Michael H. Crawford

- Professor Emeritus, Biolological Anthropology
- Ph.D., University of Washington, Anthropology, Biological Anthropology
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Research Areas: anthropological genetics, demography, molecular genetics, primate genetics, and genetics of twins, Arctic, North and Central America, Caribbean, Europe
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Courses Recently Taught
- Human Variation and Evolution
- Biological Aging
- Population Dynamics
- Current Biological Anthropology
- Anthropological Genetics
- History of Anthropology
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All Publications
Crawford, M. (in press). History and Evolution of Anthropological Genetics. In D. H. O'Rourke (Ed.), Companion to Anthropological Genetics. John Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, M. (in press). Anthropological Genetics. In W. Trevathan (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology (Vol. 1st). John Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, M. (in press). Gabriel Lasker. In W. Trevathan (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology (Vol. 1st). John Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, M. (in press). Population Structure. In W. Trevathan (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology(1stst ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Fagundes, N. J., Tagliani-Ribero, A. Rubicz, R. Tarskaia, L. Crawford, M. Salzano, F. & Bonatto, S. (2018). How strong was the bottleneck associated to the peopling of the Americas? New insights from multilocus sequence data. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 41(1), 206-214.
Ochoa, I. Crawford, M. H., & Munoz, L. M. (2017). Genetic affiliation of prehispanic and contemporary Mayas through the maternal lineage. Human Biology, 88(2), 136-167.
Crawford, M. H. (2017). Genetic structure of populations of the Aleutian Archipelago based on 750,000 SNPs. Proceedings of AAPA American Journal Physical Anthropology, 162, 152-3. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Barrett, C. E., Crawford, M. H., & Mosher, M. J. (2017). Water soluble nutrient intake and leptin phenotypes in the Kansas Mennonites. Proceedings of National Meetings American Journal Physical Anthropology, 162, 111-111. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Beaty, K. G. (2017). Y STR variation in six Garifuna villages on the Honduran coast. Proceedings of AAPA American Journal Physical Anthropology, 162, 113-114. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Hou, L. R. (2017). A population specific reference panel empowers genetic studies of Anabaptists. Nature Scientific Reports, 7(1), 6079.
Beaty, K. G., Melton, P. & Crawford, M. H. (2017). Paternal genetic structure in contemporary Mennonite communities from the American Midwest. Human Biology, 88(2), 95-108.
Mosher, M. J., Melton, P. E., & Crawford, M. H. (2017). Patterns of DNA methylation across the leptin core promoter and their significance with lipid profiles in four diverse Asian and North American populations, "Special issue in honor of the40th anniversary of the founding of the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology". Human Biology, 88(2), 121-135.
Baldi, N. F., & Crawford, M. H. (2017). Population history and mitochondrial genetic substructure of the Rama Amerindians from Nicaragua. Human Biology, 88(2), 168-181.
Crawford, M. H., et al. (Eds.). (2017). Special Issue of journal Human Biology, "The Fortieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology". Human Biology, 88(2), 93-181.
Crawford, M. (2017). Raymond Pearl. In W. Trevathan (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology (Vol. 1st). John Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, M. H. (2017). Obituary: Derek Roberts (1925-2016). American Journal Physical Anthropology, 162(4), 613-615. New York.
Alden, S. D., Sabbah, M. A., & Crawford, M. H. (2017). Genetic Structure of populations from six cities in Iraq based on 15 STRs. American Journal Physical Anthropology, 162, 97-97. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Crawford, M. H. (2016). Acceptance of Charles R. Darwin Lifetime Achievement Award. Proceedings American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 161, 168-181.
Rubicz, R. C., & Crawford, M. H. (2016). Molecular genetic evidence from contemporary populations for the origins of North American populations. In M. Friesen & O. Mason (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic (pp. 27-50).
Crawford, M. H. (2015). Genetic structure and its implications for genetic epidemiology: Aleutian Island populations. In R. Duggirala, A. G. Comuzzie, S. Williams-Blangero, & C. Cole (Eds.), Genomics in Human and Non-Human Primates (pp. 129-140). Springer Life Sciences.
Raghaven, M. (2015). Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans. Science.
Osman, A. E., Alsafar, H. Tay, G. K., Theyab, J. Mubasher, M. Sheikh, N. E., AlHarthi, H. Crawford, M. H., & El Ghazali, G. (2015). Autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) variation based on 15 loci in a population from Central Region (Riyadh Province) of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Forensic Research, 6, 1-5..
Chittor, G. Arya, R. Farook, V. S., David, R. Crawford, M. H., & Duggirala, R. (2013). Epidemiologic investigations of tuberculosis in a Mexican population from Chihuahua State, Mexico: A pilot study . Tuberculosis, 93, S71-S77.
Duggan, A. T., Whitten, M. Wiebe, V. & Crawford, M. H. (2013). Investigating the prehistory of Tungusic peoples of Siberia and the Amur-Ussuri region with complete mtDNA genome sequences and y-chromosomal markers. PLOS, 8(12), 1-19.
Melton, P. E., Baldi-Saras, N. Barrantes, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2013). Microevolution, migration, and the population structure of five Amerindian populations from Nicaragua and Costa Rica: Association Between Growth and Lipoproteins . American Journal of Human Biology, 25(4), 480-490. DOI:10.1002/AJHB.22382
Crawford, M. H., & Beaty, K. G. (2013). "DNA fingerprinting in anthropological genetics: Past, present, future". Investigative Genetics, 4(1), 23-33.
Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2013). Genetic drift and population history of the Irish Travellers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150(2), 184-190.
Campbell, B. & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Causes and Consequences. In . (Ed.), Causes and Consequences of Human Migration (pp. 1-8). Cambridge University Press.
Young, K. L., Devor, E. J., & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Demic expansion or cultural diffusion: Migration and Basque origin. In . (Ed.), Causes and Consequences of Human Migration (pp. 224-249). Cambridge University Press.
Crawford, M. H., & West, D. (2012). Evolutionary consequences of human migration: Genetic, historic and archeological perspectives in the Caribbean and Aleutian Islands. In . (Ed.), Causes and Consequences of Human Migration (pp. 65-86). Cambridge University Press.
Justice, A. D., & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Molecular consequences of migration and urbanization in the Peruvian Amazonia. In . (Ed.), Causes and Consequences of Human Migration (pp. 449-472). Cambridge University Press.
Crawford, M. H. & Campbell, B. (Eds.). (2012). Causes and Consequences of Human Migration (M. H. Crawford & B. Campbell, Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
Theyab, J. B., Al-Bustan, S. & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Genetic structure of Kuwaiti populations: Mitochondrial DNA inter- and intra-population variation. Human Biology, 84(4), 379-403.
Crawford, M. H. (2012). Obituary for Philippe LeFevre Witier. Human Biology, 84(3), 331-333.
Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Genetic drift and population history of the Irish Travellers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2012). Genetic drift and population history of the Irish Travellers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Crawford, M. H. (2011). Acceptance speech for Franz Boas award. American Journal of Human Biology, 24, 98-99.
Young, K. L., Sun, G. Deka, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2011). Autosomal short tandem repeat genetic variation of the Basques in Spain. Croatian Medical Journal , 52(3), 372-83.
Young, K. Apraiz, A. G., Sun, G. Deka, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2011). Paternal genetic history of the Basque population of Spain. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S52, 316.
Young, K. L., Sun, G. Deka, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2011). Paternal genetic history of the Basque population of Spain. Human Biology, 83(4), 455-75.
Crawford, M. H. (2011). Patterns of gene flow into the indigenous populations of the Aleutian Archipelago. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S52, 115.
Theyab, J. Al-Bustan, S. & Crawford, M. H. (2011). The genetic structure of the Kuwaiti population: Mitochondrial DNA markers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S52, 293.
Justice, A. Johnson, S. & Crawford, M. H. (2011). Y-chromosome variation of a Ch’orti’ Maya population in Eastern Guatemala. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S52, 181.
Crawford, M. H., West, D., & O'Rourke, D. H. (Eds.). (2010). The Aleuts: Origins, Culture and Genetics. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 481-764.
Crawford, M. H. (2010). Anthropological Genetics: Methods and Theories. In . (Ed.), Molecular Biology: Methods and Fundamentals. Mexico City: UNAM.
Mosher, M. J., & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Human sexual dimorphism underlying gene-by-nutrient interaction. In I. R. Laidyth (Ed.), Nutrition and Diet Research Programs (pp. 1-28). Nova Scientific Publishers, Inc.
Crawford, M. H. & Workman, P. L. (Eds.). (2010). Methods and Theories of Anthropological Genetics (M. H. Crawford & P. L. Workman, Eds.). University of New Mexico Press.
