Sandra J. Gray CV
Address, Department of Anthropology
622 Fraser Hall
Telephone: 785-864-2646
FAX: 785-864-5224
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KA 66045-2110
Ph.D. in Anthropology, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1992 Ph.D. Thesis: Infant Care and Feeding among Nomadic Turkana Pastoralists of
Northwest Kenya: Implications for Fertility and Child Survival
M.A. in Anthropology, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1988
M.A. Thesis: Growth of settled Turkana schoolchildren.
B.F.A. in Theatre. The Goodman School of Drama of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1974. Non-theatre courses required for the degree were taken at Mount Holyoke College between 1969 and 1971.
Areas of Specialization
Biocultural and medical anthropology. Human adaptability (human nutrition and dietary strategies, child growth, maternal and child health, fertility, maternal and child survival). Current research focus is threefold: 1) effects of psychosocial stress on maternal strategies and child outcomes; 2) economic development, conflict and culture change in African pastoralist societies; 3) suicide among African pastoralists. Area focus: East Africa.
Teaching Experience
Associate professor, University of Kansas, 1998-present
Assistant professor, University of Kansas, 1992 to 1998
Graduate teaching assistant, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1987-91 Courses taught at the University of Kansas: Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology (UG)
General Anthropology (UG)
Human Adaptation (UG)
Ecology and Biology of African peoples (UG)
Anthropology of Sex (UG)
Peoples of Africa (UG)
African Pastoralists (G)
Senior Seminar in Human Biology (UG)
Readings in Evolutionary Theory (G, UG)
Contemporary Health Issues in Africa (G, UG)
The Biology of Human Nutrition (G, UG)
Nutrition through the Life Cycle (G, UG)
Nutritional Anthropology (G)
Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (UG)
Human Growth & Development (G)
Human Reproductive Biology and Behavior (G) Other courses:
Instructor, with Prof. Robert Herbert, The State University of New York at Binghamton, Summer, 1991. Course: Language, Sex and Gender
Teaching Assistant, The State University of New York at Binghamton, Fall 1990, Course: Language and Human Behavior
Teaching Assistant, The State University of New York at Binghamton, Fall 1987, Fall 1988, Course: Introduction to General Anthropology
Teaching Assistant, The State University of New York at Binghamton, Spring, 1988, Course: Human ViolenceGraduate students:
PhD Committee member: Degree awarded: Anthony Comuzzie, Ravi Duggirala, Nancy Palmer, Jodee Hunt (Ecology and Systematics), Kathleen Fuller, Stan Moore, Rector
Arya. Sobha Puppala, Jennifer Hunter, Sue Schuessler, Moussa Sissoko (American
Studies), Miriam Vukovic (American Studies), Kathleen Nuckolls (Ecology &
Systematics), Yelena Wu (Clinical Child Psychology). Current: James Herynk
PhD Committee, Chair: Degree awarded: Christine Löhn (co-chair), Mary Sundal Current: Steven Corbett, Lee Hayes
MA students, Advisor: Degree awarded: Danette Knowlton, Heather Devlin, Steven Corbett. Brandi Wiebush, Mary Sundal, Shawna Carroll-Bender, Kelsey Needham. Current: Grace Kalele-Lee
MA Committee member: Degree awarded: Kari North, Lisa Martin, Chris Nicolay, Jennifer
Giesler, Kathleen Fuller, Kathleen Dahl (Ecology and Systematics), William Snook (HSES), David Pieczkiewicz, Melissa Filippi-Franz
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisor: Degree awarded: Kathleen Dahl, Cari Clark,
Jennifer Krygiel, Megan Zimbeck, MiRa Kang, Beth Peterson, Rachel Seymour,
Samantha Walls. Christopher Grosh McNair Scholars Mentor: Darouney Keosay, Harriet Browne. Current: Nina Nganga
Teaching awards
2011 J. Michael Young Award for Outstanding Academic Advising (Social Sciences) 2009 Kemper Award, University of Kansas Endowment
2002 H. Bernerd Fink Award for Excellence in Teaching (Chancellor’s Award)
2000 Kansas University Commission on the Status of Women, Outstanding Woman Educator
1998 Center for Teaching Excellence, Award for teaching excellence in Anthropology 1996 Nominated for Michael J. Young Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, Univ. Kansas
Other Employment
Field archaeologist, The Public Archaeology Facility at the State University of New York at Binghamton, 1987 to 1991.
Professional actress, 1974 - 1985.
Professional Organizations
African Studies Association
Society for Applied Anthropology
American Anthropological Association
Actors' Equity Association
Grants Awarded
2013 (FYR) General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Demographic impact of Disarmament and military occupation in Karamoja, Uganda, 2005-present. $14,800. This proposal was submitted in 2012; funding was for FYR 2013
2010 The Legal Aid Basket Fund. Customary Law and Practice among the Groups of the Karamoja Region. Preliminary planning meeting in Kampala, Uganda on Sept 27- 27. Air fare plus expenses.
