Ted Goebel

- Professor
- Department Chair
- Social and Behavioral Sciences Anthropology
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Ph.D., University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1993
- Spring 2025 Office Hours: Mon. 3:00-4:00PM & Thurs. 1:00-2:00pm, and by appointment - send email to goebel@ku.edu
Contact Info
1415 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Education —
Peopling of the Americas; Paleoindian and Paleolithic hunter-gatherer adaptations; prehistory of western North America, Alaska, and Asia.
Teaching —
Dr. Goebel has taught a variety of courses, including undergraduate classes in stone-artifact analysis, fieldwork, archaeology of Eurasia, archaeology of North America, and archaeological theory; and graduate classes in lithic technological organization, the peopling of the Americas, and Great Basin prehistory and paleoecology. At KU, his current course listing includes:
ANTH 317 Archaeology of Eurasia
ANTH 406 Archaeological Research Methods
ANTH 453/853 Archaeological Theory
ANTH 516 Hunters & Gatherers
Selected Publications —
Goebel, T. (2022, in press) Opposites Attract: Why a Bi-polar, Hemispheric Perspective to the Peopling of the Americas is Needed. In Archaeology of Piedra Museo Locality: An Open Window to the Early Population of Patagonia, edited by L. Miotti, M. Salemme, and D. Hermo. Springer.
Goebel, T., John F. Hoffecker, Kelly E. Graf, and Richard S. Vachula (2022) Archaeological Reconnaissance at Lake E5 in the Brooks Range, Alaska and Implications for the Early Human Biomarker Record of Beringia. Quaternary Science Reviews 286: 107553.
Goebel, T., B. Hockett, D. Rhode, and K. Graf (2021) Prehistoric Human Response to Climate Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America: The Bonneville Estates Rockshelter Radiocarbon Chronology. Quaternary Science Reviews 260:106930.
Pratt, J., T. Goebel, and K. E. Graf (2020) A Circum-Pacific Perspective on the Origin of Stemmed Points in North America. PaleoAmerica 6(1):64-108.
Smith, H. L., and T. Goebel (2018) The origins and spread of fluted-point technology in the Canadian ‘ice-free corridor’ and eastern Beringia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:4116-4121.
Goebel, T., and J. F. Hoffecker (2017) A Dry Creek retrospective. In Dry Creek: Archaeology and Paleoecology of a Late Pleistocene Hunting Camp, by W. R. Powers, R. D. Guthrie, and J. F. Hoffecker, edited by T. Goebel, pp. 261-288. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Goebel, T., and B. A. Potter (2016) First traces: Late Pleistocene human settlement of the Arctic. In Handbook of Arctic Archaeology, edited by O. Mason and M. Friesen, pp. 223-252. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Selected Presentations —
Goebel, Ted (2022) Problems and Prospects in the Study of Modern-Human Dispersal in Northern Asia. Invited lecture presented at the symposium “Insights into Human History in the Eurasian Stone Age: Recent Developments in Archaeology, Palaeoanthropology, and Genetics”, Tohoku Forum for Creativity, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, September 29.
Goebel, T. (2021) Interpreting Technological Activities and Organization at McDonald Creek, Central Alaska, c. 13,900 Calendar Years Ago. Poster presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, online, April 17.
Goebel, T., B. Hockett, D. Rhode, and K. Graf (2020) Human Response to Climate Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America: The Bonneville Estates Radiocarbon Chronology. Poster presented at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, online, December 7.
Goebel, Ted (2019) New Discoveries, Lasting Controversies in the Peopling of North America. Keynote Lecture for Donnel Foster Hewett Symposium, The Peopling of the Americas, Lehigh University, Lehigh, February 7.
Goebel, Ted (2018) The Bering Land Bridge and the Ice Age Peopling of the Americas. Carroll D. Clark Lecture in Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, September 11.
Goebel, T. (2017) The Paleoindian Record at Bonneville Estates Record: Implications for the Ice Age Peopling of the Americas. Invited lecture presented at the Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, April 13.
Goebel, T. (2016) Prehistory, Paleogenomics, and Paleoecology of Beringia: A New Synthesis. Invited keynote lecture presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Whitehorse, May 4-7.
Creative Works —
Principal Investigator, Excavations at Paleoindian sites in Harney basin, Oregon, 2018-present.
Memberships —
Editor, PaleoAmerica, 2014-present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2017-present.
Editor, PaleoAmerica, 2014-present.
Associate Editor, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2017-present.
Powers, W. R., R. D. Guthrie, and J. F. Hoffecker (2017) Dry Creek: Archaeology and Paleoecology of a Late Pleistocene Hunting Camp, edited by T. Goebel. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Kaifu, Y., M. Izuho, T. Goebel, H. Sato, and A. Ono (editors) (2014) Emergence and Diversity of Modern Human Behavior in Paleolithic Asia. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Straus, L., and T. Goebel (2011) Humans and Younger Dryas: Dead End, Short Detour, or Open Road to the Holocene?Quaternary International, Volume 242, Issue 2.
Goebel, T., and I. Buvit (editors) (2011) From the Yenisei to the Yukon: Interpreting Lithic Assemblage Variability in Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Beringia. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
Society for American Archaeology
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society