Crawford, M. H. (2010). Settlement of the Aleutian Islands and its genetic sequelae. In Estudios de Antropologia Biologia: Proceedings from the Juan Comas Congress, Chiapas, Mexico. (Vol. 14). UNAM.
Justice, A. Rubicz, R. Chitoor, G. Jantz, R. L., & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Anthropometric variation Among Bering Sea Natives. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 653-676.
Rubicz, R. Zlojutro, M. Sun, G. Spitsyn, V. Deka, R. Young, K. & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Genetic Architecture of a Small, Recently Aggregated Aleut Population: Bering Island. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 719-736.
Rubicz, R. Melton, P. E., Spitsyn, V. Sun, G. Deka, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Genetic structure of Native Circumpolar populations based on autosomal, mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA markers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 143(1), 62-74.
Crawford, M. H. (2010). History of Human Biology (1929-2009). Human Biology, 82(3), 331-42.
Rey, D. Areces, C. Parga-Lozano, C. Gomez-Prieto, P. Crawford, M. H., & Arnaiz-Villena, A. (2010). HLA genes in populations of the Aleutian Islands. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 737-744.
West, D. O'Rourke, D. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Introduction: Origins and Settlement of the Indigenous Populations of the Aleutian Archipelago. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 481-486.
Melton, P. E., Mosher, M. J., Rubicz, R. Zlojutro, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Mitochondrial DNA diversity in Mennonite communities from Midwestern United States. Human Biology, 82(3), 267-289.
Crawford, M. H., Rubicz, R. & Zlojutro, M. (2010). Origins of the Aleuts and the Genetic Structure of Populations of the Archipelago: Molecular and Archaeological Perspective. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 695-718.
Predazzi, I. M., Martinez-Labarga, C. Vecchione, L. Mango, R. Ciccacci, C. Amati, F. Ottoni, C. Crawford, M. H., Richards, O. Romeo, F. & Novelli, G. (2010). Population differences in allele frequencies at the OLR1 locus may suggest geographical disparities in cardiovascular risk events. Annals of Human Biology, 37(2), 136-48.
Graf, O. Zlojutro, M. Rubicz, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Surname distributions and Y-chromosome markers in the Aleutian Islands. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 745-758.
O'Rourke, D. H., West, D. L., & Crawford, M. H. (2010). Unangan Past and Present: The Contrasts Between Observed and Inferred Histories. Human Biology, 82(5-6), 759-764.
Rasmussen, M. Li, Y. Lindgreen, S. Pedersen, J. S., Albrechtsen, A. Moltke, I. Metspalu, M. Metspalu, E. Kivisild, T. Gupta, R. Bertalan, M. Nielsen, K. Gilbert, M. P., Wang, Y. Raghavan, M. Campos, P. F., Kamp, H. M., Wilson, A. S., Gledhill, A. Tridico, S. Bunce, M. Lorenzen, E. D., Binladen, J. Guo, X. Zhao, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, H. Li, Z. Chen, M. Orlando, L. Kristiansen, K. Bak, M. Tommerup, N. Bendixen, C. Pierre, T. L., Gronnow, B. Melgaard, M. Andreasen, C. Fedorova, S. A., Osipova, L. P., Higham, T. F., Ramsey, C. B., Hansen, T. V., Nielsen, F. C., Crawford, M. H., Brunal, S. Sicheritz-Ponten, T. Villems, R. Nielsen, R. Krogh, A. Wang, J. & Willerslev, E. (2010). Ancient human genome sequence of an Extinct Paleo-Eskimo. Nature, 463/11, 757-762.
Zlojutro, M. Tarskaia, L. A., Sorensen, M. Snodgrass, J. J., Leonard, W. R., & Crawford, M. H. (2009). Coalescent simulations of Yakut mtDNA variation suggest small founding population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 139(4), 474-82.
Devor, E. J., Abdurakhmonov, I. Zlojutro, M. Millis, M. P., Galbraith, J. J., Crawford, M. H., Shermatov, S. Buriev, Z. & Abdukarimov, A. (2009). Gene flow at the cross roads of humanity: mtDNA sequence diversity and Alu polymorphism frequencies in Uzbekistan. The Open Genomics Journal, 2, 1-11.
Schroeder, K. B., Jakobsson, M. Crawford, M. H., Schurr, T. G., Conrad, D. F., Titotadeo, R. Osipova, L. P., Tarskaia, L. A., Zhadanov, S. I., Wall, J. D., Pritchard, J. K., Malhi, R. Smith, D. G., & Rosenberg, N. A. (2009). Haplotypic background of a private allele at high frequency in the Americas. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 26(5), 995-1016.
Zlojutro, M. Rubicz, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2009). Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome variation in five Eastern Aleut communities: Evidence for genetic substructure in the Aleut population. Annals of Human Biology, 36(5), 511-526.
Crawford, M. H. (2009). Preface to special issue . Human Biology, 81(5-6), 507.
Leonard, W. R. & Crawford, M. H. (Eds.). (2008). Human Biology of Pastoral Populations (W. R. Leonard & M. H. Crawford, Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
Moscoso, J. Crawford, M. H., Vicario, J. Zlojutro, M. Rubicz, R. C., Serrano-Velas, J. I., Reguera, R. & Arnaiz-Villena, A. (2008). HLA genes of Bering Island Aleuts living between Alaska (USA) and Kamchatka (Russia). Molecular Immunology, 45(4), 1018-26.
Young, K. Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2008). Post-famine stature and socioeconomic status in Ireland. American Journal of Human Biology, 20(6), 726-731.
Zlojutro, M. Tarskaia, L. A., Sorensen, M. Snodgrass, J. J., Leonard, W. R., & Crawford, M. H. (2008). The origins of the Yakut people: Evidence from mitochondrial DNA diversity. International Journal of Human Genetics, 8(1-2), 119-130.
Crawford, M. H. (2007). Foundations of Anthropological Genetics. Chapter 1. In . (Ed.), Anthropological Genetics (pp. 1-16). Cambridge University Press.
Rubicz, R. Melton, P. & Crawford, M. H. (2007). Molecular Markers in Anthropological Genetic Studies. Chapter 6. In . (Ed.), Anthropological Genetics (pp. 141-186). Cambridge University Press.
Crawford, M. H. (2007). The Importance of Field Research in Anthropological Genetics: Methods, Experiences and Results. Chapter 4. In . (Ed.), Anthropological Genetics (pp. 79-111). Cambridge University Press.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (2007). Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications (M. H. Crawford, Ed.). Cambridge University Press. 476.
West, D. Savinsky, A. & Crawford, M. H. (2007). Aleutian Islands: Archaeology, Molecular Genetics and Ecology. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth and the Environmental Sciences, 98, 47-57.
Melton, P. E., Briceno, I. Gomez, A. Devor, E. J., Bernal, J. E., & Crawford, M. H. (2007). Biological relationship between Central and South American Chibchan speaking populations: Evidence from mtDNA . American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 133(1), 753-770.
Crawford, M. H. (2007). Genetic structure of circumpolar populations. A synthesis. American Journal of Human Biology, 19(2), 203-217.
Schroeder, K. B., Schurr, T. G., Long, J. C., Rosenberg, N. A., Crawford, M. H., Tarskaia, L. Osipova, L. P., Zhadanov, S. I., & Smith, D. G. (2007). Private allele ubiquitous in the Americas. Biology Letters. Population Genetics, 3, 218-223.
Crawford, M. H. (2007). [Review of the book Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 3. Environment, Origins, and Population, by (ed. DH Ubelaker), Smithsonian Institution]. American Journal of Human Biology, 19(6), 888-890. DOI:10.1002/ajhb.20722
Crawford, M. H. (2006). Foreword to a volume by Lorena Madrigal. In . (Ed.), Human Biology of Afro-Caribbean Populations (pp. xi-xiv). University of Cambridge Press.
Zlojutro, M. Gonzalez Apraiz, A. Roy, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). Autosomal STR variation in a Basque population: Vizcaya Province. Human Biology, 78(5), 599-618.
Melton, P. Zlojutro, M. Kimminau, K. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). Biological aging and Cox hazard analysis of mortality trends in a Mennonite community from south-central Kansas. American Journal of Human Biology, 18, 387-401.
Giambra, V. Martinez-Labarga, C. Guifre, M. Modiano, D. Gisadottir, B. K., Francavilla, R. Zhelezova, G. Crawford, M. H., Biondi, G. Rickards, O. & Frezza, D. (2006). Distribution of the Immunoglobulin enhancer HS1, 2 polymorphism in nine Old World Populations: A new powerful anthropogenetic marker. Annals of Human Genetics, 70, 946-950.