2006 General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Drought, famine and disarmament in northeastern Uganda: biobehavioral consequences in a nomadic population. $8,000.
2005 The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. Forgotten: Deaths and Life in a Little War. $25, 996.
2003 Wenner-Gren Foundation. The Impact of AK-47 raiding on maternal strategies in an African pastoralist society. $25,000.
2003 General Research Fund, University of Kansas. The impact of AK-47 raiding on human fitness (survival and reproduction) in two African pastoralist societies. $9,145
2000 Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, in support of the lecture
series presented as part of Women’s Works 2000: From Our Past to Our Future, an exhibition at the University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology.
1998 Kansas Humanities Council. Grant to support an interdisciplinary exhibition at the University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, spring, 2000. Exhibit entitled Women’s Works 2000: From Our Past to Our Future. $10,698.
1998 General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Grant to support demographic research in Karamoja, Uganda. $5,775.0.
1998 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Economic development and disequilibrium: Population dynamics of Karimojong pastoralists of Uganda, $14,860.
1997 National Geographic Society, Development and nonequilibrium: Population dynamics of Karimojong pastoralists of Uganda, $17,200.
1996/97 General Research Fund, University of Kansas. Grant to undertake archival and planning research in Uganda in July and August, 1996. $5,875
Other awards
2009 Sabbatical leave for Fall, 2009-2010, to work on monograph, Surviving a little war: Life history strategies in Karamoja, Uganda.
2000-01 Sabbatical leave for fall semester, 2000. Laboratory Training in Field Methods in Quantitative Endocrinology. Under the supervision of Kenneth Campbell, UMASSBoston.
1998 Carrol D. Clark Award (Anthropology) Small grant for equipment, for field work in Uganda, 1998-99.
1997 Sponsored participant, Grants Writing Workshop (Institute for Public Policy)
1994 Carrol D. Clark Award (Anthropology), for exploratory research in Uganda and in Kenya.
1994 Additional financial support from Area Studies and from RGSPS to support an exploratory research project in Uganda, on effects of political and environmental stress on agro-pastoral systems in Karimoja, Uganda.
1993-95 Sponsored participant, Title VI Grant for Faculty and Curriculum Development in African and African-American Studies. This sponsorship also included travel money to participate in the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, in 1993 and in 1994.
1992 Distinguished Dissertation in Social Sciences, State University of New York at Binghamton
1991/92 Dissertation Year Fellowship, State University of New York at Binghamton Field Experience
2012 December 2012 – February 2013. Demographic follow-up on effects of disarmament and military occupation in Karamoja, Uganda
2004 June - December. Language study and archival research in Kampala and field work in Karamoja, Uganda. Documented impact of violence on maternal and child health, mortality, child growth, and maternal behavior and decision making. Followed up on participants from 1998-1999 study.
1998-9 Karamoja, Uganda, from June, 1998 through March, 1999. Demographic survey, mapping, health and nutrition exams, and collection of reproductive histories of Karimojong women, from Matheniko and Bokora territorial sections. Successfully collected over 300 reproductive histories and conducted 900 detailed anthropometric examinations. Compiled preliminary event calendar to for Karamoja (Bokora and Matheniko).
1996 June-July. Karamoja, Uganda. Collection of health data from health centers in Moroto, for the period 1992-1996.
1994 June. Karamoja, Uganda, visit with a health team from UNICEF and the Ministry of Health. Toured health facilities in Kotido and Moroto and participated as a consultant in district health meetings
1989-90. February-March (12 months) Dissertation research among nomadic pastoralists in Turkana District, Kenya, as part of the NSF-funded project on reproductive ecology of nomadic Turkana. Research included an independent study of breastfeeding and maternal and child nutrition, and participation in Paul Leslie's field study of ovarian hormonal function (involved urinalysis).
1988 (July-August) Assistant to Michael Little and Kathleen Galvin, Turkana. The work at that time was primarily nutritional survey, and involved anthropometric examination.
Peer-reviewed Publications
2017 Gray, SJ., MB Sundal. “Milk has gone”: Dietary change in Karamoja, Uganda. American Anthropologist, 119, No. 4, pp. 662–683. I wrote all of this and did all of the analysis.
2015 Gray, SJ. Karimojong politics revisited. In G. Ice, D. Dufour and N. Stevens (eds). Disasters in field research: Preparing for and coping with unexpected events. Boulder, CO: Rowan & Littlefield, pp. 17-19.
2014 Gray, SJ. Structural violence and the embodied state. In Rhine, K and Janzen, J (eds). Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology.
2011 Gray SJ. Child growth in Karamoja, Uganda: Effects of conflict, subsistence change and maternal behavior. In VR Preedy (ed) Handbook of growth and growth monitoring in health and disease. Volume 1. London: Springer, pp 681-708. 2011 Gray SJ. ‘Someone Dies in Your Lap’: Structural, Ecological, and Political Effects on Child and Maternal Health Care Decisions, Moroto District, Uganda 2004. Nomadic Peoples 14(2):44-71.
