Bartholomew Dean

Bartholomew C. Dean
  • Professor
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences Anthropology
  • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Ph.D., Harvard University, 1995
  • Fall 2024 Office Hours: Thur., 2-4pm in 639 Fraser Hall; and by appointment - send email to

Contact Info

Fraser Hall, Rm. 639
1415 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045


Bartholomew Dean (Oxford MPhil, Harvard PhD) is an associate professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas and a research associate of KU's Laboratory of Biological Anthropology. In addition, he is research affiliate at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Tarapoto, Peru), where he directs the Anthropology Section of the Regional Museum, Dean is a Contributing Editor for Lowland South America, U.S. Library of Congress’ Handbook of Latin American Studies. His research interest includes the ethnology of the Peruvian Amazon, health, human rights, political anthropology, social theory and ethics. His publications include Urarina Society, Cosmology and History in the Peruvian Amazonia (2009, 2013), as well as a co-edited book, numerous articles and several textbooks. Dean is currently working on a monograph dedicated to understanding social trauma associated with the political violence and civil unrest in the bajo (lower) Huallaga Region of Peruvian Amazonia. Dean is active in the area of human rights advocacy.



Research Areas: critical theory, kinship, politics, symbolic forms, material culture, health and human rights, Amazonia, Latin America