Mitchell, R. J., Reddy, M. Campo, D. Infantino, T. Kaps, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). Genetic diversity within a caste population of India as measured by Y-chromosome haplogroups and haplotypes: Subcastes of the Golla of Andrhra Pradesh. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 130(3), 385-393.
Lefevre-Witier, P. Aireche, H. Benabadji, M. Darlu, P. Melvin, K. Sevin, A. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). Genetic structure of Algerian populations. American Journal of Human Biology , 18(4), 492-501.
Zlojutro, M. Rubicz, R. Devor, E. J., Spitsyn, V. A., Makarov, S. V., Wilson, K. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). Genetic structure of the Aleuts and Circumpolar populations based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: A synthesis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 129(3), 446-464.
Phillips Krawczak, C. Devor, E. Zlojutro, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2006). mtDNA variation in the Kizhi population of Gorno Altai: A comparative study. Human Biology, 78(4), 477-494.
Crawford, M. H. (2006). Who are we? Aleut Research Program. The Aleutian Current. Aleut Corporation Newsletter, 35(4), 6-7.
Uttley, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2005). Biological Indicators of Functional Age: A Case Study. In C. Sauvain-Dugerdil & N. Mascie-Taylor (Eds.), Human Clocks: The Bio-Cultural Meanings of Age. Population, Family, and Society (pp. 85-123). Bern: Peter Lang, Publishers.
Demarchi, D. Mosher, M. J., & Crawford, M. H. (2005). Apolipoproteins (Apoproteins) and LPL variation in Mennonite populations of Kansas and Nebraska. American Journal of Human Biology, 17(5), 593-600.
Crawford, M. H., Banerjee, P. Demarchi, D. Zlojutro, M. McComb, J. Livshits, G. Henneberg, M. Mosher, M. J., Schanfield, M. & Knowles, J. A. (2005). Applications of pooled DNA samples to the assessment of population affinities: Short Tandem Repeats (STR). Human Biology, 77(6), 723-733.
Crawford, M. H. (2005). Genetics of biological aging in Mennonites of Midwestern United States. Przeglad Antropologiczny-Anthropological Review, 68, 3-18.
Crawford, M. H. (2004). History of Human Biology (1929-2004). Human Biology, 76(6), 805-816.
Zlojutro, M. Sorenson, M. Snodgrass, S. S., Tarskaya, L. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). Mitochondrial DNA variation in Yakutia: The genetic structure of an expanding of population. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2), 230-1.
Melton, P. Papiha, S. S., Briceno, I. Bernal, J. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). MtDNA variation in Chibchan speaking groups from Sierra Nevada de Marta, northwest Colombia. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2), 214.
Mosher, M. J., Melvin, K. Rubicz, R. Zlojutro, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). Nutritional profiles, serum lipids and cardiovascular disease in Kansas Mennonites. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2), 215-6.
Reddy, B. M., Demarchi, D. A., Bharati, S. Kumar, V. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). Patterns of ethnic, linguistic and geographic heterogeneity of palmar interdigital ridge counts in the Indian subcontinent. Human Biology, 76(2), 211-28.
Arpaiz, A. G., Melvin, K. J., Zlojutro, M. Roy, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). STR variation in Basque populations. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2), 194.
Rubicz, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2004). The origin of Aleut populations and subsequent expansions: molecular perspectives. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2), 221.
Crawford, M. H. (2004). [Review of the book Human Population Dynamics, by (Mcbeth and Collinson) Cambridge University Press. IN]. American Anthropologist, 106(2), 415-6.
Crawford, M. H. (2003). DNA variation and the concept of race. In Horizons of Anthropology: Transactions of International Scientific Conference in Memory of Academician VP Alexeev (pp. 93-96). Moscow: Nauka.
Crawford, M. H. (2003). Genetic structure of indigenous Siberian populations and its implications concerning the peopling of the New World. In Horizons of Anthropology: Transactions of International Scientific Conference in Memory of Academician VP Alexeev (pp. 375-380). Nauka: Moscow.
Madrigal, L. Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2003). Heritability and anthropometric influences on human fertility. American Journal of Human Biology, 15(1), 16-22.
Arnaiz-Villena, A. Martinez-Laso, J. Moscoso, J. Livshits, G. Zamora, J. Gomez-Castado, E. Silvera-Redondo, C. Melvin, K. & Crawford, M. H. (2003). HLA genes in the Chuvashian population from European Russia: Admixture of Central European and Mediterranean populations. Human Biology, 75(3), 375-392.
Rubicz, R. Schurr, T. Babb, P. L., & Crawford, M. H. (2003). Mt-DNA sequences and the origin of the Aleuts. Human Biology, 75(6), 809-835.
Crawford, M. H. (2003). Obituary of Gabriel W. Lasker (1912-2002). American Journal of Human Biology, 15, 410-414.
Crawford, M. H., McComb, J. & Mitchell, R. J. (2002). Genetic structure of pastoral populations of Siberia: The Evenki of Central Siberia and the Kizhi of Gorno Altai. In . (Ed.), Human Biology of the Pastoral Populations (pp. 10-49). Cambridge University Press.
Crawford, M. H., & Leonard, W. R. (2002). The biological diversity of herding populations: An introduction. In . (Ed.), Human Biology of the Pastoral Populations (pp. 1-9). Cambridge University Press.
Leonard, W. R. & Crawford, M. H. (Eds.). (2002). Human Biology of Pastoral Populations (W. R. Leonard & M. H. Crawford, Eds.). Cambridge University Press.
Rubicz, R. Melvin, K. & Crawford, M. H. (2002). Genetic evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian speakers. Human Biology, 74(6), 743-760.
Duggirala, R. Uttley, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2002). Genetics determination of biological age in the Mennonites of the midwestern United States. Genetic Epidemiology, 23(2), 97-109.
Arya, R. Duggirala, R. Comuzzie, A. G., Puppala, S. Modem, S. Busi, B. R., & Crawford, M. H. (2002). Heritability of anthropometric phenotypes in caste populations of Visakhapatnam, India. Human Biology, 74(3), 325-344.
Crawford, M. H. (2001). Origins of Native Americans: Anthropological Genetics Perspective, Cambridge University Press.
Galushkin, S. K., Spitsyn, V. A., & Crawford, M. H. (2001). Genetic structure of Mongol-speaking populations of Kalmyks. Human Biology, 73(6), 823-834.
Crawford, M. H., Reddy, B. M., Martinez-Laso, J. Mack, S. J., & Erlich, H. A. (2001). Genetic variation among the Golla pastoral caste subdivisions of Andhra Pradesh, India: HLA system. Human Immunology (Special Issue: Anthropology and Genetic Markers), 62(9), 1031-1041.
Reddy, B. M., Sun, G. Luis, J. R., Crawford, M. H., Hemam, N. S., & Deka, R. (2001). Genomic diversity at thirteen short tandem repeat loci in a sub-structured caste population, Gola, of Southern Andhra Pradesh, India. Human Biology, 73(2), 175-90.
Reddy, B. M., Pfeiffer, A. Crawford, M. H., & Langstieh, B. T. (2001). Population sub-structure and patterns of quantitative variation among the Gollas of Southern Andhra Pradesh, India. Human Biology, 73(2), 291-306.
Crawford, M. H. (2001). [Review of Gabriel Lasker's Biography “Heresay and Happenings"]. Human Biology, 73(1), 153-156.
Melvin, K. Rubicz, R. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Genetic evidence for the relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian speakers. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(2), 276.
Arya, R. Duggirala, R. Puppala, S. Busi, B. R., & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Population structure of Andhra Pradesh Caste groups of Visakhapatnam. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(2), 275.
Martin, L. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Aging and sexual dimorphism in levels of serum biochemical markers in Mennonites. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US(pp. 77-81).
Uttley, M. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Biological age in Mennonite research. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 101-125).
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Biological aging and longevity: Processes. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons: Biological Aging of Mennonites from Kansas and Nebraska (pp. 1-6). University of Kansas.
Crawford, M. H., Demarchi, D. Ellerd, M. & Puppala, S. (2000). Body morphology and aging among the Mennonites of Kansas and Nebraska. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 55-67).
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Genetic structure of Mennonite Populations. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of the Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 31-40).
Duggirala, R. Arya, R. Blangero, J. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Genetics and environmental determinants of variation in phenotypes related to coronary heart disease and renal function in Mennonites. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 83-99).
Arya, R. Singh, G. Mosher, M. J., Haas, J. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Nutrition, obesity, and mortality in Kansas Mennonites: Preliminary analysis. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 127-153).
