Mary Adair CV

Mary Jeanneen Adair

University of Kansas

Archaeology Division, Biodiversity Institute

Spooner Hall

1340 Jayhawk Blvd

Lawrence, Kansas 66045


785-864-5243 (FAX)                                                                        


Ph.D. Anthropology 1984, with Honors, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.  

MA Anthropology 1977, with Honors, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.   BA Anthropology 1973, cum laude, Department of Anthropology, Wichita State University.

Academic Positions     

2011- present Senior Curator, Archaeology Division, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas and Courtesy Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

2006  Associate Curator, Archaeology Division, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas and Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

2001 - 2006  Interim Director and Associate Curator, Museum of Anthropology and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

1994  Associate Curator, Museum of Anthropology and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

1989   Associate Curator and Archaeological Collections Manager, Museum of     Anthropology, University of Kansas.  Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

  1. - 1989; Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri Kansas City.
  2. - 1989; Lecturer, Baker University, Masters of Liberal Arts Program.

Present: Archaeo-Botanical Consulting: Owner, Business created that specializes in the  identification and analysis of prehistoric plant remains collected from archaeological sites.  Consulting focuses on archaeobotanical remains from the Great Plains and surrounding areas

Grants and Awards      

2016  Bureau of Indian Affairs, Museum Program 2015 Bureau of Reclamation, Curation Agreement 2014 Wenner Gren, Historical Documentation Program.

2011    Support for the Installation of Mobile Compact Shelving, US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis MCX office.

2008  National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, east-central Kansas.

2008  US Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District: John Redmond Lake Collection 

2008  Kansas State Historical Society, Kitkahahki Archaeology: Investigations at the        Pawnee Indian Village, 14RP1 

2008    Ongoing. Curation Agreement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District. Current award supplement of $86,000 for mobile compact shelving.

2007    BudigOne, University of Kansas Digital Initiatives and Scholar Services

2007    Wenner Gren, Historical Documentation of the Carlyle S Smith papers

2007      Ongoing. Curation Contract, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District

2006    Wenner Gren, Historical Documentation of the Robert J. Smith papers

2003    Digital Library Initiative, University of Kansas.  Creation of the Kansas City, Hopewell web site

2003    Wenner Gren, Historical Documentation of the Anta Montet White papers

2002    Kansas Humanities Council, support for exhibition, Domestic Fires: Hearths in Plains Prehistory

2002    Bureau of Reclamation, Kansas-Nebraska Office. Cataloging and Storage of Archaeological Collections

2002    Kansas Arts Commission, support for the Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show

2002    Institute for Museum and Library Services, Conservation Award

2001    Institute for Museum and Library Services, General Operating Support

2001    Kansas Arts Commission, support for the Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show

1999    National Science Foundation, AMS Dating and Agricultural Development in the North American Central Plains

1999    National Park Service, NAGPRA Grant to Museums

1998    Institute for Museum Services, Conservation Assessment Program

1996 - 1998 National Science Foundation, Support for Systematic Collections, Kansas City Hopewell and Middle Woodland Collections

1996 - 2007     Curation Agreement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1996    Kansas City District, US Corps of Engineers, Collection Inventory of Clinton Lake Archaeological Materials

1995   American Philosophical Society: Great Bend Archaeobotanical Collections 

1994   National Science Foundation.  Radiocarbon Dating of Middle Woodland Maize

1992   National Science Foundation, Support for Systematic Collections, Photographic Collections

1992    Kansas City, Missouri, Department of Planning and Development.  Catalog of the Town of Kansas collections.

1992  US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Inventory of Collections. 1991   Kansas City, Missouri, Department of Planning and Development for Preliminary Investigations of the Town of Kansas.

1991    Bureau of Reclamation, Kansas-Nebraska Office. Analysis of Marobotanical Remains from the Medicine Creek Reservoir, Nebraska, 

Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops

2016    Symposium Co-Chair and Organizer, Session Title: A Reappraisal of Plains Woodland: Current Research and Future Directions for the74th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Lincoln

2009   Archaeology Curation Workshop, April 2009, Organized and presented with          Fiona Price and Amber Schrag in support of Professional Archaeologists of        Kansas, with assistance from the Kansas Museums Association.

2008  Conference Chair, 30th Annual Flint Hills Conference, University of Kansas

2006  Conference Co-Chair with Robert Hoard and Margaret Wood, Plains Anthropological Society Annual conference, November 8-11, 2006, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka 

2005  Pesticides and Museum Collections: Guidelines for Detection and Safe Handling. Workshop organized by the Wisconsin Historical Museum and National Park Service NAGPRA documentation grant, Madison

2002  “NAGPRA: Understanding the Process”  Workshop, May 21-22, 2002, University of Kansas         

1999    Conference Chair, 21st Annual Flint Hills Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

1999   Presentation at the 3rd Annual Archaeology for Native American Educators Workshop, co-sponsored by the Society for American Archaeology and Haskell Indian Nations University

1998    NAGPRA’s Evolving Legacy, Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Sponsored by the National Park Service and the University of Nevada, Heritage Resources Management Program.