2010 Dancause KN, Gray SJ, Akol HA. Beer is the Cattle of Women: Sorghum Beer Commercialization and Dietary Intake of Agropastoral Families in Karamoja, Uganda. Soc Sci Med 70:1123-1130
2010 Gray SJ, Akol HA, Sundal MB. Longitudinal weight gain of immunized infants and toddlers in Moroto District, Uganda (Karamoja subregion). Amer J Hum Biol 22: 111-123
2009 Gray SJ. Pastoralist identity and the experience of violence in southern Karamoja. In Changing identifications and alliances in North-Eastern Africa. Vol. II: Sudan, Uganda, and the Ethiopia-Sudan borderlands. Edited by Schlee G. and Watson E. Oxford: Berghahn books.
2009 Gray SJ. Economic activities of Karimojong men and women in two villages in Moroto District, August-December, 2004. In Sustainability in Karamoja? Rethinking the terms of global sustainability in a crisis region of Africa. Edited by Knaute D. and Kagan S. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, p 480-491.
2009 Gray SJ, Akol HA, Sundal MB. Mixed-longitudinal growth of Karimojong boys and girls in Moroto District, Uganda. Amer J of Hum Biol 21:65-76.
2008 Gray SJ, Akol HA, Sundal MB. Mixed-longitudinal growth of breastfeeding children in Moroto District, Uganda (Karamoja sub-region). A loss of biological resiliency? Amer J of Hum Biol 20:499-509.
2007 Gray, SJ, Akol, HA, Sundal, M. Social and demographic effects of the crisis in Karamoja: a preliminary report. Uganda Journal 51: 15-26.
2004 Gray SJ, Wiebusch B, and Akol HA. 2004. Cross-sectional growth of pastoralist Karimojong and Turkana children. Amer J Phys Anthropol 125: 193-202.
2003 Gray SJ, Sundal M, Wiebusch B et al. 2003. Cattle raiding, cultural survival, and adaptability of East African pastoralists. Current Anthropology 44 (Supp):S3-S30. 2003 Corbett S, Gray SJ, Campbell B and Leslie PW. Comparison of body composition among settled and nomadic Turkana. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 42: 193-212.
2002 Gray, SJ, Leslie, PW, and Akol, HA. Uncertain Disaster: Environmental instability, colonial policy, and the resilience of East African pastoralist systems. In Leonard, WR and Crawford, MH (ed) The Human Biology of Pastoral Populations, pp. 99130. Cambridge University Press.
2001 Little MA, Gray SJ, and Campbell BC. Milk consumption in African Pastoral Peoples. In Drinking: Anthropological Approaches, ed. I. DeGarine and V. DeGarine, pp. 66-86. New York: Berghahn Books.
2000 Gray SJ. The memory of loss: Ecological politics, local history, and the evolution of Karimojong violence. Human Organization 59 (4):401-418
1999 Gerber L, Williams GC, and Gray SJ. The nutrient-toxin continuum in human evolution. Quarterly Review of Biology 74:273-89.
1999 Gray SJ. Infant care and feeding. In Turkana Herders of the Dry Savanna. Ecology and Biobehavioural Response of Nomads to an Uncertain Environment (ed. M.A. Little and P.W. Leslie, pp. 165-85, Oxford University Press, Science and Medical Division.
1999 Little MA, Gray SJ, Pike IL, Mugambe M. Infant, child and adolescent growth and adult status. In Turkana Herders of the Dry Savanna. Ecology and Biobehavioural Response of Nomads to an Uncertain Environment (ed. MA Little and PW Leslie), pp.187-204 Oxford University Press, Science and Medical Division.
1998 Gray SJ. Butterfat feeding in early infancy in African populations: New hypotheses. American Journal of Human Biology 10(2): 163-78.
1996 Gray SJ. Ecology of weaning among nomadic Turkana pastoralists of Kenya: Maternal thinking, maternal behavior, and human adaptive strategies. Human Biology 68:437-65.
1995 Gray SJ. Use of recall data to identify correlates of breastfeeding frequency among nomadic pastoralists of Turkana, Kenya. Amer. J. Physical Anthropology 98:239255.
1994 Gray SJ. Correlates of dietary intake of lactating women in South Turkana. Amer. J. Human Biology 6:369-387.
1994 Gray SJ. Comparison of effects of breastfeeding practices on birth spacing in three societies: Nomadic Turkana, Gainj and Quechua. J. Biosoc. Sci.26:69-90.
1993 Little MA, Gray SJ, Leslie PW. Growth of settled and nomadic Turkana infants of northwest Kenya. Amer. J. Physical Anthropology 92:273-289.