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Twenty years of research on Mennonite biological aging: Perspectives. In . (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US (pp. 165-170). University of Kansas.
Duggirala, R. Bowerman, W. R., & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Type A behavioral components and its relation to lipid profile in the Mennonites. In . (Ed.), Different Seasons. Biological Aging of Mennonites from the Midwestern US(pp. 155-164). University of Kansas.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (2000). Anthropology Series. Different Seasons: Biological Aging of Mennonites of the Midwest(M. H. Crawford, Ed., Vol. 21). University of Kansas.
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Anthropological genetics in the 21st Century: Introduction. Human Biology, 72(1), 3-13.
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Editorial. Human Biology, 72(1), iii-iv.
Puppala, S. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). Gene frequencies and phylogenetic position of Hueypan, Puebla, Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(2), 269.
Crawford, M. H. (2000). Text of the presentation of the Boas Distinguished Achievement Award to Paul T. Baker. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(6), 855.
Mitchell, R. J., Howlett, S. McComb, J. & Crawford, M. H. (2000). The distribution of the 3' VNTR polymorphism in human dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) in world populations. Human Biology, 72(2), 295-304.
Martin, L. North, K. E., & Crawford, M. H. (2000). The origins of the Irish Travellers and the genetic structure of Ireland. Annals of Human Biology, 25(5), 453-465.
Weber, W. Nash, D. J., Motulsky, A. G., Giblet, E. R., Henneberg, M. Crawford, M. H., & Schanfield, M. S. (2000). The phylogenetic relationships of human populations in Sub-Saharan Africa. Human Biology, 72(5), 753-772.
Martin, L. J., Crawford, M. H., Koertvelyessy, T. Keeping, D. Collins, M. & Huntsman, R. (2000). The population structure of ten Newfoundland outports. Human Biology, 72(6), 997-1016.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (2000). Anthropological Genetics in the 21st Century. Human Biology, 72(1), 1-267.
Crawford, M. H., & Crawford, K. M. (2000). “Who is Jon Entine, and why are they saying those terrible things about him?”. [Review of the book Taboo, by Jon Entine]. Kansas City Sports Calendar, 15-17.
Mitchell, R. J., White, N. G., Crawford, M. H., McComb, J. Tyler-Smith, C. Papiha, S. S., & Schanfield, M. S. (1999). A deletion polymorphism in the α2(1) collagen gene (COL1A2): Genetic evidence for a non-African population whose descendants spread to all continents. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S28, 204-205.
Arya, R. Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1999). Heritability of anthropometric phenotypes in caste populations of Visakhapatnam, India. American Journal of Human Biology, 11, 103-4.
Mitchell, R. J., Howlett, S. White, N. G., Federle, L. McComb, J. Schanfield, J. Tyler-Smith, C. & Crawford, M. H. (1999). A deletion polymorphism in the human COL1A2 gene. Genetic evidence for a non-African population whose descendants spread to all continents. Human Biology, 71(6), 901-914.
Demarchi, D. Marcellino, A. J., de los Angeles Lopez de Basualdo, M. DeStefano, G. F., Salzano, F. M., & Crawford, M. H. (1999). Apolipoprotein B signal peptide polymorphism distribution among South Amerindian populations. Human Biology, 71(6), 995-1000.
North, K. E., Crawford, M. H., & Relethford, J. H. (1999). Spatial variation of anthropometric traits in Ireland. Human Biology, 71(5), 823-845.
Crawford, M. H. (1999). Text of the presentation of the Boas Distinguished Achievement Award to Francisco Salzano: Introduction. American Journal of Human Biology, 11(6), 811-812.
Crawford, M. H., Koertvelyessy, T. Pap, M. Szilagyi, K. & Duggirala, R. (1999). The effects of a new political border on the migration patterns and predicted kinship (Phi) in a subdivided Hungarian agricultural population: Tiszahat. Homo, 50(3), 201-210.
Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1998). Influence of religion and birthplace on the genetic structure of northern Ireland. Annals of Human Biology, 25, 117-125.
Santos, F. R., Pandya, A. Tyler-Smith, C. Pena, S. D., Schanfield, M. S., Crawford, M. H., & Mitchell, R. J. (1998). The Central Siberian origin of Native American Y chromosomes. American Journal of Human Genetics, 64(2), 619-628.
Martin, L. & Crawford, M. H. (1998). The genetic and environmental components of thyroxine variation in Mennonites from Kansas and Nebraska. Human Biology, 70(4), 745-760.
Crawford, M. H. (1998). Letter to the Editor. Chronicle of Higher Education.
North, K. E., & Crawford, M. H. (1997). 1997 Isonymy and repeated pairs analysis: Mating structure of Acceglio, Italy, 1889-1968. Rivista d'Anthropologia (Special issue in honor of G.W. Lasker), 74, 93-103.
Zerjal, T. Dashnyam, B. Pandya, A. Kayser, M. Roewer, L. Schiefenhovel, W. Fretwell, N. Jobling, M. Harihara, S. Semjidmaa, D. Sajanttila, A. Salo, P. & Crawford, M. H. (1997). A genetic relationship between Central Asians and Northern Europeans revealed by Y chromosomal DNA analysis. American Journal of Human Genetics, 60, 1174-1183.
Crawford, M. H. (1997). Biocultural adaptation to disease in the Caribbean: Case study of a migrant population. Journal of Caribbean Studies. Health and Disease in the Caribbean, 12(1), 141-155.
Osipova, L. P., Kashinskaya, Y. O., Ivakin, E. A., Krukov, A. Posukh, O. L., Karaphet, T. M., Kazakovtseva, M. A., Skobletsina, L. M., Crawford, M. H., Lefranc, M. & Lefranc, Z. (1997). Genetic analysis of population structure of southern Altai village Mendur-Sokhon (Republic of Altai) . Genetika, 33(8), 1156-1163.
Relethford, J. H., Crawford, M. H., & Blangero, J. (1997). Genetic drift and gene flow in post-famine Ireland. Human Biology, 69, 443-466.
Crawford, M. H., Williams, J. & Duggirala, R. (1997). Genetic structure of Siberian indigenous populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 104(2), 177-192.
Crawford, M. H. & Mitchell, R. J. (Eds.). (1997). Human Variation at the Genetic, Morphologic, and Physiological Levels: Papers in Honor of D.F. Roberts. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 104(2), 155-211.
McComb, J. Crawford, M. H., Leonard, W. R., Osipova, L. & Schanfield, M. S. (1996). Applications of DNA fingerprints for the study of genetic structure of human populations. In Genomes of Plants and Animals: 21st Stadler Genetics Symposium (pp. 31-46). New York: Plenum Press.
McComb, J. Crawford, M. H., Osipova, L. Karaphet, T. Posukh, O. & Schanfield, M. S. (1996). DNA inter-populational variation in Siberian indigenous populations: The Mountain Altai. American Journal of Human Biology, 8(5), 599-608.
Leonard, W. R., Katzmarzyk, P. T., & Crawford, M. H. (1996). Energetics and population ecology of Siberian herders. American Journal of Human Biology, 8(2), 275-289.
Puppala, S. & Crawford, M. H. (1996). Genetic structure and phylogeny of populations of India: Andhra Pradesh. Homo Special Issue in honor of Wolfram Bernhard, 47(1-2), 73-84.
Picornell, A. Miguel, A. Castro, J. A., Ramon, M. M., Arya, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1996). Genetic variation in the population of Ibiza (Spain): Genetic structure, geography and languages. Human Biology, 68(6), 899-913.
Martin, K. Stevenson, J. Crawford, M. H., Everson, P. M., & Schanfield, M. S. (1996). Immunoglobulin haplotype frequencies in Anabaptist population samples: Kansas and Nebraska Mennonites and Indiana Amish. Human Biology, 68(1), 45-62.
Crawford, M. H. (1996). Individual, intra- and inter-population variability in DNA . American Journal of Human Biology, 8(5), 555-557.
Bamshad, M. Fraley, A. E., Crawford, M. H., Cann, R. L., Busi, B. R., Naidu, J. & Jorde, L. B. (1996). Mitochondrial DNA variation in caste populations of Andhra Pradesh, India. Human Biology, 69(3), 431-5.
Kamboh, M. I., Crawford, M. H., Ashton, C. E., & Leonard, W. R. (1996). Population distributions of APOE, APOH, and APOA4 polymorphisms and their relationships with quantitative plasma lipid levels. Human Biology, 68(2), 231-244.