1997- 1999 Care for Archaeological Collections. Presentation on the care of  archaeological collections for the Collections Care and Maintenance Training Program, Heritage League of Greater Kansas City, MO

1994  Workshop Organized and Presented with Bobbi Rahder, Photographic Preservation.  Sponsored by the Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas, 1993   Symposium Chaired and Co-organized with Fred Schneider for the 58th Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Title: Seeds to Gardens: Topics in Plains Ethnobotany 

1993  Symposium Chaired and Organized for the 1993 Annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.  Symposium title: "The Town of Kansas". 1991  Conference Co-chair with William B. Lees, 49th Plains Anthropological Society           Conference, Lawrence.

1991  Workshop Organized and Co-directed with Jessica Johnson: Preventive Conservation of Archaeological Collections.  Sponsored by the Museum of      Anthropology, University of Kansas.

Publications and Reports      

In Preparation   Steven Keehner and Mary Adair, A Ceramic Typology for Kansas City Hopewell and New Chronological Data: Implications for Origins, Regional Distinctions and Interactions.

In Press  Mary Adair and Jack Hofman.  Pawnee Archaeology: Changing Perspectives, Chapter 2 In People in a Sea of Grass: Archaeology’s Changing Perspective on Indigenous Plains Communities, edited by Lauren Ritterbush and Matt E. Hill. University of Utah Press.

2016    with Jack L. Hofman Obituary of Donna C. Roper.  Plains Anthropologist 61(239):282-290.

2012    Adair, Mary J. Refining Plains Woodland Chronology. Plains Anthropologist 57(223):183–228

2012  Roper, Donna C and Mary J. Adair. Additional AMS Radiocarbon Age Determinations for the Central Plains Tradition. Plains Anthropologist 57(221):31–38

2012    Roper, Donna C. and Mary J. Adair.  Interpreting AMS Radiocarbon Age Determinations from Selected Central Plains Tradition Sites.  Plains Anthropologist 56(217): 3-22.

2010  with Richard R. Drass.  Patterns of Plant Use in the Prehistoric Central and Southern Plains. Edited by Bruce D. Smith, Chapter 12 in Subsistence Economies of Indigenous North American Societies: pp. 307 – 352. Rowman Littlefield, Lanham Maryland.

2009    A Return to Pawnee Archaeology: Investigations of the Kitkahahki Occupation at the Kansas Monument Site, 14RP1.  Draft Report submitted to the Kansas State Historic Society.

2009    Letts, Cali, Mary J. Adair, Virginia A. Wulfkuhle and Robert Hoard. The Archaeology of Early Agriculture in Kansas: A Fifth Grade Integrated Reading Unit.  Archeology Popular Report No. 5.  Archeology Office, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka.

2009    Changing Economies: Archaeobotanical Data from Site 14RC410. In Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14RC410, Rice County, Kansas: The Little River Archaeology Project, edited by Donna C. Roper.  Report        submitted to the City of Little River, Kansas.

2009    with Cindy Peterson, Melody Pope, Michael Perry, John Hedden and James Theler (University of Iowa).  Archaeological Resources of the Central Plains Tradition in the Loess Hills Region of Iowa. National Register of Historic Places, Multiple Property Nomination.

2009   Book Review Plains Apache Ethnobotany by Julia A. Jordan, University of Oklahoma Press. Plains Anthropologist 54(210):170-172.

2008    with Donna C. Roper and Jack L. Hofman.  Kitkahahki Archaeology: A Return to the Pawnee Indian Village Site.  Kansas Preservation 30(5): 13-17. Newsletter of       the Cultural Resources Division, Kansas Historical Society, Topeka.  2008            Archaeobotanical Analysis, In The Archeology of Plattford, Sarpy County, Nebraska, by Peter Bleed, Amy Koch and John Swigert, Appendix A. Report  prepared for the Nebraska Department of Roads, Lincoln. 

2007    with L. Mark Raab (University of Missouri-Kansas City). Cooperative Agreement for Archaeological Studies and Public Interpretation in Platte County Parks.  Document prepared for Platte County, Missouri Parks and Recreation Department.

2007    Variability in Maize Morphology: Examples from five Central Plains Maize Collections.  Current Archaeology in Kansas, No. 7, Publication of the Professional Archaeologists of Kansas.

2007    with Donna C. Roper and Jack L. Hofman.  Kitkahahki Archaeology:         Investigations at the Pawnee Indian Village, 14RP1. Current Archaeology in           Kansas, No. 7, Publication of the Professional Archaeologists of Kansas. 2006   Plains Plants. In Environment, Origins, and Population, Volume of the Handbook           of North American Indians. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC. 2006  Paleoethnobotanical Research in Kansas. In Kansas Archeology, 10,000 B.C. to    the mid-1800s, edited by Robert J. Hoard and William E. Banks. Pp 248-264. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. 

2004    Book Review. Curating Archaeological Collections: From the Field to the Repository, by Lynne S. Sullivan and S. Terry Childs, Altamira Press.  Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 1(2):204-207, Altamira Press.