1990 Little MA, Gray SJ. Growth of young nomadic and settled Turkana children. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 4:3(NS):296-314. Publications submitted or currently in progress
ND | Gray, SJ. Effects of livelihood change on growth and nutritional status of Karimojong children in northeast Uganda. Submitted to American Journal of Physical Anthropology, August, 2017. Revise and resubmit, January 2018. In revision.[1] (This will be split paper into two separate submissions, per recommendations of reviewers:
ND | Gray, SJ. Maternal ideologies and child health in Karamoja, Uganda. In prep for submission to Social Science and Medicine, Spring 2018b. |
ND | Gray, SJ. The animals kill the children: Canine follicle extraction (CFE) and maternal idioms of distress in Karamoja, Uganda. For submission to Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Spring, 2018b. |
ND | Gray, SJ. Suicide, Poison and Cultural Dissonance in Karamoja, Uganda. In prep. |
ND | Gray SJ. Dead babies: Motherhood on the frontlines in northeast Uganda. |
| Monograph, in progress. |
ND | Gray, SJ. “Famine has scattered us all”: Genealogic history a pastoralist community |
in northern Uganda. Monograph.
Other publications
2017 Gray, SJ, MK Mirzeller and MA Little. Vera Radaslava (Demerec) Dyson-Hudson
(1930–2016). American Anthropologist, 119, 3, pp. 568‒571. [Obituary] I wrote most of this, especially as it pertains to her achievements and struggles in academe.
2005 Gray SJ. The many faces of Mrs. X: maternal risk and reproductive realities in Tanzania. Current Anthropol 46: 149-150 (book review)
2005 Gray SJ. Human senescence. J Biosoc Science 37 (book review)
2000 Gray SJ Why Geese Don’t Get Obese (and We Do). Book review, Quarterly Review of Biology 75(3):305
1999 Gray SJ. Child Growth and Nutrition in Developing Countries: Priorities for Action. Book review, Culture and Agriculture 21: 44-46.
1996 (Book Review) Gray, S. J. Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives. Human Biology 68:837-40. (Book review)
1994 Gray SJ. On the Status of East African Pastoral Communities. KU Anthropologist 6(1):1, 14-15.
1989 Gray SJ. Child Survival. Anthropological Perspectives on the Treatment and
Maltreatment of Children. American Journal of Human Biology, 1(3): 384-385.
Invited presentations:
2014 Gray, SJ. Role of conflict and population displacement in ebola outbreaks. Paper presented as part of the symposium, The ebola outbreak in wider perspective; Social scientists discuss health, the state and society in Africa. University of Kansas African Studies Center, 12 November.
2013 Gray, SJ. Invisible genocide in Karamoja, Uganda. Paper presented at the Hall
Center for the Humanities forum on violence and genocide. October, 2013
2012 Gray, SJ. Between rocks and hard places: Maternal investment in Karamoja,
Uganda. Part of the sponsored panel, Crossing Safely into Toddlerhood: An
Ecological Perspective on Risks to Infant Care, 111th Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, 14-18 November, San Francisco 2012 Gray, SJ. Demography of conflict in Karamoja, 2004-2007. Part of roundtable session, Research Frontiers in the East African Pastoralist Zone: Karamoja, Uganda, 55th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, 29 December – 1 March, Philadelphia
2010 Discussant and Panel Chair: Gender, Violence and Displacement. International Conference on Medical Anthropology in Global Africa, University of Kansas, 16-18 September
2010 Gray SJ. Crimes, Punishment and Customary Law among Matheniko and Bokora Karimojong. Program Paper prepared for the Feinstein International Center for a presentation to the Legal Aid Basket Fund, Kampala, 27 and 28 September
2003 Gray SJ. Effects of violence on health and health care delivery in northern Uganda. Univ. of Minnesota, Division of Nutritional Science. November 18th.
2001 Gray SJ. Murder and mayhem, flight and famine: the experience of violence and pastoralist identity in southern Karamoja. Paper presented at the conference, Changing identifications and Alliances in North-Eastern Africa, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, 5th-9th June. In prep for edited volume.
2001 Gray SJ. With Eyes Wide Shut: Violence and Human Population Biology of East African Pastoralists. Talk presented at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 26th February.
2000 Gray SJ. “In the Year of Amin”: Biocultural research and the memory of Karimojong violence. Presented at the panel, Ethnography of Karamoja and Lake Turkana through Thick and Thin ( 0-091), Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 15-19 November.
2000 Gray SJ Human Ecosystems research in northern Uganda and Kenya. Public lecture sponsored by University of Massachusetts Department of Biology, Boston, September 22nd
2000 Gray SJ. The energetics of infant care and feeding among the Turkana and Karimojong. paper presented as part of the symposium, Baby Food: A Biological Standard of Living for Infants? Stanford University, Dept. of Anthropological Sciences, April 17th.
1998 Little MA, Gray SJ, and Campbell BC. Milk consumption in African Pastoral Peoples. Paper presented at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Williamsburg, VA, July.