Jobling, M. Samara, V. Panya, A. Fretwell, N. Bernasconi, B. Mitchell, R. Armour, J. Gerelsaikhan, T. Dashnyam, B. Sajantila, A. Salo, P. Nakahori, Y. Disteche, C. Singh, L. Tyler-Smith, C. & Crawford, M. H. (1996). Recent duplication and deletion polymorphisms on the long arm of the Y chromosome in normal males. Human Molecular Genetics, 5(11), 1767-1775.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (1996). Intra- and Inter-population Variation in DNA Markers. American Journal of Human Biology, 5, 555-615.
McComb, J. & Crawford, M. H. (1995). Variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) variation in the mountain Altai and other Siberian groups. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S20, 147.
Relethford, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1995). Anthropometric variation and population history of Ireland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 96(1), 25-38.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). Contributions of D.F. Roberts to Biological Anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S20.
Crawford, M. H., Koertvelyessy, T. Huntsman, R. G., Collins, M. Duggirala, R. Martin, L. & Keeping, D. (1995). Effects of religion, economics, and geography on genetic structure of Fogo Island, Newfoundland. American Journal of Human Biology, 7(4), 437-451.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). Obituary: Marshall T. Newman. Human Biology, 67(5), 683-687.
Comuzzie, A. G., Duggirala, R. Leonard, W. R., & Crawford, M. H. (1995). Population relationships among historical and modern indigenous Siberians based on anthropometric characters. Human Biology Special Issue on Boas, 67(3), 459-479.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). Text of the presentation of the Darwin Award to D.F. Roberts: Comments. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 94, 612-614.
McComb, J. Blagitko, N. Comuzzie, A. Leonard, W. R., Sukernik, R. I., Schanfield, M. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1995). VNTR variation in Siberian indigenous populations. Human Biology, 67(2), 217-229.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). Death Notice: Marshall T. Newman. American Anthropological Association Newsletter, 36(5), 46.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). [Review of the book Genetic Variation and Human Disease. Principles and Evolutionary Approaches, by K. Weiss]. Annals of Human Biology, 22(2), 170.
Crawford, M. H. (1995). [Review of the book The History and Geography of Human Genes, by Volume of Cavalli-Sforza et al]. American Scientist, 83(4), 371-372.
Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1994). Biological and environmental determinants of lipids and lipoproteins in the Mennonites: A path analytical approach. American Journal of Physical Anthropology S18
Crawford, M. H., McComb, J. & Leonard, W. (1994). Population variation in five VNTR loci: Measures of genetic structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology S18
Ziegler, D. K., Kennedy, D. Barter, R. Kueser, J. & Crawford, M. H. (1994). Concordance of headache phenomena in twins. In F. C. Rose (Ed.), New Advances in Headache Research (Vol. 3). London: Smith Gordon.
Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1994). Human Population Structure: Use of quantitative characters. In P. K. Seth & S. Seth (Eds.), Human Genetics, New Perspectives (pp. 35-63). New Delhi: Omega Scientific Publishers.
Crawford, M. H. (1994). Molecular genetics, protein variation, and population structure of the Evenki. In C. Markert, et al. (Eds.), Isozymes: Roles in Evolution, Genetics, Gene Mapping and Physiology (pp. 227-241). New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing.
Lin, S. J., Tanaka, K. Leonard, W. Gerelsaikhan, T. Dashnyam, B. Nyamkhishig, S. Hida, A. Nakahori, Y. Omoto, K. Crawford, M. H., & Nakagome, Y. (1994). A Y-associated allele is shared among a few ethnic groups of Asia. Japanese Journal of Human Genetics, 39, 299-304.
Bamshad, M. Crawford, M. H., O'Rourke, D. & Jorde, L. (1994). Biochemical heterozygosity and morphologic variation in a colony of Papio hamadryas at Sukhumi. Evolution, 48(4), 1211-1221.
Leonard, W. R., Crawford, M. H., Comuzzie, A. G., & Sukernik, R. I. (1994). Correlates of low serum lipid levels among the Evenki herders of Siberia. American Journal of Human Biology, 6(3), 328-338.
Leonard, W. R., Kat, P. T., Comuzzie, A. G., Crawford, M. H., & Sukernik, R. I. (1994). Growth and nutritional status of the Evenki reindeer herders of Siberia. American Journal of Human Biology, 6(3), 339-350.
Sirajuddin, S. M., Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1994). Population structure of Chenchu and other South Indian tribal groups: Relationship between genetic, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic, geographic and linguistic distances. Human Biology, 66(5), 865-884.
Katzmarzyk, P. T., Leonard, W. R., Crawford, M. H., & Sukernik, R. I. (1994). Predicted maximal oxygen consumption of indigenous Siberians. American Journal of Human Biology, 6(6), 783-790.
Katzmarzyk, P. T., Leonard, W. R., Crawford, M. H., & Sukernik, R. I. (1994). Resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure among two indigenous Siberian populations. American Journal of Human Biology, 6(6), 719-730.
Uttley, M. & Crawford, M. H. (1994). The efficacy of a composite biological age score to predict survivorship among Kansas and Nebraska Mennonites. Human Biology, 66(1), 121-144.
Crawford, M. H., & Duggirala, R. (1993). Relationship of dermatoglyphics to language, geographic and genetic distances in Eskimo and north Amerindian populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S16, 83.
Sukernik, R. I., & Crawford, M. H. (1993). Genetic adaptation studies in the Soviet Union: Malaise and cure. In B. Sigmon (Ed.), Before the Wall Fell. The Science of Man in Socialist Europe (pp. 55-74). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Crawford, M. H. (1993). Editorial: Plagiarism, Paraphrasing. A Cautionary Note. Human Biology, 65(5), 687.
Cates, D. S., Houston, B. K., Vavak, C. R., Crawford, M. H., & Uttley, M. (1993). Heritability of hostility-related emotions, attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 16(3), 237-256.
Crawford, M. H. (1993). Individual, intra- and inter-population variability in DNA. Evolutionary Anthropology,(4-5).
Torroni, A. Sukernik, R. I., Schurr, T. G., Starikovskaya, Y. B., Cabell, M. F., Crawford, M. H., Comuzzie, A. G., & Wallace, D. G. (1993). Mitochondrial DNA variation of aboriginal Siberians reveals distinct genetic affinities with native Americans. American Journal of Human Genetics, 53(3), 563-590.
Novoradovsky, A. G., Spitsyn, V. A., Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1993). Population genetics and structure of Buryats from the Lake Baikal Region. Human Biology, 65(5), 689-710.
Koertvelyessy, T. Crawford, M. H., Pap, M. & Szilagyi, K. (1993). The influence of religious affiliation on surname repetition (RP) in marriages of Marokpapi, Hungary. Antropologischen Anzieger, 51, 309-316.
Leonard, W. R., Crawford, M. H., Comuzzie, A. G., & Sukernik, R. I. (1992). New light on nutrition and the peopling of the New World. Arctic Research of the United States, 6, 13-16.
Walawander, L. & Crawford, M. H. (1992). 1992 Quantitative Genetics of T4 in Mennonites. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87
Crawford, M. H., Leonard, W. & Comuzzie, A. G. (1992). Biological diversity and ecology among the Evenki of Siberia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S87, 70.
Duggirala, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1992). Lipid and lipoprotein profiles among the Alexanderwohl Mennonites. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 87, 72.
Crawford, M. H. (1992). Antropologia Biologica de los Indios Americanos, Madrid, Spain: Colecciones MAPFRE, 1492. 314.
Crawford, M. H., & Duggirala, R. (1992). Digital dermatoglyphic patterns of Eskimo and Amerindian populations: Relationship between dermatoglyphic, genetic, linguistic and geographic distances. Human Biology, 64(5), 683-704.
Duggirala, R. Crawford, M. H., & Koertvelyessy, T. (1992). Tarpa, Northeastern Hungary: 1780-1979. Based on isonymy and repeated pairs (RP) methods. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, 26, 63-75.
Koertvelyessy, T. Crawford, M. H., Pap, M. & Szilagyi, K. (1992). The influence of religious affiliation on surname repetition in marriages in Tiszaszalka, Hungary. Journal of Biosocial Science, 24, 113-121.
Przybyla, B. D., Horii, Y. & Crawford, M. H. (1992). Vocal fundamental frequency in a twin sample: Looking for a genetic effect. Journal of Voice, 6(3), 261-266.
Crawford, M. H. (1992). When Worlds Collide. Human Biology, 64(3), 271-280.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (1992). Biological Anthropology of New World Populations. Human Biology, 64(3), 271-461.
Crawford, M. H., Leonard, W. R., & Sukernik, R. I. (1992). Biological diversity and ecology in the Evenks of Siberia. Man and the Biosphere Northern Sciences Network Newsletter, 1, 13-14.