2004    Archaeobotanical Remains from 14CO1310.  Report prepared for Louis Berger     Group, Marion, Iowa.

2003  Great Plains Paleoethnobotany.  In People and Plants in Ancient North America,     edited by Paul Minnis pp. 258-346.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

2003    Great Bend Archaeobotanical Remains.  Current Archaeology in Kansas, No. 3,  Publication of the Professional Archaeologists of Kansas.

2002    Archaeobotanical Remains.  In Archeology of the Beaver Creek Site, Boone           County, Nebraska, by Amy Koch, pp: 43-46.  Nebraska State Historical Society,         Highway Archeology Program, Lincoln.

2001    Archaeobotanical Remains.  In Historical Archaeology at Locality 6 of the Fort Ellsworth Site (14EW26), Kanopolis Lake, Ellsworth County, Kansas, edited by    Robert J. Ziegler, pp. 252-260. Report prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas City, Missouri.

2001    Defining Central Plains Agriculture: The Arrival of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).  Current Archaeology in Kansas, No. 2, Publication of the Professional Archaeologists of Kansas.

2000   Town of Kansas Master Plan.  Prepared for the City of Kansas City, Missouri,        City Planning and Development Department.  ICON Architecture, in association    with Rare Media, Well Done; the Zimmer companies, Taliaferro and Browne.

2000  Tobacco on the Plains: Historical Use, Ethnographic Accounts and Archaeological Evidence.  In Tobacco Use by Native North Americans: Sacred Smoke and Silent Killer edited by Joseph C. Winter, pp: 171–184. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

2000    Paleoethnobotanical Research in the Central Plains.  Current Archaeology in Kansas 1:3-6

2000   Archaeobotanical Analysis, 25BO23.  Report prepared for the Nebraska State         Historical Society, Lincoln.

1999  Botanical Remains. In Archeology of the Patterson Site: Native American Life in the Lower Platte Valley, A.D. 1000-1300, compiled and edited by John R. Bozell and John Ludwickson, pp.85-100. Nebraska State Historical Society for the Nebraska Department of Roads. Lincoln.

1999    Botanical Remains. In Archaeology of the Patterson Site; Three Centuries of Pre Contact Native American Life in the Lower Platte Valley, edited by John R. Bozell and John Ludwickson, pp: 85-100.  Report prepared for the Department of Roads  by the Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln.

1999 with John R. Bozell, John Ludwickson and Amy Koch.  Perspectives on the Late Prehistory of the South Bend Locality. In Archaeology of the Patterson Site; Three Centuries of Pre-Contact Native American Life in the Lower Platte Valley, edited by John R. Bozell and John Ludwickson.  Report prepared for the Dept of  Roads  by the Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln.

1998   Archaeobotanical Remains from Haley’s Point, 34MA15.  MS submitted to the Department of Anthropology, Wichita State University, Wichita

1998  Macrobotanical Remains.  In Prehistoric Settlement of the Lower Missouri Uplands: The View from the DB Ridge, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, edited by Brad Logan, pp. 248-253.  Report submitted to Fort Leavenworth and the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from Burns and McDonnell  Engineers and the University of Kansas, Museum of Anthropology, Project Report Series, No. 98.

1996    Woodland Complexes in the Central Great Plains. In Archeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains: A Volume in the Central and Northern Plains Archeological Overview, edited by Jack L. Hofman, pp. 101-122. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series No. 48. Fayetteville, Arkansas. US Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program and US Army Corps of Engineers.

1996   Archaeobotanical Remains from 39FA23.  In A Late Prehistoric Period Pronghorn Hunting Camp in the Southern Black Hills, South Dakota, by Kerry Lippincott. pp:86-94. Special Publication of the South Dakota Archaeological Society, Number 11.  Published in Cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation, Dakotas Area Office.

1995    NAGPRA Inventory of Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects and Summary of Unassociated Funerary Objects, Sacred Objects and Objects of Cultural Patrimony from the Archaeological Collections, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas. Submitted to the National Park Service in compliance with Public Law 106-101.

1994    Archaeobotanical Remains from the Patterson and Little Pawnee Creek sites. Appendix A in Nebraska Phase Archeology in the South Bend Locality, pp 177-192. Nebraska State Historical Society, Nebraska Highway Archeology Program for the Nebraska Department of Roads, Lincoln.

1994    Corn and Culture History in the Central Plains.  In Corn and Culture in the Prehistoric New World, edited by S. Johannason and C. Hastorf pp. 315-334. Westview Press, Boulder. 

1993    Paleoethnobotanical Remains from the Quarry Creek site.  In Quarry Creek: Excavation, Analysis and Prospect of a Kansas City Hopewell site, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, edited by Brad Logan, pp.170-175.  University of Kansas, Museum of Anthropology, Project Report Series, No. 80, Lawrence

1992   (with John G. Hedden) The Town of Kansas: Preliminary Archival and Archaeological Investigations.  University of Kansas, Museum of Anthropology,  Project Report Series, No. 76, Lawrence. Report prepared for Kansas City Planning and Development, Kansas City, Missouri. 

