David W. Frayer

- Professor Emeritus, Biological Anthropology
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Biography —
The evolution of European Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic skeletal populations was the early focal point of my work, emphasizing that evolution did not stop with the appearance of “modern” Homo sapiens at 30,000 years ago. After research documenting so-called Neandertal autapomorphies in the Upper Paleolithic groups, my work broadened to include topics ranging from Neandertal skeletal variation to the early dentistry in the Pakistani Neolithic to a 1 million year old Homo site in Eritrea. Some publications include a critique on Homo ‘floresiensis,’ an extensive bibliography of the Krapina Neandertals, chapters in a monograph on the Czech Aurignacian site of Mladeč and the presence of eagle talons at the Krapina Neandertal site. Much of my work is collaborative with colleagues in places other than Kansas.
Education —
Research —
Research Areas: paleoanthropology, human osteology; Old World Prehistory