Bamshad, M. O'Rourke, D. & Crawford, M. H. (1991). Biochemical heterozygosity and morphological variation in a colony of Papio hamadryas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 12, 27.
Koertvelyessy, T. Pap, M. Szilagyi, K. & Crawford, M. H. (1991). Coefficients of relationships by isonomy for villages in the Tiszahat region of Hungary. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 12, 106.
Crawford, M. H., & Koertvelyessy, T. (1991). Migration and predicted kinship (Phi) in a rural, subdivided population: Tiszahat, Hungary. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S12, 62.
Byard, P. J., & Crawford, M. H. (1991). Founder effect and genetic diversity on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Homo, 41(3), 219-227.
Crawford, M. H. (1991). Obituary: Dale David Dykes (1945 1990). Human Biology, 63(3), iii-viii.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1991). PTC taste response, T-4 level and age in non-smoking Mennonites. Collegium Antropologicum, 14(2), 317-323.
Crawford, M. H., Comuzzie, A. & Koertvelyessy, T. (1990). Dermatoglyphic patterns and genetic structure of Hungarian populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 81(2), 209-210.
Duggirala, R. Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Mating structure of Tarpa, Hungary, based on surname analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 81(2), 217.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Repeating matings and isonymy in Tiszaszalka, Hungary. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 81(2), 251.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Repeating pairs (RP) of surnames in marriages in two Northeastern Hungarian populations. In O. Eiben (Ed.), European Populations in the Past, Present and Future (pp. 115-118).
Crawford, M. H. (1990). Editorial: The Human Genome Project. Human Biology, 62(4), iii-v.
Comuzzie, A. G., & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Genetic heterozygosity and morphological variation in Mennonites. Human Biology, 62(1), 101-112.
Schanfield, M. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Immunoglobulin allotypes in several North American Eskimo populations. Human Biology, 62(6), 773-790.
Stevenson, J. C., Schanfield, M. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Immunoglobulin haplotypes: Markers of reproductive success? Human Biology, 62(4), 479-489.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1990). Surname repetition (RP) and isonymy in Northeastern Hungarian marriages. Human Biology, 62(4), 515-524.
Crawford, M. H. (1990). [Review of the book Evolution and Human Kinship, by Hughes]. Annals of Human Biology, 17(5), 455-456.
Crawford, M. H. (1990). [Review of the book Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology, by Provine]. American Journal of Human Biology, 2(5), 592-593.
Crawford, M. H. (1990). [Review of the book South American Indians: A Case Study in Evolution, by Salzano and Calagari]. Human Biology, 62(3), 455-456.
Crawford, M. H. (1989). Genetic structure of the Mennonite populations of Kansas and Nebraska. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 78(2), 207.
Crawford, M. H. (1989). Biological Anthropology at the 12th ICAES. Anthropology Today, 5(1), 27.
Crawford, M. H., & Comuzzie, A. G. (1989). Genetic and morphological variation in the Black Carib populations of St. Vincent and Livingston, Guatemala. Collegium Antropologicum, 13(1), 51-61.
Crawford, M. H., Dykes, D. D., & Polesky, H. F. (1989). Genetic structure of Mennonite populations of Kansas and Nebraska. Human Biology, 61(4), 493-514.
Crawford, M. H., & Lasker, G. W. (1989). Introduction to the Special Issue on Foundations of Anthropological Genetics. Human Biology, 61(5-6), v-vi.
Crawford, M. H. (1989). Letter from the Editor-in-Chief. Human Biology, 61(2), I-V.
Stevenson, J. C., Everson, P. & Crawford, M. H. (1989). Mennonite fertility in three Midwest communities: Changes in completed family size and reproductive span. Human Biology, 61(1), 99-116.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1989). Political affiliation, modernization and mating structure in Fogo Island, Newfoundland. Collegium Antropologicum, 18(1), 1-9.
Crawford, M. H. & Lasker, G. W. (Eds.). (1989). Foundations of Anthropological Genetics. Human Biology, 61(5-6), 615-958.
Crawford, M. H. (1988). Modernization and the genetic structure of Central America. Human Biology, 75(2), 199-200.
Sukernik, R. I., & Crawford, M. H. (1988). Pervonachalnoe zaselenye Ameriki v svete danihk populatsionoy genetiki [Peopling of America in light of population genetic data]. In V. A. Tishkov (Ed.), Ekologiya Amerikansih Indeitsyev i Eskimosov (pp. 19-32). Nayka.
Devor, E. J., Crawford, M. H., & Osness, W. (1988). Age and simple reaction time: Relation between neural and motor components. Anthropologiai Kozlemeryek, 31(1-2), 29-33.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1988). Repetition of the same pairs of names in marriages in Fogo Island, Newfoundland and genetic variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 77(2), 253-260.
Crawford, M. H. (1988). [Review of Circumpolar Health 84, by ed. R. Fortuine]. Human Biology, 60(4), 657-659.
Crawford, M. H. (1987). Baboon lymphoma susceptibility: A disease model. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 72, 190.
Crawford, M. H. (1987). Origin and maintenance of genetic variation in Black Carib populations of St. Vincent and Central America. In D. F. Roberts & G. DiStefano (Eds.), Genetic Variation and its Maintenance (pp. 157-180). Cambridge Press.
Crawford, M. H., Devor, E. O'Rourke, D. Yakovleva, L. A., Voevodin, A. F., & Lapin, B. (1987). Genetics of primate lymphoma in a baboon (Papio hamadryas) colony of Sukhumi. Genetica, 73, 145-157.
Crawford, M. H. (1986). The geography of Mexican population structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69, 191.
Crawford, M. H. (1986). Biological aging of Midwestern Mennonites. K.U. Gerontology Review, 8(4), 1-3.
Crawford, M. H. (1986). The effects of modernization on population structure. Collegium Antropologicum, 9(2), 131-154.
Devor, E. J., McGue, M. Crawford, M. H., & Lin, P. M. (1986). Transmissible and non-transmissible components of anthropometric variation in the Alexanderwohl Mennonites. I. Description and familial correlations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69(1), 71-82.
Devor, E. J., McGue, M. Crawford, M. H., & Lin, P. M. (1986). Transmissible and non-transmissible components of anthropometric variation in the Alexanderwohl Mennonites. II. Resolution by path analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69(1), 83-92.
Crawford, M. H., & Koertevlessy, T. (1985). Interactions of economic, religious preference, geography and migration on the population structure of Newfoundland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 66, 159.
Sirijaraya, S. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1985). Multivariate analysis of anthropometric measurements of the Mennonites. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 66, 232.
Koertvelyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1985). Population affinities on Fogo Island, Newfoundland. 66, 190.
Crawford, M. H. (1985). [Review of Ancient North Americans, by ed. Jennings]. Annals of Human Biology, 12(3), 301.
Crawford, M. H. (1985). [Review of Biochemical Aspects of Evolutionary Biology, by Nitecki]. American Anthropologist, 86(3), 742-743.
Koertveleyessy, T. & Crawford, M. H. (1984). The analysis of matings in selected Newfoundland communities with isonymy and surname-pair-matrices. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 63(2), 179.
Crawford, M. H., Koertvelyessy, T. & Huntsman, R. (1984). The relationship between historical demography and genetic structure of Newfoundland populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 63(2), 148-9.
Crawford, M. H. (1984). Blood group, serum protein, red cell enzyme polymorphisms and admixture among the Black Caribs and Creoles of Central America and the Caribbean. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 303-333).
O'Rourke, D. H., Baume, R. M., Mielke, J. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Dental variation in Black Carib populations. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 169-187).
Lin, P. M., Enciso, V. B., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Dermatoglyphic variation among the Black Caribs. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 241-269).
Hutchinson, J. Lin, P. & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Factors influencing blood pressure level among the Black Caribs of St. Vincent. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 215-239).
Devor, E. J., Crawford, M. H., & Enciso, V. B. (1984). Genetic population structure of the Black Caribs and Creoles. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 365-379).
Schanfield, M. S., Brown, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Immunoglobulin allotypes in the Black Caribs and Creoles of Belize and St. Vincent. In . (Ed.), Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 345-363).
Crawford, M. H. (1984). Problems and hypotheses: An introduction. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics. Vol. III. Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (pp. 1-9). New York: Plenum Press.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (1984). Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics. Black Caribs: A Case Study of Biocultural Adaptation (M. H. Crawford, Ed., Vol. III). New York: Plenum Press. 395.
Devor, E. J., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). A commingling analysis of quantitative neuromuscular performance in a Kansas Mennonite congregation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 63(1), 28-38.
Devor, E. J., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Family resemblance for neuromuscular performance in a Kansas Mennonite congregation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 64(3), 289-296.
