic; ANTH 461/761 Introduction to Medical Anthropology; ANTH 876 Advanced Medical Anthropology; ANTH 701 History of Anthropology ANTH 699 Anthropology in Museums
(graduate students advised) McGill University:
M.A., Nels Johnson, M.A; Hugh Laurence M.A. ; Mike Lambek, B.A.; Judith Hoch-Smith (on committee), PhD; Leonard Mukenge (on committee), PhD. University of Kansas:
1970s: Joe Schmidt, M.A., Mary Pulford, M.A. Ray Talman, M.A.; Mike Holmes, PhD; Lois Rimmer, Ph.D; Ann Cobb, PhD; Katherine Staiano, PhD;
1980s: Linda Redford, M.A.; Susanne Mueller, M.A.; Frances Watson, PhD; Mohammad Al Haddad,
PhD; Susan Greenbaum, PhD; Jeff Longhofer, M.A., PhD; Barbara Michael, PhD;
1990s: Alexa Choby, M.A; Elaine Drew, M.A.; Jennifer Shaw, M.A.; Christina Loehn, PhD; Nancy
Palmer, PhD; Lisa Capps Padesky, PhD; Sam Mathai, PhD; Amy Terstriep (on committee) PhD; Elaine
Williams (on committee) PhD; Fransje Knops (on committee), PhD; Li Jian (on committee), PhD; David Schrag(on committee), M.A.;
2000s: Khalid Alowain, M.A.; Joe Barr, M.A.; Jill Brush, M.A.; Ravi DeSilva, M.A.; Michelle
Edwards, M.A.; George Gotto, PhD; Jennifer Hunter, PhD; Melissa Filippi-Franz, M.A., PhD; Laura
Herlihy, PhD; Kristin Lundberg, PhD; Kelsey Needham, M.A. (on committee); Kevin Skyat, PhD; Craig
Scandrett-Leatherman, PhD; Donna Schnur, M.A.; Sue Schuessler, M.A, PhD; Jennifer Shaw, M.A.;
Mary Sundal, PhD (on committee); Kerry Vanden Heuvel, M.A.; Kiran Jayaram, M.A. (on committee); Jen McCullough, M.A.; Ann Socolofsky, M.A.;
2010s: Marguerite Hall, M.A.; Marwa Ghazali, M.A., PhD*; Shawna Chapman, PhD; Caitlin Didier (on committee); Amy Drassan Ham , PhD (on committee); Josh Homan M.A.(on committee); Wayne Yang, M.A. (on committee); Ryan Laudermilk, M.A.; Tajel Patel, M.A.; James Herynk, PhD; Sydney Silverstein (on committee), M.A.; Heather Aldersey, PhD (on committee); Karen Stipp, PhD (on committee); Robin Bang, M.A.; Ann Benning, M.A.; Sarah Sparks, M.A.; Rebekah Hays, M.A.; Sara Colwell, M.A.; Kristine Schenk, M.A.; Sarah
Schroeder, M.A.; Neih-Che Yeh, M.A.; Gillian Armstrong, M.A.; Christine Inman, M.A., Halie Trezise, M.A.; Dawn Munger, M.A.; Braden Conrad-Hiebner, M.A.; Daniel Sullivan, PhD (on committee); Elene Cloete, PhD*; *=continuing in program.