1991    Macrobotanical Remains from the Avoca site (14JN332): The Role of Agriculture during the Early Ceramic Period.  Chapter 5 In The Avoca Site (14JN332), Excavation of a Grasshopper Falls Phase Structure, Jackson County, Kansas by Timothy G. Baugh, pp. 85-94.  Kansas State Historical Society, Contract Archeology Series Publications No. 8, Topeka.

1990    Contributor. Archaeological Investigations in the Perry Lake Project Area, Northeastern Kansas, National Register Evaluation of 17 Sites, edited by Brad Logan.  Report prepared by Kaw Valley Engineering and Development, Inc. for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District  

1990    Macrobotanical Remains from the Stigenwalt Site. Appendix III, In The    Archeology of the Stigenwalt Site, 14LT351. by Randall M. Thies, pp. 157-159. Kansas State Historical Society, Contract Archeology Series, No. 7, Topeka.

1989    Editor and Contributor, Archaeological Investigations at the North Cove Site, Harlan County Lake, Harlan County, Nebraska: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Report prepared by Kaw Valley Engineering and Development, Inc, Junction City, Kansas for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1989     Macrofloral Remains. In Archaeological Investigations in the Perry Lake Project Area, Northeastern Kansas: National Register Evaluation of 17 sites, edited by Brad Logan, pp: 238-239.  Report submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1989    Floral Remains.  In 1986 Archaeological Investigations at 14MN328, a Great Bend Aspect Site along U.S. Highway 56, Marion County, Kansas, compiled by William B. Lees, pp: 90-103. MS, Archeology Department, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka.

1988   Prehistoric Agriculture in the Central Plains.  University of Kansas, Publications  in Anthropology, No.16, Lawrence.

1987    Contributor.  Archaeological Investigations in the Clinton Lake Project Area, Northeastern Kansas, National Register Evaluation of 27 Prehistoric Sites,   edited by Brad Logan. Report prepared for Kaw Valley Engineering and    Development, Inc. for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1987    Contributor and Editor (with Kenneth L. Brown) Prehistoric and Historic Cultural Resources of Selected Sites at Harlan County Lake, Harlan County, Nebraska: Test Excavations and Determinations of Significance for 28 Sites.         Report Submitted by Kaw Valley Engineering to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1987    Macrofloral Analysis of Flotation Samples from a Crematorium at the Richland Site. In Archaeological Investigations in the Clinton Lake project Area, Northeastern Kansas: National Register Evaluation of 27 Prehistoric Sites, edited by B. Logan, pp: 233-234.  Report submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District.

1984     Plant Remains from Drumming Sauna (34WN29). In Hunters of the Forest Edge: Culture, Time, and Process in the Little Chaney Basin (1980, 1981, and 1982 Field Seasons), by K.C. Reid and J.A. Artz, pp: 207-217. University of Tulsa Laboratory of Archaeology, Contributions in Archaeology 14.  Oklahoma  Archeological Survey, Studies in Oklahoma’s Past, Number 13, Norman.

1984    (with Rolfe Mandel, Pierre Clement and Alan Simmons) Cultural Resources and  Urban Development: The Kansas City – Topeka Corridor Project.  Project Report Series No. 55, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

1982    Spatial Patterning at the Two Deer site (14BU55): A Preliminary Report.  In Archaeological Investigations at El Dorado Lake, Butler County, Kansas (Phase III), assembled by Paul E. Brockington, pp. 305-354.  Project Report Series No.    51, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.  Report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District. 

1981    with Marie E. Brown. The Two Deer site (14BU55): A Plains Woodland-Plains Village Transition. In Prehistory and History of the El Dorado Lake Area, Kansas (Phase II), edited by Mary J. Adair, pp. 237-356. Project Report Series  No. 47, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

1981    Editor, Prehistory and History of the El Dorado Lake Area, Kansas (Phase II), Project Report Series  No. 47, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

1980    Analysis of Carbonized Floral Remains. Appendix B, In Archaeological Investigations in the Proposed Blue Springs Lake Area, Jackson County, Missouri: The Early Woodland Period by Christopher A. Wright.  Report           submitted to Burns and McDonnell Engineers, Kansas City.

1977    Subsistence Exploitation at the Young Site: A Predictive Model for Kansas City Hopewell. M.A.Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Papers Presented

2016a Cultural Dynamics on the Eastern Central Plains: The Early/Middle Woodland period.  Paper presented at the 74th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Lincoln

2016b  Steven Keehner and Mary Adair. A Ceramic Typology for Kansas City Hopewell and New Chronological Data: Implications for Origins and Regional Distinctions. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Lincoln

2015    New Interpretations from Old Collections: Glenwood Area Archaeobotanical Remains from 13ML129.  Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Iowa City.