Devor, E. J., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Family resemblance for normal pulmonary function. Annals of Human Biology, 11(5), 439-448.
Dykes, D. D., Crawford, M. H., & Polesky, H. F. (1984). Gc subtypes identified by isoelectric focusing in Baboons (Papio hamadryas). Human Genetics, 69, 89-90.
Crawford, M. H., O'Rourke, D. H., Dykes, D. D., Yakovleva, L. A., Voevodin, A. F., Lapin, B. & Polesky, H. F. (1984). Inbreeding, heterozygosity and lymphoma risk among the Baboons(Papio hamadryas) of the Sukhumi Primate Center. American Journal of Primatology, 63, 143-153.
Devor, E. J., Crawford, M. H., & Koertvelyessy, T. (1984). Marital structure and genetic heterogeneity of Ramea Island, Newfoundland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 61, 401-409.
Devor, E. J., Crawford, M. H., & Osness, W. (1984). Neuromuscular performance in a Kansas Mennonite congregation: Age and sex effects. Human Biology, 57(2), 197-211.
Crawford, M. H. (1984). Biological aging in Midwestern Mennonites. AAGE Newsletter, 5(4), 3-5.
Sukernik, R. I., & Crawford, M. H. (1984). Popylyatsionaya biologia o pervonachalnom zaselenii Ameriki [Population biology and the original settlement of America]. Preroda, 4, 90-99.
Crawford, M. H., Dykes, D. D., & Polesky, H. F. (1983). Genetic structure of Mennonite populations of Kansas and Nebraska. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 60, 186.
Sirijaraya, S. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1983). Inbreeding in the Meridian Mennonites of Kansas. 60, 254-255.
Sirijaraya, S. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1983). Marital movement, surname isonymy, and isolation in Burgeo, Newfoundland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 60, 214-215.
Lin, P. M., Enciso, V. B., & Crawford, M. H. (1983). 1983 Dermatoglyphic inter- and intrapopulation variation among indigenous New Guinea groups. Journal of Human Evolution, 12(1), 103-123.
Lin, P. M., & Crawford, M. H. (1983). A comparison of mortality patterns in human populations residing under diverse ecological conditions: A time series analysis. Human Biology, 55, 35-62.
Byard, P. J., Schanfield, M. S., & Crawford, M. H. (1983). Admixture and heterozygosity in West Alaskan populations. Journal of Biosocial Science, 15, 207-216.
Dykes, D. D., Crawford, M. H., & Polesky, H. F. (1983). Population distribution in North and Central America of PGM and Gc subtypes as determined by isoelectric focusing (IEF). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 62(2), 137-146.
Crawford, M. H. (1983). The anthropological genetics of the Black Caribs (Garifuna) of Central America and the Caribbean. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 25, 155-186.
Crawford, M. H., & Sukernik, R. (1982). Effects of geography and language on the genetic structure of indigenous populations of Siberia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 57, 177-178.
Crawford, M. H., & Enciso, V. (1982). Population structure of the people of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. In M. H. Crawford & J. Mielke (Eds.), Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics: Ecology and Population Structure (Vol. II, pp. 51-91). Plenum Press.
Crawford, M. H. & Mielke, J. H. (Eds.). (1982). Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics. Ecology and Population Structure (M. H. Crawford & J. H. Mielke, Eds., Vol. II). New York: Plenum Press. 525.
Blattner, W. A., Crawford, M. H., & Gallo, R. (1982). 1982 The human type-C retrovirus, HTLV, in Blacks from the Caribbean region, and the relationship to adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. International Journal of Cancer, 30, 257-264.
Crawford, M. H., & Rogers, L. (1982). Population genetics models in the study of aging and longevity in a Mennonite community. Social Science and Medicine, 16, 149-153.
Koertvelyessy, T. Crawford, M. H., & Hutchinson, J. (1982). PTC taste threshold distributions and age in Mennonite populations. Human Biology, 54(3), 635-646.
Crawford, M. H. (1982). [Review of The First Americans: Origins, Affinities and Adaptations, by Laughlin and Harper]. Annals of Human Biology, 9(2), 181-182.
Crawford, M. H., & Lin, P. (1981). A comparison of mortality patterns in human populations residing under diverse ecological conditions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 54(2), 212.
Byard, P. J., & Crawford, M. H. (1981). Determinants of average heterozygosity in Inuit populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 54(2), 211.
Hutchinson, J. & Crawford, M. H. (1981). Genetic determinants of blood pressure level among the Black Caribs of St. Vincent. Human Biology, 53(3), 453-466.
Dykes, D. D., Crawford, M. H., & Polesky, H. F. (1981). Genetic variants of the Properdin factor B (Bf) in Papio hamadryas. Folia Primatologia, 36, 226-31.
Relethford, J. H., Lees, F. C., & Crawford, M. H. (1981). Population structure and anthropometric variation in rural Western Ireland: Isolation by distance and analysis of the residuals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 55(2), 233-245.
Crawford, M. H., Dykes, D. Mielke, J. & Polesky, H. F. (1981). Population structure of circumpolar Alaskan and Siberian indigenous communities. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 55, 167-186.
Dykes, D. D., Polesky, H. F., & Crawford, M. H. (1981). Properdin factor B (Bf) distribution in North and Central American populations. Electrophoresis, 2, 320-323.
Crawford, M. H. (1981). The Black Caribs (Garifuna) of Livingston, Guatemala: Genetic markers and admixture estimates. Human Biology, 53(1), 87-103.
Crawford, M. H. (1981). [Review of An Introduction to Evolutionary Genetics, by D.T. Parker]. Annals of Human Biology, 8, 77-78.
Crawford, M. H., & Rogers, L. (1980). Population genetic models in the study of longevity in a Mennonite community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52(2), 216.
Crawford, M. H. (1980). The breakdown of reproductive isolation in an Alpine genetic isolate: Acceglio, Italy. In . Ericksson. Forsius. Nevanlinna, & . Workman (Eds.), Population Structure and Genetic Diseases (pp. 57-71). Academic Press.
Mielke, J. H. & Crawford, M. H. (Eds.). (1980). Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics. Theory and Methods (J. H. Mielke & M. H. Crawford, Eds., Vol. I). New York: Plenum Press.
Crawford, M. H. (1980). Genetic epidemiology and anthropology. Journal of Medical Anthropology, 4(3), 415-422.
O'Rourke, D. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1980). Odontometric microdifferentiation of transplanted Mexican Indian populations: Cuanalan and Saltillo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52(3), 421-434.
Crawford, M. H., & Devor, E. J. (1980). Population structure and admixture in transplanted Tlaxcaltecan populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52(4), 485-490.
Relethford, J. H., Lees, F. C., & Crawford, M. H. (1980). Population structure and anthropometric variation in rural Western Ireland: Migration and biological differentiation. Annals of Human Biology, 7(5), 411-428.
Schanfield, M. S., Alexeyeva, T. E., & Crawford, M. H. (1980). Studies on the immunoglobulin allotypes of Asiatic populations VIII. Immunoglobulin allotypes among the Touvinians of the U.S.S.R. Human Heredity, 30(6), 343-349.
Baume, R. M., & Crawford, M. H. (1980). The asymmetry of dental traits in Mexican and Belizean groups. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52(3), 315-322.
Crawford, M. H., Mielke, J. H., Dykes, D. & Polesky, H. (1979). Population structure of Alaskan and Siberian indigenous communities. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 50, 431.
Lin, P. M., Crawford, M. H., & Oronzi, M. (1979). Universals in dermatoglyphics. In W. Wertelecki & C. C. Plato (Eds.), Dermatoglyphics 50 Years Later (Vol. XV, pp. 63-84).
Relethford, J. Lees, F. & Crawford, M. H. (1979). Anthropometric variation and isolation by distance in Western Ireland, 1936. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 50, 434.
Crawford, M. H. (1979). Comments on Spielman's article on Evolutionary Relationships: Guaymi and Yanomama. Current Anthropology, 20, 384-385.
Baume, R. M., & Crawford, M. H. (1979). Discrete dental trait asymmetry in Mexico and Belize. Journal of Dental Research, 58(8), 1811.
Crawford, M. H., Dykes, D. D., Skradeski, K. & Polesky, H. F. (1979). Gene flow and genetic differentiation of a transplanted Mexican population: Saltillo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 50, 401-412.
Crawford, M. H. (1978). Biological and demographic characterization of the migrants of Saltillo and Cuanalan, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 50, 431.
Crawford, M. H. (1978). Population dynamics in Tlaxcala, Mexico: The effects of gene flow, selection, and geography on the distribution of gene frequencies. In C. Otten, B. Hamed, & R. Meier (Eds.), Genetic Studies on Human Populations (pp. 215-225). The Hague: Mouton Press.
