Justin Tackney

Justin Tackney
  • Associate Researcher Senior, Anthropology

Contact Info

Fraser Hall, Room 615


B.A.: Molecular Biology & Biochemistry / Classical Civilizations - Boston University

M.S.: Biological Anthropology - University of Utah

Ph.D.: Biological Anthropology - University of Utah


Research Interests

  • Population genetics
  • Ancestral analysis
  • Peopling of the Americas
  • Arctic migrations
  • Ancient DNA and forensic DNA methodologies
  • Evolution
  • Human origins

Selected Publications

Unkel, SL, Norman LEY, Tackney J, Krus AM, Jensen AM, Alix C, Mason O, and O’Rourke DH. Genetic analysis of Birnirk Inuit from the Alaskan North Slope. Arctic.  2022. 75(1): 121-132. https://doi.org/10.14430/arctic74916

Scott GR, O’Rourke DH, Raff JA, Tackney JC, Hlusko LJ, Elias SA, Bourgeon L, Potapova O, Pavlova E, Pitulko V, Hoffecker JF.  Peopling the Americas: Not “Out of Japan”.  PaleoAmerica.  2021.  7(4):309-332.  https://doi.org/10.1080/20555563.2021.1940440

O’Rourke DH, Tackney J, and Norman LEY. An Arctic Lens for American Migration: In Human Migration: Biocultural Perspectives. 2021. Lourdes Munoz Moreno and Michael H. Crawford, Editors. Oxford University Press.

Crespo CM, Cardozo DG, Tessone A, Vázquez M, Kisielinski C, Arencibia V, Tackney J, Zangrando AF, Dejean CB.  Distribution of maternal lineages in hunter‐gatherer societies of the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.  Am J Phys Anthropol.  2020; e24107.  DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24107

Tackney J, Jensen AM, Kisielinski C, O’Rourke DH.  Molecular analysis of an ancient Thule population at Nuvuk, Point Barrow, Alaska.  Am J Phys Anthropol.  2019 168:303–317. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.23746.