2014c Sweet Beginnings or Agricultural Diversification?  Early Maize in the central Plains. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Fayetteville, AK

2014b Middle Woodland Trade in the Eastern Central Plains: Implications for Social Interactions on a Broader Scale.  Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Fayetteville, AK

2014a Dating the Arrival of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the North American Central Plains.  Presentation at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2013    with Brendon Asher, Alison Hadley, and Jack Hofman.   Pawnee Archaeology: Recent Investigations of the late Eighteenth Century Kansas Monument Site, 14RP1. Paper presented at the 71th annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Loveland

2013    Farming on the High Plains: A Model for the Dismal River Aspect.  Paper presented at the 71th annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Loveland

2013    The Temporal Range of Mound Burials in the Lower Republican River Valley: The Schultz Phase. Paper presented at the 35rd Annual Flint Hills Conference, Manhattan

2012    with Neil Duncan, Robert Lusteck, Mary Malainey and Linda Perry. Paleodietary Implications from Starch, Lipid, and Phytolith Analysis: A Case from the Kansas City Hopewell. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Saskatoon

2011    Recent Investigations on the Early Woodland in the Lower Missouri Valley.  Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Flint Hills Conference, Wichita

2010  with Jack Hofman and Donna Roper.  Pawnee Life and Technology in the late 1700s: A Perspective from the Kansas Monument Site, 14RP1. Posted Presented at the Annual Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, MO

2010  The Adoption of Old World Crops in the Historic Central Plains: An Evaluation of Economic Change.  Presented at the 68th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference

2009     After Fieldwork: An overview of Current Research on the Pawnee Indian Village, 14RP1.  Paper presented at the 31st Annual Flint Hills Conference, Topeka, Kansas

2008    Waldo Wedel and Pawnee Archaeology.  Invited paper presented for the Symposium Examining Waldo Wedel’s Legacy to Central Plains Archaeology, Donna C. Roper, chair.  Presented at the 66th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Laramie, Wyoming.

2007    with Marvin Kay.  North American Eastern Prairie Adaptation: The Middle to Late Holocene Record.  Invited paper for symposium Mesolithic meets Archaic: Hunter-Gathered Research across the Atlantic Divide, organized by Ivana Radovanovic.  Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference, Austin, Texas.

2007  Archaeological Curation.  Paper presented at the Kansas Museum Association Conference, Emporia.

2006     When Corn Becomes King: Central Plains Agricultural Developments A.D. 1200-1600. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Topeka, Kansas

2004     Maize from the Central Great Plains: Introduction and Morphological Variability. Invited paper for the symposium The Stories of Maize II: North America North of Mexico, organized by. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference, Montreal, Canada.

2003    Becoming Farmers: Crops of the Nebraska Phase.  Paper presented at the 61st Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 

2002    A 20 Year Perspective on Plains Paleoethnobotany.  Paper presented at the 24th Annual Flint Hills Conference, Kansas State University, Manhattan 2001 One Kansas Farmer: Paleoethnobotanical Research in Kansas.  Invited paper  presented for the symposium, The Current State of Kansas Archaeology, Robert Hoard and Will Banks, chairs. Presented at the 61st Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.

2001    with Jeannette Blackmar and John Bozell.  Invited paper presented for the symposium A Regional Perspective on the National Curation Crisis, Eileen Johnson, chair. Presented at the 61st Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.

2000    Woodland Period Farming in the Central Plains: Archaeobotanical Data and AMS Dates. Invited paper for the symposium Prehistory of the Lower Missouri Valley: Papers in Honor of Alfred E. Johnson. Brad Logan, chair.  Presented at the Joint  Midwest/Plains Anthropological Society Conference, St. Paul. Minnesota. 2000 The Town of Kansas.  Presentation for the Oregon-California Trails Association, Independence, Missouri.

1998   Great Bend Paleoethnobotany, A.D. 1500-1750. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota.

1998    Three Images of Nebraska Phase Subsistence: Archaeobotanical Data from the Patterson site (25SY31).  Paper presented at the Annual Flint Hills Conference. Anadarko, Oklahoma. 

1997    Plant Use at Fort Ellsworth: Multiple Lines of Evidence.  Paper presented at the 55th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado. 1996 Botanical Remains from El Cuartelejo, 14SC1. Invited paper presented for the      symposium The Pueblo on the Plains: Continuing Archaeological Research into the Protohistoric Scott County Pueblo in Western Kansas. Presented at the 54th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Iowa City.

1996    Why Partnerships are Needed between Museums and Federal Agencies.  Invited  paper presented for the symposium Archaeological Collections: Problems, Issues and Possibilities, sponsored by The Council for Museum Anthropology. Presented at the 54th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Iowa City, Iowa.

1996    Ethnobotany of the Protohistoric and Historic Wichita: Two Approaches.  Paper presented at the 18th Annual Flint Hills Conference, St. Joseph Museum and Pony Express National Memorial, St. Joseph, Missouri.

1996    The Good, Bad, and Ugly: AMS Dates on Kansas City Hopewell Maize. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Flint Hills Conference, St. Joseph Museum and Pony Express National Memorial, St. Joseph, Missouri.