Crawford, M. H., & Oberdieck, L. (1978). Aging, longevity and genetics: Anthropological perspective. Dialogue, 4, 37-40.
Crawford, M. H. (1978). Comments on Szathmary and Ossenberg's article. Current Anthropology, 19, 686.
Baume, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1978). Discrete dental traits in four Tlaxcaltecan Mexican populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 49(3), 351-359.
Crawford, M. H., & O'Rourke, D. H. (1978). Inbreeding, lymphoma, genetics and morphology of the Papio hamadryas colony of Sukhumi. Journal of Medical Primatology, 7(6), 355-360.
Schanfield, M. S., Crawford, M. H., Turner, K. & Fudenberg, H. H. (1978). The distribution of immunoglobulin allotypes in two Tlaxcaltecan populations. Annals of Human Biology, 5, 577-590.
Crawford, M. H. (1978). [Review of Population Structure and Human Variation IBP 11, by Cambridge]. Human Biology, 51, 589-591.
O'Rourke, D. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1977). Fluctuating dental asymmetry in Mexican Indian populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 47, 153.
Crawford, M. H. (1977). Human Population Study. Science, 196, 153-155.
Crawford, M. H., & Gonzalez, N. (1976). Estimates of Indian admixture in the Black Carib population of Livingston, Guatemala. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 44, 172-173.
Crawford, M. H., Workman, P. L., McLean, C. & Lees, F. C. (1976). Admixture estimates and selection in Tlaxcala. In M. H. Crawford (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans: Prehistory, Demography, Morphology, and Genetics (Vol. 7, pp. 161-168).
Lees, F. & Crawford, M. H. (1976). Anthropometric variation in Tlaxcaltecan populations. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans(Vol. 7, pp. 61-80).
Crawford, M. H., Lin, P. M., & Thippeswamy, G. (1976). Dermatoglyphic variation in Tlaxcaltecan populations. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans (Vol. 7, pp. 120-144).
Crawford, M. H., Lisker, R. & Perrez Briceno, R. (1976). Genetic micro-differentiation of two transplanted Tlaxcaltecan populations: Cuanalan. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans (Vol. 7, pp. 169-175).
Crawford, M. H. (1976). Introduction: Problems and Hypotheses. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans (Vol. 7, pp. 1-6).
Turner, J. H., Crawford, M. H., & Leyshon, W. C. (1976). Localization of the Rh-trove point in a Tlaxcaltecan family by serological banded karyotype correlation studies. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans (Vol. 7, pp. 155-160).
O'Rourke, D. H., & Crawford, M. H. (1976). Odontometric analysis of adult dentitions of four Tlaxcaltecan populations. In . (Ed.), The Tlaxcaltecans (Vol. 7, pp. 81-92).
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (1976). Anthropology Series. The Tlaxcaltecans: Prehistory, Demography, Morphology and Genetics (M. H. Crawford, Ed., Vol. 7). University of Kansas. 208.
Crawford, M. H. (1976). [Review of Introduction to Behavioral Genetics, by McClearn and DeFries]. American Anthropologist, 77, 966-967.
Crawford, M. H. (1976). [Review of The Assessment of Population Affinities in Man, by Huizinga and Weiner]. Human Biology, 48, 795-797.
Crawford, M. H. (1975). Genetic divergence of a transplanted population: Cuanalan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 42, 296.
Crawford, M. H. (1975). Genetic affinities and origins of the Irish Tinkers. In E. Watts, F. Johnston, & G. Lasker (Eds.), Biosocial Interrelations in Population Adaptations (pp. 93-103). The Hague: Mouton Press.
Halberstein, R. A., & Crawford, M. H. (1975). Demographic structure of a transplanted Tlaxcalan population in the Valley of Mexico. Human Biology, 47(3), 201-232.
Crawford, M. H., & Goldstein, E. (1975). Demographic structure of an urban, ethnic, isolate: Polish Hill, Pittsburgh. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 43(1), 133-140.
Turner, J. H., Crawford, M. H., & Leyshon, W. C. (1975). Phenotypic karyotypic localization of the human Rh-locus on chromosome 1. Journal of Heredity, 66, 97-99.
Crawford, M. H. (1975). [Review of In Search of Ourselves: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology, by Poirier]. Annals of Human Biology, 2, 415.
Crawford, M. H. (1974). Breakdown of a genetic isolate: Acceglio, Italy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 41, 473.
Crawford, M. H., & Halberstein, R. A. (1974). Biological anthropology in Latin America. In D. E. Steward (Ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies (pp. 139-152). Washington, D.C: Library of Congress.
Halberstein, R. A., & Crawford, M. H. (1974). Anomalous color vision in three Mexican populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 41, 91-94.
Crawford, M. H., & Gmelch, G. (1974). Demography, ethnohistory, and genetics of the Irish Tinkers. Social Biology, 21, 321-331.
Crawford, M. H., Leyshon, W. C., Brown, K. Lees, F. & Johnson, R. S. (1974). Human biology of Tlaxcala: II. Blood group, serum, red cell frequencies, and genetic distances of the Indian populations of Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 41(2), 251-68.
Crawford, M. H. (Ed.). (1974). Symposium of Recent Developments in Hominid Evolution. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 65-209.
Crawford, M. H. (1974). [Review of Problems in Human Biology, by Salzano and Freire-Maia]. Human Biology, 46, 598-600.
Crawford, M. H. (1973). Genetic hybridization of Mexican populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 40, 128.
Crawford, M. H. (1973). Our troubled environment. In T. Weaver (Ed.), To See Ourselves: Anthropology and Modern Social Issues (pp. 383-389). Scott Foresman Press.
Crawford, M. H. (1973). Some environmental problems for physical anthropologists. In T. Weaver (Ed.), To See Ourselves: Anthropology and Modern Social Issues (pp. 429-432). Scott Foresman Press.
Crawford, M. H. (1973). The use of genetic markers of the blood in anthropological investigations. In M. H. Crawford & P. Workman (Eds.), Methods and Theories in Anthropological Genetics (pp. 19-39).
Crawford, M. H. & Workman, P. L. (Eds.). (1973). Methods and Theories in Anthropological Genetics (M. H. Crawford & P. L. Workman, Eds.). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. 509.
Halberstein, R. A., Crawford, M. H., & Nutini, H. G. (1973). Historical-demographic analysis of Indian populations in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Social Biology, 20, 40-50.
Crawford, M. H. (1973). [Review of Essays in Population History: Mexico and the Caribbean, by Cook and Borah]. American Anthropologist, 75, 1809-1810.
Geffroy, M. V., Brockington, P. Geffroy, J. & Crawford, M. H. (1972). Inbreeding and its consequences in a frontier community in the Dominican Republic. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(437)
Halberstein, R. A., & Crawford, M. H. (1972). Human biology of Tlaxcala, Mexico: I. Demography. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 36(2), 199-212.
Crawford, M. H., Sciulli, P. Gmelch, G. & Leyshon, W. C. (1971). Human biology of the itinerant (Tinker) populations of Ireland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 32, 351.
Crawford, M. H. (1971). Comments on Assumptions in Hominid Evolution. Current Anthropology, 12, 527-528.
Crawford, M. H. (1971). Hemoglobin polymorphism in primates. Science, 171, 706.
Halberstein, R. & Crawford, M. H. (1970). Demographic comparison of a Mestizo and Indian population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 33, 132.
Crawford, M. H., & Leyshon, W. C. (1970). Estimates of selection and hybridization in a Mestizo population, Tlaxcala, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 33, 127.
Crawford, M. H. (1970). Trends in genetics and biological anthropology. In B. Seigel (Ed.), Biennial Review of Anthropology (pp. 191-251). Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
Crawford, M. H., Depaolis, D. & Grosspietro, L. (1969). 1969 Preliminary report on the demographic trends in an Italian Alpine isolate. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 31, 225.
Simons, R. C., & Crawford, M. H. (1969). Determination of paternity in group-born Macaques. In Proceedings of the International Primatological Association (pp. 254-60). Karger Press.
Crawford, M. H., & Hadden, D. (1968). Serum pseudocholinesterase in the Prosimii, Cercopithecoidea, and Ceboidea. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 29, 129.
Crawford, M. H. (1967). Serum pseudocholinesterase in the Hominoidea. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 28, 243.
Crawford, M. H., Morrow, A. & Motulsky, A. G. (1966). Red-cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase variation in Primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 27, 243.
Crawford, M. H. (1966). Hemoglobin polymorphism in Macaca nemestrina. Science, 154, 398-99.