1998 Discussant. International Conference on Mammoth Site Studies, University of Kansas, March 11-13.
1998 Gray SJ. Infant outcomes in Karamoja, Uganda. Talk presented at Institute of Biological Anthropology, Oxford University, 12 July, 1998.
1997 Gray SJ. and Leslie PW. Human population dynamics in nonequilibrial systems: fertility in Turkana and Karamoja. Paper presented at the symposium, The Last of the Nomadic Herders: Biocultural Dimensions, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Seattle, WA, 13-18 February.
1996 Gray SJ. Ecology of Infant Nutrition, Infant Growth, and Health in Ngisonyoka, Turkana. Paper presented at a symposium, Human Biology of the Turkana, at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Chapel Hill, NC, 9th-13th April, 1996.
1996 Gray SJ. Bitter herbs and the bad root: Ecology of weaning among nomadic pastoralists of Turkana, Kenya. Paper presented at the symposium Ecology of Breastfeeding, at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Council, Durham, NC, 9th-10th April, 1996.
1995 Gray SJ. Fat for the hungry season: infant feeding strategies among nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Paper presented at the symposium Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Society, Washington, DC, 15th-19th November, 1995.
1992 Gray SJ. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, February 1992, "Ecological Contexts of Infant Feeding Practices among Nomadic Turkana Pastoralists".
1992 Gray SJ. Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, 4 October 1991: "Infant care and feeding among nomadic Turkana pastoralists: Maternal strategies in an unpredictable environment."
1991 Gray SJ. Case Western Reserve University, January 1990: "Infant care and feeding among nomadic Turkana pastoralists of northwest Kenya."
Papers presented at scholarly and professional meetings
2016 Gray, SJ. “My mother got annoyed”: Narratives of Suicide in Karamoja, Uganda. Paper presented at the panel, Narratives, Violence and the Moral Imagination in Africa and Beyond. 115th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropology Association, 18 November 2016.
2014 Gray, SJ. “He got annoyed”. Suicide in Karamoja, Uganda. Paper presented at the roundtable, Violence, Narrative and Remembrance on the Karamoja Plateau. Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN, 20-23 November
2014 Gray SJ. Suicide as personal protest in Karimojong agropastoralists of Uganda. Paper presented as part of panel: Suicide: a round table discussion of ethnographic findings for East African pastoralist communities. 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 18-22.
2012 Gray SJ. When borders fail: Geopolitical fragmentation of the East African pastoralist zone. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, 29 March, 2012.
2008 Gray SJ. Maternal effects on weight gain of infants in Karamoja, NE Uganda. Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, April 9-10, 2008, Columbus, OH
2008 Seymour R, Gray SJ. Subsistence activity and childcare among Karimojong women. Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, April 9-10, 2008, Columbus, OH.
2007 Gray SJ. Fertility of agropastoralist Karimojong women in northeast Uganda. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, March 28-29, 2007, Philadelphia.
2006 Gray SJ, Chittoor G, Alinga HA. Nutritional strategies in Karamoja, Uganda (2004). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, March 8. Anchorage, AK.
2006 Gray SJ. Mixed longitudinal growth of agropastoral children in northern Uganda. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, March 10, Anchorage, AK.
2006 Needham K, Gray SJ, Akol HA. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, March 8. Anchorage, AK.
2002 Gray SJ. Growth in puberty of pastoralist children in Turkana, Kenya, and Moroto, Uganda: a life history perspective. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, April 14-16, 2002. Buffalo, NY.
2001 Wiebusch B, Gray SJ, and Akol HA Child growth among Karimojong agropastoralists of northeast Uganda. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City, MO, April, 2001.
2001 Sundal, M, Gray, SJ, and Akol, HA Child mortality among Karimojong agropastoralists of northeast Uganda. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City, MO, April, 2001.
2000 Gray SJ, Akol HA. Reproductive histories and life history of Bokora and Matheniko Karimojong women of northeast Uganda. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio, April 12-15, 2000.
2000 Kang M, Gray SJ, Akol HA. Parity effects on female body composition among Karimojong agropastoralists of northeast Uganda. Poster presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio, April 12-15, 2000.
1999 Gray SJ. Chairmen, guns, and elders: Karimojong politics revisited. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-America Alliance for African Studies, University of Kansas, September 23-25, 1999.
1998 Gray SJ. and Pike IL. Morbidity, pregnancy outcomes and fitness costs of sedentarization among pastoralist women in Uganda. Paper delivered at The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Salt Lake City, April.
1998 Corbett S, Gray S J, Campbell, B., Leslie, P. W. Comparison of body composition among settled and nomadic Turkana. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Salt Lake City, April.
1998 Devlin H. and Gray SJ. Morbidity in Karamoja, Uganda, 1992)1996. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Salt Lake City, April. Under review.
1997 Gray, SJ. Pregnancy outcomes of women in Karamoja, Uganda: birthweight, stillbirths, and perinatal mortality. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, St. Louis, MO, April.