1993    Museums, Archaeology and the Future, Invited paper for the symposium Museum Archaeology in the 90s, Joseph Tiffany, chair. Presented at the 51st Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

1993    with Jack Hofman.  Archaeological Overview of the Central Plains: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Invited paper for the symposium The Central and Northern Great Plains Overview: An Archaeological Legacy, Charles Ewen, chair. Presented at the 51st Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

1993    Premaize Gardening in the Central Plains. Paper presented for the  symposium Topics in Plains Ethnobotany, Mary Adair, organizer and chair.  Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

1993    The Town of Kansas: Development of an Urban Archaeology Project with Kansas City, Missouri.  Paper presented in the symposium The Town of Kansas, organized and chaired by Mary Adair for the 26th Annual Society for Historical  Archaeology, Kansas City, Missouri. 

1992    J. Mett Shippee: Seventy Years of Contributions in Archaeological Fieldwork, Research and Dedication.  Invited paper for the symposium Honoring the Contributions of Amateur Anthropologists to Plains Archaeology, Lauren  Ritterbush, chair.  Paper presented at the 50th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.

1992    Plant Remains from El Quartelejo: Subsistence Change or Continuity during the   Protohistoric Period.  Invited paper for the symposium People with History: Plains Cultural and Social Dynamics during the Protohistoric Period, Timothy Baugh, chair.  Presented at the 50th Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska

1992    Prehistoric Agriculture in the Central Plains: Current Research and Future Directions. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnobiology, Washington D.C.

1991    Tobacco on the Plains: Historical Use, Ethnographic Accounts and Archaeological Evidence.  Invited paper for the symposium The Native American Tobacco Complex: Origins, Development and Analysis, Joseph C. Winter and Karen Adams, chairs. Presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, New Orleans        

1991    with Rose Estep. The Archaeobotanical Record from Kansas River Basin Sites. Invited presentation for the symposium Kansas River Valley, Robert Blasing, chair. Presented at the 49th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Lawrence, Kansas. 

1990    Corn and Culture History in the Central Plains.  Paper presented at the Corn and Culture in the Prehistoric New World conference and workshop, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

1990    Iva annua as a Prehistoric Cultigen in the Central Plains: A Regional Synthesis.    Paper presented as part of the symposium Paleoethnobotanical Research on the Great Plains, Mary Adair, organizer and chair.  Presented at the 48th Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Oklahoma City.

1990    Late Woodland Agriculture in the Central Plains: The Grasshopper Falls phase. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Flint Hills Conference

1989  Great Bend Agriculture: Archaeobotanical Remains from 14MN328. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Flint Hills Conference

1989    Maize from the Central Plains.  Paper presented at the Corn and Culture in the Prehistoric New World Conference, organized by Sissel Johannessen and Christine Hastorf, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

1988    The Evolution of the Prairie: Recent Data from Harlan County, Nebraska. Paper presented at the 11th Annual North American Prairie Conference Lincoln.

1984 Botanical Evidence for the Development of Agriculture in the Central Plains. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference, Portland.

1984  A Quantification of Macrobotanical Remains from Middle Ceramic Sites: New Data from the Witt Site (14GE600). Paper presented at the 42nd Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.

1978 A Preliminary Report on the Excavations at 14BU55: A Late Woodland Village Site in South-central Kansas.  Paper presented at the Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Denver, Colorado.

1976    The Use of Cementum Annuli Count on Odocolius sp. from the Young site, Northwestern Missouri. Paper presented at the Annual Plains Anthropological Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Invited Presentations         

2009    Archaeobotanical Data and Glenwood phase Farming. Presentation to Golden       Hills Resource Conservation and Development, the Loess Hills National Scenic  Byway, and the Office of the State Archaeologists, University of Iowa.

2008  Farming on the High Plains: An Interpretation of Data.  Keynote speaker for the Panhandle Plains Annual Meeting

2001     Panel Discussant and Lecturer: Prairie Plants: Their History and Future as Food  and Medicine.  Center for Prairie Studies, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa.

2000   The Town of Kansas Archaeological Workshop, An event sponsored by the Oregon-California Trails Association National Convention, Kansas City, Mo. 2003 Panel Discussant for the Invited Session: Reflections on 25 Years of Flint Hills Conferences.  Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas.

1999   Presenter in the 3rd Annual Archaeology for Native American Educators Workshop, co-sponsored by the Society for American Archaeology, Bureau of Land Management and Haskell Indian Nations University 

1996- 1998   Collection Care and Management Training Program: Heritage League of Greater Kansas City, Missouri.

1996  "Can You Dig It?"  Presentation prepared for A Conference for Young   Women,    Wyandotte Comprehensive, Special Education Cooperative, Kansas City, Kansas.

1994  Frontier Lifeline: The Town of Kansas.  Prepared for The Missouri Valley &           Emigrant Trails Association, Trails Head Chapter of Oregon California Trails        Association and Western Historical Manuscripts, Kansas City, Missouri. 1993   The Town of Kansas: Our Buried History.  Prepared for the Samuel Williston  Research Club, University of Kansas.

1993   The Emergence of Agriculture in the Central Plains: Archaeobotanical and Isotopic Evidence.  Prepared for faculty and students of the Biology Department, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

1992   Current Research in Plains Paleoethnobotany.  Prepared for the 2nd Paleoethnobotanical Workshop, sponsored by the University of Missouri Columbia and the Missouri Anthropological Society, Lyman Research Center. 1992   The Town of Kansas as Revealed through Archaeology and Archives. Prepared for the Jackson County Historical Society, Arthur Mag Lecture Series, Kansas City, Missouri.

1992  Current Directions in Plains Paleoethnobotanical Research.  Informal presentation prepared for the 1st Annual Southwestern/ Plains Paleoethnobotany Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  

1992  Preliminary inventory of archaeobotanical remains from Great Bend sites (ca. A.D.1450-1700) curated at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

1992   Collection Management at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas. Informal presentation prepared for the Collection Management and Curation Workshop, sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia.

1991   Native American Seed Gardening and Plains Ethnobotany. Presentation and Workshop prepared for Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department, Line Creek Museum, Kansas City, Missouri.

1991   Central Plains Paleoethnobotany.  Prepared for the 1st Paleoethnobotanical Workshop, sponsored by the University of Missouri, Columbia and the Missouri Anthropological Society, Lyman Research Center.

1991  Great Bend Agriculture: New Data and Future Research. Prepared  for the Rice County Historical Society, Lyons, Kansas.

1991   People, Plants, and Crops of Kansas. Prepared for the Kansas Museum of History Docent Training Manual and preparation for their Tour "Food on the Move".

1991   Prehistoric Crops of the Central Plains.  Prepared for the Kansas Scholar Lecture Series, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka.

1990   Paleoethnobotany: Techniques and Rewards.  Prepared for the Kansas Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas.

Graduate and Undergraduate Studies     

University of Kansas

Anth 896 Independent Reading and Research

2009    Andrew Gottsfield

  1. Kristina Davis

            Brendon Asher

  1. Juli Tarabek

            Brendon Asher

  1. Greg Kauffman

2016   Zach Day

Anth 996  Dissertation Research

2010    Alison Hadley

2008    Emily Williams            

2007    Ann Raab

Anth 522 Paleoethnobotany

1996    Undergraduate and Graduate student course, 20 students

Anthropology 799 Museum Studies Internships

2010    Sara Colwell, curation upgrade of archaeological bone; emphasis on the faunal remains collected from the Talking Crow site, 39BF3

2010    Nei-chieh Yeh, creation of an electronic accession database by pulling disparate records, ranging from the early 1900s to current time, into one organized source 2009     Sarah Sparks, catalog and archive of photographs associated with the Melvern Lake project.

2007    John Miller, organization of the Carlyle S. Smith documents and photographs. Creation of finding aids for the Carlyle Smith collection

2006      Bertram Lyons, organization of the Carlyle S. Smith documents and photographs

2004    Martina Smith, inventory of the George Reed collection of Northwest Coast artifacts.

2003    Diana Zlatanovski, organization of the Anta Monet White documents and photographs

1998    Shelley Berger, catalog of Alberry collection of pre-Columbian artifacts

1996    Teresa Weaver and Jeannette Blackmar for project with Principals of Conservation class

1995    Leslie Bush, inventory of donated archaeological collections

1992    Rose Estep, inventory of the R.B. Aker donation of archaeological materials from the greater Kansas City region.     

Emporia State University

1990 & 2008 Paleoethnobotany. Class prepared for the Kansas Anthropological Training Program, in conjunction with excavations at a late prehistoric site in northwestern Kansas (1990) and the historic Pawnee site at 14RP1 in 2008. Credit was available through Emporia State University.

Baker University MLA Program

1986-1990       Southwestern Prehistory

                        Human Evolution

                        Prehistory of the Kansas City Area   

University of Missouri Kansas City

1986-1989       Introduction to Physical Anthropology

                        North American Indians

                        Prehistory of the Kansas City Area

Undergraduate Research Awards: Faculty Advisor, University of Kansas 2006

Gianna Short,  Analysis of fruit seeds, Vitis sp. and Prunus sp. from Lower Walnut Great Bend sites.

2006      Honey Hooper, Organization and Relation of Research from Easter Island, Chilé      

Research/Museum Internships, University of Kansas

2009    Ashly Basgall, 2L, School of Law, Background work for the preparation of a NAGPRA documentation grant

2009    Abbi Huderle, History major, University of Kansas. Research and Conservation of the Town of Kansas Glass bottle collection

2007    Cara Orban and Christopher Bridson, Emporia State University, Library Science  General Practicum in cooperation with the Digital Initiatives Program, University of Kansas. Creation of the Finding Aid and Collection Highlights for the R.B. Aker collection.

2006    Kate Rogge, Emporia State University. Library Science General Practicum in cooperation with the Digital Initiatives Program, University of Kansas. Creation of the online Finding Aid and Collection Highlights for the Floyd and Adah Jane Schultz collection.