1995 Gray SJ. The ecology of infant feeding and infant growth among nomadic Turkana pastoralists of Kenya. Paper presented as part of a panel, Reproduction and Health among nomadic Turkana pastoralists of northwest Kenya, at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in Orlando, FL, 3rd-6th November, 1995
1995 Gray SJ. Organizer and chair, Reproduction and health among nomadic pastoralists of northwest Kenya: A biocultural perspective, Panel presented at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in Orlando, FL, 3rd-6th November, 1995.
1995 Gray SJ. Marital status at first parturition and reproductive histories of nomadic women of Turkana, Kenya. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Oakland, CA, 29 March-2 April, 1995.
1994 Gray SJ. Africa without tears: Fieldwork, teaching and humor. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 3-6 November, 1994
1993 Gray SJ. Dietary intake and nutritional status of Turkana mothers and nurslings. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Toronto, Canada, April 14-17.
1992 Gray SJ. Fertility levels and birth spacing among a group of breastfeeding Ngisonyoka Turkana women. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Las Vegas, April, 1992.
1991 Gray SJ. Impact of seasonality on breastfeeding patterns of nomadic Turkana women. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, April 3-6.
1989 Gray SJ and Little MA. Growth of settled Turkana schoolchildren. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Diego, April 4-8.
1991 Leslie PW, Gray SJ, Lange K, Shell B, and Campbell KL. Intrauterine mortality among nomadic and settled women in Turkana, Kenya. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, April 3-6.
1991 Little MA, Leslie PW, DeLuca MA, Gray SJ, Lama L, and Lange K. Energy reserves and reproductive history of nomadic and settled Turkana women. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, April 3-6.
1990 Lange K, Little MA and Gray SJ. Relationships between infant growth and maternal body composition in Turkana pastoralists. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Miami, April 3-7.
1990 Leslie PW, Gray SJ, and Campbell KL. Evaluation of reproductive function in nomadic and settled Turkana by analysis of urinary hormones. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Miami, April 3-7.
Record of professional service
2015 – present Undergrad Director and Advisor.
2014 Chair, Department Pre-Tenure Review Committee for Carlos Nash. I also was responsible for reviewing his research. I was appointed to this position with relatively little advance notice, due to the prolonged leave of Arienne Dwyer
2014 Emcee of the retirement event for John Janzen (spring)
2014 Committee member and chair, Department Committee on Promotion and Tenure for Katie Rhine. Member in charge of reviewing her service; after John Janzen’s retirement I acted as chair of this committee and oversaw its responses to the College and University committees’ requests for further information 2013-present Undergraduate Coordinator and Advisor
2013 Chair, Committee on Core Curriculum Proposals
2013 Department “Vision” Committee
2013 Co-Chair (with Jack Hofman): David Frayer’s retirement celebration
2011 Chair, Ad hoc committee to investigate potential for introducing departmental concentrations
2011-spring Interim Undergraduate Coordinator
2009-2010 Faculty Evaluation Committee | |
2008-2010 | Undergraduate Committee |
2008-2009 | Provost’s Project on Documenting Undergraduate and Graduate Learning |
2007-2009 | Search Committee Co-chair, Position in Medical Anthropology |
2005-2008 | Undergrad Coordinator for Anthropology |
2005 | Search Committee, anthropology/AAAS hire in North African culture |
2205 | Search Committee, joint position in AAAS and Anthropology (North Africa) |
2004 | Graduate Committee |
2004 | Interim undergraduate director. |
2001-2005 | Curriculum Committee, chair |
2001 | Discussant, Dinner & Discussion: Medical Anthropology at KU |
2000 | Search Committee – joint position in Anthropology and Women’s Studies, |
1998, 1996 | Invited participant in Growth Seminar sponsored by KU Anthropology Graduate Students' Organization. |
1998, 1996 | Coordinated exchange of guest lectures with colleagues in the Division of Nutrition, Kansas State University. |
1995-1998 | Graduate Committee |
1995 | Search Committee, sociocultural and Latin American studies position |
1995 | Search Committee, department chair |
1992-5 Undergraduate Committee (also serves as Carroll D. Clark Fund Committee)
1992-1998 Contributing faculty editor and advisor, KU Anthropologist (formerly Aborigine)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
2015 Faculty Presentation on Research, KU African Studies Center, 16 February
2013-present Executive Committee, KU African Studies Center
2011-2013 Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising
2010-2013 Committee on Promotion and Tenure
2005-present African Studies Program, health and development concentration, advisor 2003 Sabbatical leave committee.
2002-4 Executive Committee, African Studies Council (governing body of the Title VI sponsored African Studies Resource Center) 2003 African Studies Center Executive committee
2002-4 Director, Human Biology Program
- African Studies Resources Center Summer Institute for [K-12] Teachers, June
2001, presentation “Health Issues and the dilemma of HIV/AIDS in Africa
2001-2004 African Studies Resources Center: Africana Library Resources Committee
2001-2004 Graduate Council Standing Committee on New degrees and Degree Programs 1994-present Human Biology Program Committee representative from Anthropology; academic advisor, instructor.
1997-2007 Presenter health issues in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Studies Summer Workshop for K-12 instructors.
1997-2000 Exhibit Director and Curator, Women's Works 2000, an interdisciplinary exhibition to presented at the Museum of Anthropology, Spring, 2000. Involved planning and procuring financial support (grant writing), as well as coordinating efforts of representatives from a number of university departments. The exhibition opened on February 25th, 2000. It was featured in NEH magazine, representing Kansas projects in the humanities.
1997-8 Executive Committee, African Studies Resource Center
1997 Financial Aid to Students Committee (SenEx)
1995-7 Planning committee for Women's Exhibit at Museum of Anthropology.
1996 Faculty Advisor to 3E committee
1995-7 Human Biology Program Task Force. The Committee was charged with revision of curriculum and restructuring of this interdisciplinary program. 1995 Internal evaluation committee for Title VI National Resource Center project, African and African-American Studies
1995 Member of film selection and review committee, Hall Center Grant to African and African-American studies
1995 Invited presentation at Hall Center for the Humanities panel discussion Border Maneuvers, 23 October 1995.
1995 African Studies and Geography: served in an advisory capacity (as an East Africanist) in the search for an African cultural geographer.
1995 Faculty representative, Summer Orientation luncheons
1994-5 African and African-American Studies MA Program Planning Committee (involved drafting of MA proposal)
1994-present Guest lecturer for AFS 305 (Modern African History) and AFS 550 (Senior Seminar in African Social and Political Development)
1993-5 Participation in Title VI African and African Studies Faculty and Development Workshops. Required participation in several week-end long workshops, plus planning and presentations, drafting of curriculum modules.
1993 Assisted in drafting of proposal requesting federal funding of KU Dept of African and African American Studies as one of the National Undergraduate centers. Proposal was accepted
1992-present Contributed to several productions for the English Alternative Theatre, as a performer and as a faculty/professional mentor. The English Alternative Theater is a KU group which provides a forum for young playwrights, actors, and directors in the KU community. University
2014-present University Governance: Faculty Senate
University affiliated
2001 Ecumenical Christian Ministries (ECM) University Forum podium presentation, “The Role of Non-Government Organizations in Ongoing Violence in Northern Uganda”.
2001 Search Committee – Museum of Anthropology, Program Assistant for Public Education
2000 Participant in Wheat State Tour
1995-00 Director and Curator, Women's Works 2000: From Our Past to Our Future. An exhibition and performance series at the Museum of Anthropology, February 26, 2000, through July, 2000. A cross-disciplinary exploration of the role of women in preserving and transforming culture.
1999 Presentation on Walton Ford’s Hide Trade, Spencer Museum of Art, October, 1999.
1997 Invited participant, Human Development Proseminar Lecture Series, 24 January, 1997. Paper: Camels, cows and co-wives: The ecology of infancy in an African pastoralist population.
1996 Invited participant, the Virginia and Fred Merrill Advanced Studies center (HDFL), seminar: Research in Development and Nutrition - Kansas Inquiry, 4 October, 1996.
1996 With Beverly Mack of African and African American Studies, hosted a visit to KU by Soraya Mire, Somalian filmmaker. Participated in forum on female circumcision at KU Med Center, in which Ms. Mire was the keynote speaker.
1996 Invited discussant at an Ecumenical Christian Ministries University Forum: presented the results of a weekly seminar on Faith and Knowledge, sponsored during the fall semester by ECM
1995 Participant in faculty/graduate students seminar, Faith and Knowledge, organized by Ecumenical Christian Ministries
1994 Search Committee ) Associate Dean of Social Sciences
1992 Faculty Mentor Program ) KU Baseball
Local, State, regional
2001 First Presbyterian Church of Lawrence, presentation for forum, “Integrating Faith, Vocation and Work”.
1997 Workshop leader in a outreach workshop sponsored by African and African American Studies for local public school teachers, as part of the Undergraduate Center outreach program.
1997 Invited speaker, Annual Meeting of the Kansas History Teachers Association, Pittsburg State University.
1996 Conducted a workshop on African health issues, Johnson County Community College, April.
1996 Guest lecture on ecology of maternal and infant nutrition in Turkana Kenya. Kansas State University, Division of Foods and Nutrition. I am currently exploring the possibility of collaborative research in nutritional anthropology/international nutrition, with scientists at K State.
1995 Workshop leader in a two-week outreach workshop sponsored by African and African American Studies for local public school teachers, again as part of the Title VI Faculty and Curriculum Development Grant.
1995 Kaw Valley Outreach program: African studies in the school curriculum. Sponsored by KU African and African American Studies for public school teachers (elementary through high-school) in Douglas County. Presented a section on representation of Africa in the western media.