2005    Maggie Goble, Smith College, Catalog and Photographic documentation of the Palmer collection of Africa art.   

Graduate Student Committees, University of Kansas

PhD committee member

Current: Zach Day

2015    Hadley, Alison

Organization of Pipestone Pipe Technology at Great Bend Aspect Sites in Kansas. 

Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas

2008    Huang, Hai

A Three-Stage Model for the Domestication of Oryza sativa and the Emergence of Rice Agriculture in China, 12,000 – 7,000 BP. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2001    Holen, Steven R. Climate Change and Human Adaptation at the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary: Clovis Mobility and lithic Procurement on the Central Great Plains of North America.  Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1991    Loosle, Byron N. Social Interaction Among the Late Plains Village Populations in the Central Plains. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

Masters Thesis committee member

Current:  Kaitlin Stanley

                 Barbara Crable

2016    Berning, Grant

2015    Liebl, Brecken

Improving Access at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute Division of Archaeology, Museum Studies Program, University of Kansas

2015   Keehner, Steven Palimpsests, Activities, and Archaeological Taxonomy: Implications from Late Plains Woodland Components (AD500-1000) of the Hamon site in Northeastern Kansas. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas

2014    Guarino, Michael Can’t we All Just Get Along? Weaponry Standardization and Sharing at the Agate Basin Site. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2013    Kauffman, Greg Stable Isotope Analysis of a Middle Woodland Population from North Central Kansas.  Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas

2012  Tarabek, Juli What’s the Point: A Transition from Dart to Bow in the Eastern Plains.  Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas    

2009    Asher, Brendon Kitkehahki Chipped Stone Technologies:  A Comparative Study. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2003    Berger, Shelly Pots and Posts from Hallman, a Bluff Creek Phase Sit in Harper     County, Kansas. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2002    Sather, Dean T. Lithic Technological Organization: A view From the Canning Site. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2001    Hatfield. Virginia Toward Evolutionary Archaeology: Analysis of Variability in Attributes of Central Texas Projectile Point/Knives. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

2001    Conner, Robert Mike Stable Carbon Isotopes and the Assessment of Maize in Archaeological Diets of Kansas.  Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1997    Greatorex, Linda J. Steed-Kisker and Nebraska Ceramics:  A New Interpretation.  Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.

1997    Estep, Rose F. Late Nineteenth Century Industrial Brick Manufacturing: Archaeological Investigations at 39MD348, the Piedmont Brick Plant, Meade County, South Dakota. Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas.


2015    Costa Rica, Natural History Museum, University of Kansas

2002    Celebrating Anthropology, Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas

2001    Archaeological Contributions of Anta Montet White, Retirement event at the

            Museum of Anthropology, University of Kansas

1994    The Town of Kansas: Lifeline to the Frontier. Museum of Anthropology,

            University of Kansas

1992    Town of Kansas.  Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Missouri.

Professional Service                     

2016 – 2019    Board of Directors, Plains Anthropological Society

2015 – 2018    Editorial Board, American Antiquity

2002 – 2005    Editor, Plains Anthropologist, 

  1. - 2003  Treasurer, Professional Archaeologists of Kansas (PAK), 
  2. Consultant to ICON Architecture, Boston, Mass for the completion of the Town of Kansas, Master Plan.  Prepared for the City of Kansas City, Missouri, City Planning and Development Department.

1998-1999          Chair, Action Committee, Professional Archaeologists of Kansas (PAK),  

1998                Vice-Chair, Kansas State Historic Sites Board of Review 

  1. 2001      Member, Kansas State Historic Sites Board of Review 

1996-1998       Member, Heritage Trust Fund Review Board, State of Kansas

1996-1999       Member, FOCUS (Forging our Comprehensive Urban Strategy), Preservation Plan, Kansas City, Missouri.

1995-1997       NSF Review Panel for Support for Systematic Collections Program

1997-current Member, Deaccession Review Committee, Kansas State Historical Society

1992-1993       Vice-President, Board of Directors, Plains Anthropological Society

1990-1992       Board od Directors, Plains Anthropological Society

1993-1995       Vice-President, Board of Directors, Missouri Anthropological Society

1991-1992       Vice-President, Kansas City Archaeological Society

1987-1989       Vice-President, Kansas City Archaeological Society

1994-1996       President, Kansas City Archaeological Society

1988-1990       Trustee, Missouri Anthropological Society

Professional Memberships          

Society for American Archaeology, 1976 - present

Plains Anthropological Society, 1974 - present

Society of Ethnobiology, 1991 - 1998

Society for Historical Archaeology 1992 - 1998

Mid-Continental Journal of Archaeology, 1978 - present

Missouri Anthropological Society, 1985 - 1993

Kansas Anthropological Association, 1989 - present

Kansas City Archaeological Society, 1985 - present

Professional Archaeologists of Kansas, 1998- present

Nebraska Association of Professional Archaeologists, 1988 - present 

Research Interests 

Great Plains prehistory


Prehistoric economic patterns

Agricultural developments

Culture change

19th century Euroamerican settlement

Archaeological curation