1995 Expanding Your Horizons in Science. Program sponsored by KU Women in Engineering and Science. A day-long workshop for junior high school girls, to introduce them to options open to them in the sciences (and at KU). Involved an information session, as well as two hands-on workshops, and a science "fashion show"
2007-present Editorial Board, American Anthropologist
2006-2007 Program Committee, Human Biology Association
2000-01 Co-chair (with David Frayer) of local organization for Annual Meeting of the Association of Physical Anthropologists, April, 2001, Kansas City, MO.
1992-present Peer reviewer: American Anthropologist, American Journal of Human Biology,
American Journal of Human Biology,Cambridge University Press, Human Biology, Human
Organization, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Quarterly Review of Biology, European Journal of Epidemiology, Social Science and Medicine, J of Biosocial Science. Also reviewer for National Geographic Society, Committee of Research and Exploration, National Science
Foundation (Anthropology, biological and cultural), Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
2008-9 Contributor, ACTED-sponsored conferences in Luneburg, Germany (Issues of
Pastoralism) and Groningen, Netherlands (The Future of Traditional Societies in Africa: The Karamoja region of Uganda). Was unable to attend but contributed materials
2004 Unpaid consultant to USAID, UNDP, KADEP and other government and nongovernment agencies on the continuing crisis in northeast Uganda.
1996 Meetings with government and NGO health and development workers, to identify research priorities in Karamoja, Uganda. Attended Annual Conference on Guinea Worm 2000, Kampala, Uganda, and Conference on a National Food Strategy for Uganda, also in July.
1996 Guest lecturer at Makerere University/Mulago, Child Health and Development Center. Kampala, Uganda
1994 Participated in meetings of the District Health Committees in Kotido and Moroto, Uganda (with representatives of UNICEF and Ugandan Ministry of Health), as consultant on child health and nutrition, and on the ecology of nomadic pastoralism in East Africa
1994 Helped coordinate and facilitate focus group sessions in Turkana Kenya, to assist representatives of the Kenyatta Medical Research Institute (Kemri) in their investigation of reproductive health, family planning, and AIDS education among nomadic pastoralists in Turkana, Kenya
Independent consulting
2003-04 Computer Frontiers International, subcontractors to USAID/MSI Greater Horn of Africa Peace Building Project. Assessment and programmatic recommendations: addressing pastoralist conflict in the Karamoja Cluster of Kenya, Uganda and Sudan.
2003 UNICEF (Kakuma, Kenya). Traditional infant feeding practices of nomadic Turkana herders.
2002 Management Systems International (sub-contracter to USAID)on pastoralist conflict in Kenya and Uganda
2000 USAID peace initiative in northern Uganda and Kenya
2000 Pax Christi, an organization concerned with the reduction of light weapons in Africa
1999 District Health Office, Moroto, Uganda. Discussed methods for collecting reproductive histories in March 1999 UNICEF survey in Moroto District, Uganda.
1998-9 Methods for health-related and demographic research in Moroto, Uganda.
Other community service:
2009 Performed in Lawrence Community Theater Production of Doubt (as Sister Aloysius) and participated in post-performance discussion of issues raised by play
2002 Performed lead (Vivian) in W;t, at Lawrence Community Theatre. Participated in post-performance panel discussions on cancer and cancer treatment (show was coproduced by Lawrence Memorial Hospital and LCT)
2001 Community Forum, Trying to make Sense of Recent Events, podium presentation, “The Children of Violence and the People Who Have Nothing”. Sponsored by Ecumenical Christian Ministries and the Community Mercantile, to facilitate community discussion of September 11th.
2001 Washburn University Theater, performed lead role (Vivian) in production of W;t, participated in talk-back session and panel on cancer, involving members of the Topeka medical community as well as cancer survivors and families of cancer victims.
- Invited presenter, Plymouth Congregational Church adult education series, The Church and the University(October)
1997-1998 Organizer and acting instructor, The Canterbury Group. The group was an experimental acting class for junior high and high school students. Its mission is to allow young people who might otherwise be denied the opportunity to explore their interests and talents as performers. It meets once a week in the evening, for 2 to 3 hours.
1996-2003Volunteer, Jubilee Cafe. The cafe serves the homeless.
1995-1998 Bishop's Committee member/vestry member, Canterbury House, a joint Lutheran-Episcopal undertaking at KU, which was both a residence for KU students as well as a worship community for KU faculty, staff and students. 1995 Cast member, Lawrence Community Theatre, 6 Degrees of Separation
Donald Stull, Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology
622 Fraser Hall,1415 Jayhawk Blvd
University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045
David Frayer, Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology
622 Fraser Hall,1415 Jayhawk Blvd
University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045
John Janzen, Professor Emeritus
Department of Anthropology
Director, African Studies Resource Center
622 Fraser Hall, 1415 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Telephone: 785-864-4103
Paul W. Leslie
Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Telephone: 919-962-1564
Michael A. Little, Distinguished Professor
Department of Anthropology
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
Telephone: 607-777-2732